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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Precursor To The Global Crime Syndicate: The 19th-Century Opium Trade.

The Chinese opium trade of the 19th Century was instrumental to the early incarnation of the global Crime Syndicate and put it into high gear. It was just the right degree of exploitative criminality, deep-state intelligence and enormous looting to launch, enrich and link the progenitors of today’s system.

Implications religieuses de la théorie carthaginoise.

La culture du peuple juif après la mort du Christ a intrigué les chrétiens pendant des siècles. Comment les gens de l’Ancien Testament, qui étaient sensés suivre Dieu (même imparfaitement), pouvaient-ils persister dans le rejet du Christ et exister dans ce qui semblait être un état si particulièrement amoral ? Les Juifs du Moyen Âge étaient connus pour leur cruauté et leur cupidité, et il existe même des preuves qu'ils sacrifiaient parfois des enfants chrétiens . Certains pensent que les Juifs ashkénazes d’aujourd’hui ne sont pas les Juifs de la Bible, mais descendent de convertis turcs médiévaux, les Khazars
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Implications religieuses de la théorie carthaginoise

Jewish World Power Game, Marx-Brothers-Ism Uber Marxism, Jerry Springer as Cartoon Soros, and White Privilege Amidst 'Wokeness'.

 So much of what’s happening comes down to a matter of the Jews vs the World. Granted, plenty of Jews aren’t neo-satanist or crazy. Not all are powerful as there are plenty of righteous Jews who speak the truth or a portion of it. The late Stephen Cohen, Brother Nathanael, Norman Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald, and etc. Alas, they lack power.

Religious Implications of the Carthaginian Theory.

 The culture of the Jewish people following the death of Christ has puzzled Christians for centuries. How could the people of the Old Testament, who followed God (albeit imperfectly), persist in rejection of Christ and exist in what appeared to be such a uniquely amoral state? Jews in the Middle Ages were notorious for cruelty and greed, and there is even evidence that they would occasionally...

UN CODES is using the fabricated climate crisis to usher in digital twins and the Internet of Things.

 The United Nations CODES Action Plan (“the Plan”) was presented during the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (“UNEA-5”) in February/March 2022. The Plan is a creation of the Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (“CODES”), an alliance established in March 2021 in response to the UN Secretary General’s ‘Roadmap for Digital Cooperation’.

Leon Hill - Digital ID = Gateway to Chinese Social Credit

Leon Hill - Digital ID = Gateway to Chinese Social Credit: Leon Hill describes life in Iceland,a country with a comprehensive Digital ID system.
"You cannot NOT have a digital ID to live in Iceland. It's impossible."
there is no privacy at all in Iceland...