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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Stalin’s Jews - LARRY ROMANOFF

 Some years ago, Sever Plocker wrote an article for Israel’s Ynet News titled “Stalin’s Jews” (1) in which he stated, “We mustn’t forget that some of greatest [mass] murderers of modern times were Jewish.”

 This article is a testimony to his statements.

Zionist Murderers Have Co Opted the West

April 26 - Zionist Murderers Have Co Opted the West :  If Westerners don't realize they are governed by traitors, they deserve their fate.-----
$95 BILLION Aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan READY WITHIN HOURS, Lawmakers' Personal Visit to ...

We need an exodus from Zionism-by Naomi Klein

 Zionism is a false idol that has taken the idea of the promised land and turned it into a deed of sale for a militaristic ethnostate

It is a false idol that takes our most profound biblical stories of justice and emancipation from slavery – the story of Passover itself – and turns them into brutalist weapons of colonial land theft, roadmaps for ethnic cleansing and genocide.

The Sinister Web Untangled: CIA & Rockefeller’s Secret Agenda Revealed in the Shocking 2025 Depopulation Report by Deagel.

In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery.

Nikola Tesla, robots and the transhumanist cult.

 ...In recent years, many have identified the “father” of trans-humanism and today’s AI cult to be Boston mathematician John McCarthy, while others have chosen to credit cybernetics founder Norbert Wiener with the honour. Others believe it to be game theorist John von Neumann and yet others ...