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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Trump’s Vassalage to Israel Alienates Americans

Americans are getting a rare taste of responsible government
as enticement to attack Iran. Americans refusing to sacrifice life
and lucre for Israel will become the central issue of 2025. Trump and
Netanyahu are members of...
Feb 28 - Trump’s Vassalage to Israel Alienates Americans...

Demonrats Looted US Treasury.

Feb 28 - Demonrats Looted US Treasury : Congress critters are millionaires despite having a modest $175,000 per annum salary.How do they do it? They give money to friends who run NGO's, who then donate to their

Mike Stone - Transsexualism is Satanist Trademark

"Trust me when I tell you that not only are trannies much more common than most people think, 
they're also nothing new. 
In fact, this tranny game has been going on a long time,centuries even. 
Some people say the Statue of Liberty is a tranny."
Mike Stone - Transsexualism is Satanist Trademark...

Competing With God? Harari Suggests AI Could Write Bible, Creating 'Religions That Are Actually Correct'

A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized “new Bible.”
Competing With God? Harari Suggests AI Could Write Bible, Creating 'Religions That Are Actually Correct'

Why the MAGA movement is doomed to fail.

Donald Trump took former U.S. President Ronald Reagan’s “make American great again” slogan and used it to stifle legitimate conservatism/dissidents by way of misdirection. Incidentally, both Red Ronnie and Trump have proven themselves guarantors of the perest deception, which has secured the advancement of the Communist conspiracy against man and God.

By Ryan Augustine :

As a case study, we can look at the Jews and see how they gained political dominance. The Jewish people used debt-based finance and, aided by Satan and his minions, they parlayed the profit from usury to establish secret societies, criminal networks, and influence over the rulers of Europe.

Gaza Trump.

Donald Trump publie sur ses plateformes cette abominable vidéo générée par l'IA qui célèbre "Gaza Trump", la Babylone modern...
Conscience du peuple: Gaza Trump...

Trump Suffers From Aspergers

Makow --The Jewish Disease is Asperger's, the inability to consider other people's interests as equal to your own. 
Trump sees the dispossession and genocide of Palestinians in their ancestral homeland as a real estate proposition. 
How would he feel if a tribe of Seminole Indians repossessed Mar a Lago saying they lived there 2000 years ago!
Feb 26 - Trump Suffers From Aspergers...

The Triumph Of Technocracy: Trump, Elon & The Tech Elite Are Paving The Way For A Brave New World.

 We are living through a historic transition of power: the shift from a corrupt facade democracy to an AI-driven technocracy controlled by Silicon Valley billionaires.

While this unfolds, most observers are – as usual – focused on the wrong signals, missing the larger pattern of what’s actually happening. And what’s happening isn’t isolated to the United States – it’s a global agenda that will reshape every aspect of our lives.

Andrew Torba - Transhumanist Satanists Replace God

Transhumanism is not a new idea. It is simply a modern iteration of the oldest deception in history--the same lie whispered in the Garden of Eden: "You will be like God." Since the Fall, mankind has sought to escape the constraints of mortality, weakness, and dependency on the Creator. 
Andrew Torba - Transhumanist Satanists Replace God:

Chabad-Lubavitch and the Globalist-Prophecy-Fulfillment Scheme

"Jewish" central bankers and their royal family partners in crime. It is being orchestrated by the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist "Jewish" cult.
Chabad-Lubavitch and the Globalist-Prophecy-Fulfillment Scheme:

Rockefellers Conceived BRICS in 1956 as NWO Ploy

The BRIC nations are the Communist side of the Communist (Left) vs Zionist (Right) 
Masonic Jewish dialectic. While the Zionist side is discredited and destroyed, 
mankind will embrace the Communist NWO thinking it represents freedom.

Excerpts from the Rockefeller's Prospect for America 1956
Rockefellers Conceived BRICS in 1956 as NWO Ploy...

BRICS members hoping to develop a digital "BRICS Pay" cryptocurrency international trade system

The US dollar is the pillar of settling international trade deals, so when Washington decided to weaponise it in its clash with Russia, that sent shockwaves around the world. Now everyone who is not in the G7 club is looking for an alternative currency.

Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed.

 By Catherine Austin Fitts

Now that the Trump Administration has been in charge of the U.S. Executive Branch for two weeks, here is what appears to be underway. Despite the chaotic appearance, the plan being implemented is highly strategic and has been in the planning stages for quite a while. Looking through the fog of Omniwar, here is what the high-speed building of the control grid looks like so far.

Threat to Whites: The Opioid Plague.

Although we applaud the states’ attorneys general, all humanity needs to get away from the bread and circus and iPhones long enough to learn basic self-protection against this and many other predatory rackets. 
You are constant prey to the Kakistocratic Crime Syndicate’s system.

Flower Power Sowed Seeds for 50 Years of Weaponized Degeneracy.

 “A government could also supply drugs to help control a population. This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World (1932), has the governing element employing drugs selectively to manipulate the governed in various ways.” — Louis Jolyon West, “Hallucinations: Behavior, Experience, and Theory”

The role of gold in AI.

Beyond Science Fiction

Gold's superior conductivity ensures that data can be processed and transmitted at high speed with minimal energy loss. Furthermore, gold's resistance to corrosion ensures component longevity and durability –'s%20superior%20conductivity%20ensures%20that,continuous%20and%20intensive%20AI%20applications.

John Hamilton - Fort Knox Has Never Been Audited

While Fort Knox undergoes internal verifications, it does not receive a full, independent audit every year. The most recent large-scale checks have been limited in scope, and the last full audit of its contents was in 1953.

NPR is a propagandist for leftist lies.
John Hamilton - Fort Knox Has Never Been ...

Alerte aux Parents.

 Message d'alerte aux parents avec Marion SIGAUT, écrivain, historienne et conférencière.

Le combat d'une vie : dénoncer la sexualisation tous azimuts de la société. Pour la défense de la vérité, de l'innocence des enfants, du socle de la famille. Contre la barbarie en marche.

Pas de sexe à l'école, jamais. En aucun cas.

Marion Sigaut _ La Marche Rouge.

 En mai 1750, une rumeur faisant état d’enlèvements d’enfants mit Paris en émoi. Les gens disaient que des agents de police déguisés s’en emparaient et les envoyaient à l’Hôpital général. Des émeutes graves éclatèrent, des commissariats furent incendiés et des gardes tués. La répression de cette "Marche rouge" fut sévère et se solda par des condamnations à mort.

Mais qu’était donc cet Hôpital général dirigé par les magistrats du Parlement de Paris ?

Que sont vraiment devenus ces enfants ?

Autant de questions auxquelles Marion Sigaut, dans une enquête passionnante, tente d’apporter des réponses.

Des chrétiens au service de la bête.

Conscience du peuple: Des chrétiens au service de la bête:  Ces gens-là travaillent main dans la main avec le système de la bête à venir, ils font partie de la "prostituée", de la Babylone ...

En Syrie, les barbares sont au pouvoir avec la bén...

Les nouveaux dirigeants de la Syrie ne contrôlent pas vraiment le pays, où la résistance au règne de la terreur s'accroît.
Selon Declan Hayes, écrivain et militant pacifiste irlandais, des atrocités sont commises chaque jour en Syrie par les nouveaux dirigeants.
Cependant, les médias occidentaux gérés par les grandes entreprises ignorent ou censurent cette sombre réalité, parce que les gouvernements occidentaux ont soutenu l'opération de changement de régime.
Selon lui, la Syrie, berceau de la civilisation, est aujourd'hui dirigée par des barbares avec le soutien tacite des gouvernements et médias occidentaux.

L'Europe n’est qu’une vieille sorcière grincheuse ...

Les pouvoirs qui gouvernent l'UE depuis sa naissance sont les mêmes qui ont crée l'Union Soviétique et martyrisée la Russie pendant 75 ans. A savoir, le JUDAÏSME déguisé, selon les cas, en Communisme, en Fascisme, en Nazisme, tous inévitablement en lutte entre eux, mais toujours sous le contrôle et la direction plus ou moins occulte de la FRANC MAÇONNERIE qui est à son tour rigoureusement JUIVE.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : L'Europe n’est qu’une vieille sorcière grincheuse ...

L'État mafieux...

Les mafieux se disent de fervents catholiques. Ils vont à la messe, communient, collectionnent les crucifix et les images saintes. L'un va à l'église après chaque meurtre et demande à la Vierge la force de continuer, tout en implorant son pardon.

Il en est de même des terroristes islamistes (sunnites) comme al-Qaïda alias Al-Nosra, qui ont été mis au pouvoir (par l’Occident mafieux dont parle l’auteur) en Syrie ces derniers jours. Ces mêmes mafieux musulmans ont massacré plus de 200 milles algériens, ont pillé la Tunisie et l’Égypte lors du sinistre Printemps Arabe, et ils "gouvernent", c’est-à-dire pillent, actuellement la Libye et le Soudan.  
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : L'État mafieux

Influencers are Infighting over Sabattean-Frankism.

The influencers among the so-called “anti-semites” aka anti-Jews are infighting. Much of this centers around Candace Owens who before her awakening cancelled a number of these influencers while working for the Jewish run Daily Wire. So grudges are running hard.

The Kremlin directs the anti-Zionist movement on behalf of Jewry.

Soviet-created anti-Zionist leaflets dropped in Syria depict Israel and the “evil West” running ISIS, as propaganda to agitate the Muslims against West and into Communist hands.

By Timothy Fitzpatrick

Realizing the truth of the Perestroika deception has changed our understanding of the entire geopolitical game significantly.

Michael Sosa -- Revolutionary Jews (Trump, Putin, Netanyahu) are Satan’s Instruments

According to Christian tradition, Satan is the ape of God. He is, in other words, the perverse mimic or imitator of God.

Satan apes God with his own inverted counter plan. He communicates his anti-God will through conspiracies. Those conspiracies are the threads of Satan's perverse historical tapestry
Michael Sosa -- Revolutionary Jews (Trump, Putin, Netanyahu) are Satan’s Instruments

Stargate, mRNA, And The Internet of Bio-Nano Things

 Today the Independent Media Alliance brings you a panel focusing on the new Stargate Project, its focus on mRNA and artificial intelligence, and how this connects to the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Things, and where they intersect, in the Internet if Bio-Nano Things.

Atomic Bomb – Manhattan Project.

 By Larry Romanoff 

The ‘Manhattan Project’, the American project to develop and drop the first atomic bombs, was almost entirely a Jewish project, from Einstein’s first letter of encouragement to Roosevelt of the urgency to develop such weapons, to William Laurence sitting in the co-pilot’s seat during the bombing of Nagasaki. Many observers have noted that photographs of the Manhattan Project Team look like yeshiva photos, yearbook photographs of a Jewish high school reunion, and in fact the atomic bomb was widely known in scientific circles in the US as “The Jewish Hell-Bomb”.

Neuroweapons — more terrifying than the Atomic Bomb.

 By Cheryl Welsh

Since the 1950s, allegations of government Mind Control Weapons (now called neuroweapons) and nonconsensual human experimentation and targeting have been dismissed as science fiction. 

However, with a closer look at the history and science of neuroweapons and neuroscience, an extremely alarming discovery becomes obvious: compelling new evidence supports that secret neuroweapons are highly likely to already be developed.

My Atomic Bomb Findings - The grand manipulation 1945-2025

By Anders Björkman

 This is a very long article about the 1945/2025 US/Russian Atomic/A-Bomb manipulations. It is my opinion about fake US/Soviet/UK/France/North Korea/etc, A-Bombs and fake nuclear weapons, based on evidence, personal research, findings, moving around the world, meeting people involved in the fakery and common sense, info of which I have told my own children.


 Shedding a little light onto a lesser known CIA Operation CRIMSON MIST which was executed in Rwanda in 1994 and resulted in over 1,000,000 African's massacred in the resulting created chaos (Ordo Ab Chao). This is just their blueprint. It's so obvious if you study their historical record of actions toward the "common folk", regardless of where it's happening. If you think the 'Tuskegee Experiments' have stopped you're sadly mistaken.

Mind Control Information and Facts.

 Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded...

DK Ultra - Constructing The Mind Controlled State


"The Mass Mind Control of a population can be defined as the sophisticated exercise of control by utilising the ability to keep people oppressed yet contented". 

The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations 1954.

TI - Target Individual _China.

 One of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights is the proliferation of mind control technologies and their accompanying abuse and torture.

Despite of disagreements of religions, I indeed believe that everyone should fight against torture and abuse of mind control technologies and Directed Energy Weapons.

The Targeted Massachusetts.

 Targeted Massachusetts was Created to Share Answers to the Many Questions that You May Have, and to Share Questions Yet to be Answered. We Serve the United States and the World.

Target Individual -TI Germany



 In the description field of this video 140 websites about electronic torture:

How conspirators precondition a society to accept tyranny.

 Prerequisites to Tyranny

Conspirators use tools such as labelling truth-tellers as “conspiracy theorists” and propagandising the public to silence them and maintain control.

Another tool is staffing organisations with “clone thinkers” who won’t question the narrative. To achieve this, the establishment populates key institutions with compliant people, using tactics such as ideological onboarding, unconscious bias training and enforcing narratives through, for example, lack of promotion or disciplinary action for those who do not comply.

Most conspiracy theories are actually theories found in political science. So, another tool is to place a yawning gap between “conspiracy theory” and “political science.”

The creation of controlled opposition is also a tool used by the conspirators. The purpose of controlled opposition is to build trust before redirection. By doing so, unified movements are dissolved into smaller fragments, leading to division and inaction.

The Green Version of ‘The Law Of Unintended Consequences’.

 UK government is regulating farmers off their land and will destroy centuries-old farming traditions.

The UK government’s new policies, particularly the removal of the Agricultural Inheritance Tax exception, will lead to the demise of traditional family farms and the transfer of land ownership to large corporations, oligarchs or the state.

This will result in the loss of centuries-old farming traditions, the decline of rural communities and possibly the destruction of fertile agricultural land for solar panels and wind turbines.

In the following, Nanumaga argues that the Labour government’s policies are driven by an ideology that despises traditional farming practices and seeks to impose a socialist, conformist ethos on the countryside.

Did US Treasury Secretary Morganthau Provide Currency Printing Plates to Soviets? And the Instrumental Role of Mole Harry White.


High ranking British Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Morgan was responsible for post-war relief as the United Nations Relief and Recovery Agency’s (UNRRA) chief of 
Like U.S. Gen. George Patton, Morgan voiced his concern about abuses and corruption at the UNRRA and how funds and resources were being used. 
He stated in January 1946 that there was a secret Zionist organization that was attempting to facilitate an “exodus” of Jewish people from Europe to a new state in Palestine. For speaking out, Morgan’s position at the UNRRA in Germany was terminated.

When Will Stock Market Bubble Burst?

By Thomas Stone.
"I suspect the Trump regime is receiving orders to gut the public sector and hand it over to the private hands of the synagogue-controlled bankers, who work through their private corporations.
Feb 16 - When Will Stock Market Bubble Burst?...

Order out of Chaos - Problem, Reaction, Solution.

 By David Icke.

"You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren't atheists. 

You all have the same god, and its name is 'government.' 

You're all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. 

And you worship it with all your heart and soul."

Patrick J. McShay, The COVID-19 Vaccine is an Israeli Mossad Created Bioweapon to Genocide the World’s Population.

“The risk of Gain Of Function research is worth the risk of a pandemic.”
*Dr. Anthony Fauci- Former Director of the National Institute of Health

“The COVID-19 vaccines are causing the variant strains. This program was ill-conceived, unnecessary, and is killing people!”
*Dr. Luc Montagnier- World-renowned Nobel Prize-winning virologist who discovered the AIDS Virus.

György Lukács: Practitioner of Red Vanguard Anarcho Tyranny.

György Lukács (1885-1971) was one of the founders of western Marxism (aka cultural Marxism). He was born in Budapest, the son of wealthy Jewish investment banker Baron József Löwinger.

Why Do Illuminati Reveal Their Agenda?

They engage in cognitive dissonance by revealing the truth and then denying it. They'll tell you all about Agenda 2030 but this information never makes it into the MSM. 

They tell you about depopulation, "vaccine" genetic modification and transhumanism. They want our complicity. You knew and did nothing.

They want our soul.

Why Do Illuminati Reveal Their Agenda?...

The Jewish Peril And The Catholic Church.

 Editorial Note: That there has been and still is a Jewish problem, no one can deny. Since the rejection of Israel, 1,900 years ago, the Jews have scattered in every direction and in spite of difficulties and even persecutions, they have established themselves as a power in nearly every nation of Europe. Jacobs, in his “Jewish Contributions to Civilization,” glories in the fact that without detriment to their own racial unity and international character, the Jews have been able to spread their doctrines and increase their political, social and economic influence among the nations.

By The Catholic Gazette (London) February 1936

‘AI May Become Judge, Jury And Executioner’ – Global Risks Expert To RT

Dr. Mathew Maavak: First and foremost, Google was largely the creation of the US national security apparatus or simply, the “deep state”.The origins of many, if not all, Big Tech entities today can be traced to ground-breaking research undertaken by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and its predecessor the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). So, the quasi-private entity called Google is ... 

Western AI is Entirely Jewish, and Entirely Criminal.


China’s DeepSeek and the Criminal World of American AI — Part 3 

One aspect that has been ignored by everyone is the almost total Jewish control in the West of all information and information processing, and that includes the world of AI. Open AI, with Sam Altman at its head, is a Jewish company. Facebook (now “Meta”) and Google are the same. Some AI companies may have...

Trump mandaté à instaurer une théocratie Mondiale

Une théocratie mondiale antichrist est en train de naître et Donald Trump en est le facilitateur.

"Le Sanhédrin a publié une lettre ouverte au président Donald Trump, le félicitant d’avoir mis la foi au premier plan en créant un Bureau de la foi à la Maison Blanche. Le Sanhédrin a appelé le président à établir un Tribunal divin international pour toutes les nations.

Conscience du peuple: Trump mandaté à instaurer une théocratie mondiale...

MK ULTRA – Dr James Giordano – Neurosciences – Armes à Energies Dirigées – Nano Implants.

Un court extrait —mais suffisamment parlant et cynique pour extrapoler toutes les saloperies que ces Scientifiques concoctent depuis des décennies— d’une vidéo beaucoup plus longue du même biologiste devant un amphi d’officiers que...

Découvrez les ARMES MILITAIRES basé sur les neurosciences utilisées dans le harcèlement électromagnétique:

Dénoncer les réseaux de pouvoir maçonniques de l’état profond au sein de nos sociétés.

 Une structure commune dans un monde en apparence diversifié ?

Dans un précédent article, nous avions présenté l’opération Gladio de la CIA qui a militarisé les armées et services secrets des pays de l’Europe de l’Ouest contre leurs populations. Ainsi, nous savons que le SIFAR, renseignement militaire Italien issu de la période fasciste, a fiché plus de 157,000 personnes dans son territoire. Après les enquêtes sur Gladio, le SIFAR est devenu le SID et toutes les archives ont été données à la CIA.

En face, le bloc communiste n’avait rien à envier si l’on sait que rien qu’en Allemagne de l’Est, la Stasi, soi-disant « service de sécurité », avait fiché des millions de leurs citoyens...

Dès 2023, l’infiltration (ou plutôt la mainmise) de la franc-maçonnerie dans la police a été divulguée au grand public Français au travers de l’ouvrage de Frédéric Ploquin: « Les réseaux secrets de la police: Loges, influence et corruption ». Il serait naïf de penser que cette mainmise soit propre à la police.

La Pravda américaine : les Protocoles Des Sages de Sion.

Les sanctions sociales sont liées à une observation sagace, que l’on attribue souvent — mais à tort — à Voltaire :
"Si tu veux savoir qui te dirige, trouve simplement qui tu n’as pas le droit de critiquer".
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : La Pravda américaine : les Protocoles Des Sages de...

Un complot juif de la fin des temps annonce...

« Et nous voyons que nous y sommes presque. La Syrie est tombée. Le Liban est à moitié détruit. Gaza est déchirée. La scène est presque prête pour le Messie. 

Mais comment les Palestiniens peuvent-ils être là quand nous allons saluer le Messie ? 

Le Messie a besoin de quelqu'un pour s'en occuper, et dans ce cas, c'est Donald Trump. 

Trump ne fait qu'accomplir les dernières tâches nécessaires avant que le Messie ne soit révélé », a déclaré le rabbin Fish.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Un complot juif de la fin des temps annonce une gu...

L’hypothèse phénicienne : des guerres puniques à la directive Hannibal.

Plusieurs historiens se sont interrogés sur la coïncidence entre la disparition des Phéniciens après la destruction de Carthage au IIe siècle av. J.-C., et la soudaine présence de juifs dans tous le bassin méditerranéen, en particulier en Italie.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : L’hypothèse phénicienne : des guerres puniques à l...

Le "faiseur de paix"...

Trump, comme il l'a déclaré, prévoit d'occuper militairement Gaza, de procéder à un nettoyage ethnique des Palestiniens, ce qui ne peut être fait sans une intervention militaire dans laquelle...
Conscience du peuple: Le "faiseur de paix"...

Une formation en vue de préparer la Religion Mondiale.

Une formation de 3 ans sur les "7 lois noahides", ou "lois universelles", afin de préparer la mise en place de la religion mondiale.
Conscience du peuple: Une formation en vue de préparer la religion mondi...

Origins of the Surveillance State.

 Alfred W. McCoy  outlined the birth of the Surveillance State in the information technology revolution of the 1870s and 1880s (invention of the telephone, typewriter, widespread photographic film processing, electrical and telegraph networks, punch cards, and biometrics such as fingerprinting) and its later convergence with the imperatives of empire in the American colonial occupation of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War.

The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry.

Alduous Huxley wrote to George Orwell

“Within the next generation I believe that the world’s leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience.”

Precursor To The Global Crime Syndicate: The 19th-Century Opium Trade.

 The Chinese opium trade of the 19th Century was instrumental to the early incarnation of the global Crime Syndicate and put it into high gear. It was just the right degree of exploitative criminality, deep-state intelligence and enormous looting to launch, enrich and link the progenitors of today’s system.

The Rockefellers’ Alliance with the Judeo-British London Bankers.

 All of the incorporators of these foundations were closely linked with the Federal Reserve system, the War Industries Board of World War I, the OSS of World War II and the CIA. The foundations themselves functioned as monopolist organizations that consolidated and centralized control over the winners (often fellow Crime Syndicate types) and losers across a sphere of American and British influence.

Voice of God Mind Control.

 This has been described separately as the “voice of God,” voice to skull or V2k. This is microwave audio technology that can project sound to the inner ear to give messages to a targeted individual (TI). In a mind-controlled individual, the voice can be used to triggered an alter persona, which is how...

RFK Confirmed. We Are Still Poisoned Daily Via Geoengineering...

 The Monsters that have weaponized our weather and have poisoned our biosphere CAUSING climate change, illness and death in humans, and the extinction of uncounted species in order to supercharge the ionosphere with HAARP and nano metal oxides for military and mind control purposes - need to be tried for their crimes and the system needs to be shut down before it kills all life on earth.

Here Is A List Of Agencies/ Companies/ Military That Need To Be Investigated For Crimes Against Humanity

On Dresden 80th Anniversary -- Was it Genocide of Goyim?

Feb 13, 1945. looks like Gaza

"The bottom line is that Dresden Holocaust was a Talmudic human-sacrifice fostered by Illuminati Jew Winston Churchill.

This was merciless Talmudic Warfare (meaning Total War, Human Sacrifice, and Collective Punishment, all pursuant to the Talmud)."

More than 250,000 goyim died. Dresden had no strategic value. It was slaughter plain & simple. 

By Patrick O'Carroll
On Dresden 80th Anniversary -- Was it Genocide of Goyim?...

Feb 11 - Trump is Playing the Same Role as Hitler

The comment on that article mentioned Karl Marx as if he represented Jewish people, but he was a Jesuit tool like Trump, Hitler, Stalin, House (who controlled Woodrow Wilson) etc. This link explains how Marx is a Jesuit tool, which I would respond to that comment with.

Feb 11 - Trump is Playing the Same Role as Hitler...

Globalist Slavery Guide for Dummies

You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy" - The Plan for Global Control.
Globalist Slavery Guide for Dummies...

Jacob Schiff (1847-1920) Was the George Soros of His Day

"The German-Jewish banker Jacob H. Schiff was the Rothschild syndicate's most prominent representative in their genocidal war on the Russian People. Schiff implemented the Rothschild's plan to genocide the Russian People and steal the wealth of the Russian nation." 
 The NATO-Russia war over Ukraine may be an extension of this.

Jacob Schiff (1847-1920) Was the George Soros of His Day...

Trump Emerges as “Man of God”

Trump urges Americans to 'bring God back into our lives' in National Prayer Breakfast speech.
Trump's God condones ethnic cleansing and shooting women and children in the head.Trump's God is Satan. 
Satan's HQ on earth is Organized Jewry (Rothschild banking cartel).
Feb. 6 - Trump Emerges as “Man of God”

The Secret Holocaust.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn relates that some sixty-six million "real Russians" have been murdered since the Bolshevik Revolution at the hands of the Yiddish revolutionaries, and now three hundred million citizens of the United States await their turn in the abattoirs of the bloodthirsty Zionist terrorists.

Patrick OCarroll - Slogans are Key to Satanist Agitprop

David Irving showed how the Jewish Holocaust did not become a PRODUCT until March 1972, when a meeting of top Zionists and Madison Avenue executives launched it as the JEWISH HOLOCAUST ™©® with its dedicated "SIX MILLION" Slogan (Bernays always favored ONE slogan). In the 1100s, this slogan was co-invented by the "holy" rabbi Maimonides but it was in fact bogus. In the late 1940s, the meticulous International Red Cross of Geneva certified that 28 percent of the total 373,468 victims (=104,572) in Germany's WW2 labor-camps were Jewish and they died tragically of DISEASE and not by "genocide". This was later reaffirmed or reiterated by the Bad Arolsen Archives (citing IRC data) on 1 Jan 1984, as shown at...
Patrick OCarroll - Slogans are Key to Satanist Agitprop

C H A B A D M A F I A.

 The Jewish People have a big problem. This problem is an organization known as Chabad, Chabad-Lubavitch, or Lubavitch. 

This website describes this problem, and tries to prevent additional Jews from becoming "Victims of Chabad."

The Ugly Truth About Jewish Hegemony.

In Illuminati 4, I describe how Jewish hegemony pits two branches of Freemasonry against each other to start world wars to kill Gentiles, especially Christians. I show how Freemasons have been on both sides of every conflict including Gaza. It's Organized Jewry against humanity. Trump, Putin...
Feb 3 - The Ugly Truth About Jewish Hegemony

Trump Pardoned Fellow Chabad Gangster in 2017.

In 2017, Donald Trump pardoned a fellow Chabad gangster, kosher meat packer Rabbi Shalom Rabushkin. 
Rabushkin had served only nine years of his 27-year sentence.

Trump refused to pardon Edward Snowden & Julian Assange.)

Liberal Jew Discovered Evil Underside of Judaism. This shows that assimilated Jews are ignorant of the true Satanic nature
Trump Pardoned Fellow Chabad Gangster in 2017...

The Spanish Inquisition as ‘Black Legend’ Propaganda.

 Most Inquisition measures against false conversos (crypto-Jews) took place between 1491 and 1530, as the Reconquista was consolidated. Typically, these populations were expulsed, not executed. True conversos were not persecuted, but instead often advanced themselves and maneuvered into the bureaucracy and noble classes, typically through the age-old methods of marriage and money.

Welcome to America’s techno-military future.

 AI will be harnessed to assert global dominance.

Just before leaving the White House, in January 1961, President Eisenhower famously warned against the “military-industrial complex”, describing how defence firms and military officials colluded to unduly shape public policy. 

Joe Biden, 64 years later, dedicated his own parting message to similar themes. He evoked a new oligarchy — a “tech-industrial” complex that sucks power into Silicon Valley at the expense of the American people.

Tout commence : OpenAI lance « ChatGPT Gov » pour les gouvernements.

 Sam Altman devance Elon Musk pour fournir le premier ChatGPT complet aux gouvernements fédéral et étatiques. Le décret du 23 janvier de Trump sur l'IA a abandonné la réglementation et a confié le contrôle à David Sachs, le conseiller spécial pour l'IA et la cryptographie. Toutes les entités gouvernementales seront saturées d'IA d'ici la fin du mandat de Trump. Les technocrates sont aux commandes ; la dictature scientifique est en marche.

Le principal criminel de guerre, Benjamin Netanyahou, rendra visite à Donald Trump.

Premier dirigeant étranger à rencontrer le nouveau président à la Maison Blanche.

Le président Donald Trump a invité le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahou à le rencontrer à la Maison Blanche le mardi 4 février . Netanyahou sera le premier chef d’État étranger à rendre visite au nouveau président américain à la Maison Blanche et le message envoyé par ce fait semble inéluctable : Israël est dans l’esprit des éminences grises et des médias du pays le « meilleur ami » et le « plus proche allié » des États-Unis. 
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Le principal criminel de guerre, Benjamin Netanyah...

Au cœur de Paris, les colons israéliens mettent en ...

Bienveillance tricolore
Malgré les condamnations récurrentes par les autorités françaises des projets de colonisation des territoires palestiniens et des velléités d’expulsion de leur population, ni la Préfecture de police de Paris, ni le ministère des Affaires étrangères n’ont réagi à la vente de biens immobiliers situés dans les colonies israéliennes lors d’un salon se déroulant en plein cœur de Paris. La Préfecture s’est contentée de mettre en place un périmètre de sécurité pour assurer la bonne tenue de l’événement.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Au cœur de Paris, les colons israéliens mettent en...

Les "migrants illégaux", les "antisémites", les "antisionistes"...La liste risque d'être longue!...

Conscience du peuple: Les "migrants illégaux", les "antisémites", les "a...:  

IA = Une des pires Menaces pour l'Humanité.