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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Michael Hoffman - Organized Jewry Killed Christ

Michael Hoffman - Organized Jewry Killed Christ : Good Friday--According to the politically correct view now in vogue, the Pharisees of 33 A.D. were more sinned against than sinning.  Christ's Crucifixion is still happening today. Christ was crucified because he taught that God is Love; God loves all people equally. Judaism believes Jews are Chosen by God. In fact, they believe they ARE God.We know

Scapegoating the Romans and Pontius Pilate for Killing Jesus

 Almost every year near Good Friday, confusion is sown concerning the death of Jesus, usually put forth by a nationally syndicated liberal “Christian” columnist, or a sermon from an “evangelical” Protestant minister, or a priest of the modern Church of Rome.

Why Staged-Deception Events Are Used More Often Than Pure False-Flags Operations?...

It has been our contention that the majority of mass casualty events are fake or synthetic hoaxes. There may be a...

Our “Leaders” Literally are Klaws Swab’s Bumboys

Our “Leaders” Literally are Klaws Swab’s Bumboys :   When government, corporations and media speak with one voice, and stigmatize dissent as...

“Oppenheimer” Movie Ignores Historical Truth

"We corrupt in order to control," said Masonic Grand Master Giuseppe Mazzini. "We have taken from the people all the gods of heaven and earth, their religious faith, their faith in monarchy, their honesty and their family values..."
“Oppenheimer” Movie Ignores Historical Truth ...

HG Wells’ Revelation of the Method in ‘The Shape of Things to Come: The Ultimate Revolution’

 H.G. Wells’ lesser-known work includes right-in-your-face tomes on elite-ruled one-world government. In particular, these books include “The Open Conspiracy: Blueprints for a World Revolution” (1928), “The Shape of Things to Come: The Ultimate Revolution” (1933) and aptly-named “The New World Order” (1940).

Empire of Lies.

 Empire of Lies elucidates the major deceptions that have played a central role in shaping history in the 21st century. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, draws upon his experience as a Washington insider to reveal the truth about the manipulation of the gold market, 9/11, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, and several other mass deceptions.

Mike Stone - Billionaires Burrow Bunkers .

"If you had a billion dollars, would you build an underground bunker? 
I wouldn't. But practically every billionaire alive today is. 
And they're doing it with a sense of speed and urgency. 
Do they know something we don't? 
If so, why haven't they warned the rest of us?...
Mike Stone - Billionaires Burrow Bunkers :

.Israeli Barbarism Continues Unabated

March 22 - Israeli Barbarism Continues Unabated : War on Gaza: Israeli forces target aid workers in string of killings amid imminent famine Death is the only escape from Gaza, as the world looks on helplessly.
Mourners gather next to the bodies of Palestinian men who secured aid convoys in Gaza, after they were killed in an Israeli strike...

Dépopulation – Les satanistes inventent des guerres mondiales pour liquider les Goyim.

La civilisation occidentale est morte sur les rives de la Somme il y a un siècle

Le 1er juillet 1916, le général Douglas Haig, franc-maçon, commença la bataille de la Somme qui, en novembre, entraîna la mort d'un million de patriotes blancs, chrétiens et britanniques dans la fleur de l'âge. Pères, fils, maris, frères, amants. La guerre est une ruse par laquelle l’élite satanique mondialiste tue les patriotes sous couvert de devoir national.

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Dépopulation – Les satanistes inventent des guerre...

Technology As Tyrant: A Glimpse Into A Dystopian Technocratic World.

 The term itself, ‘technocracy’, was coined in 1919, but it was in 1938 that it crystallized into a more defined ideology. Technocrats argue that politicians and traditional forms of governance are ill-equipped to handle modern problems. Instead, they advocate for a society governed by technical experts — scientists, engineers, and technologists, those who understand the intricate workings of complex systems, be they in energy, transportation, or economics.

La Dictature Technotronique Globale.

Pour tous ceux qui pensent encore qu’Elon Musk est “un bon gars”, qu’il “est de notre côté”. Il n’est qu’une autre pourriture dont l’intérêt réside avec ses semblables oligarques, sa classe dégénérée. Une preuve supplémentaire ci-dessous s’il en fallait encore une…

"No One Can Hide" from Elon Musk's Satellites.

Elon Musk is deploying a satellite system with low-orbit satellite swarms (drones) to provide US intelligence agencies and the military with real-time surveillance of civilians.


How the ‘fight against anti-Semitism’ became a shield for Israel’s genocide.

 “Western capitals no longer treat Israel like a state, a political actor capable of slaughtering children, but rather as a sacred cause. So any opposition has to be a blasphemy“...

La guerre américaine contre TikTok est 100 % juive

TikTok a contourné les médias de masse appartenant à des Juifs et a porté une grande partie de cette immense tragédie à l’attention du monde entier, et c’est la raison de la nouvelle guerre intense contre TikTok.

Et c’est toute l’histoire…

The US War Against Tik-Tok is 100% Jewish.

Tik-Tok has bypassed the Jewish-owned mass media and brought much of this immense tragedy to the attention of the whole world, and that is the reason for the new intense war against Tik-Tok.

And that’s the whole story. 



Are They Following Pike’s Script?

In a 1871 letter to Giussepe Mazzini, Pike forecast three world wars.
March 21 - Are They Following Pike’s Script

BREAKING: Russian Foreign Intelligence Confirms France Deploying Forces In Ukraine.

"The French unit is a legitimate and priority target for Russian precision strikes. Thus, the French servicemen risk to immediately face "the fate of all Frenchmen who have ever come to the territory of the Russian world with a sword."
"The current leadership of France does not care about the death of ordinary Frenchmen and the concerns of the generals."
BREAKING: Russian Foreign Intelligence Confirms France Deploying Forces In Ukraine

Covid, Ukraine, Gaza, the Devil & the Jews

Rabbi Trachtenberg's 1983 book on the Medieval conception of Jews reveals the scale and continuity of the Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish Conspiracy. Rabbi Trachtenberg writes that since the 1200's AD, Christians have feared:   have feared: 
 "A terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East
awaited the signal to ...
Covid, Ukraine, Gaza, the Devil & the Jews:    

Alfred Kinsey: The Lying Godfather of Fraudulent Sexual Research

 Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956) was a zoologist and sexual psychopath who was foisted upon American society by the usual suspects. Without the support of the Rockefeller Foundation and the credibility of his position at Indiana University, Kinsey’s “scientific work” likely would never have been published. Kinsey also received strong support from The New York Times’ (aka New York Slimes) Jewish owner, Arthur Hays Sulzberger.

Hidden (p)Harma Industry Waste Creates Threat of Superbug Plague.

 So far, each year in the United States, at least 2 million people become infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and at least 23,000 people die as a result. Up til now, this is primarily because the existing antibiotic arsenal is overused.

...The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control calculated that in 2015 there were 671,689 infections in the E.U. and the European Economic Area caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, resulting in 33,110 deaths.

Archbishop Viganò: 'The globalist cabal want to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist on earth'.

What appears today in all its evidence is the subversive plan of a global coup d'état, aimed at the decimation of the world population and the enslavement of the survivors. The pressure for the approval of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and for the health passport - accompanied by the activation of the digital wallet - demonstrate that the authors of this coup have no intention of giving up their criminal intentions, and will not do so unless they are faced with firm and ...

Depopulation - Satanists Contrive World Wars to Kill Goyim

In fact, these wars are orchestrated by the Illuminati Jewish bankers and their Masonic minions to kill Christians in order to degrade Western civilization in advance of the Satanic NWO now clearly manifesting itself. (See, World War One- First Christian Holocaust) Ritual human sacrifice to their god Moloch may also be a factor.
Depopulation - Satanists Contrive World Wars to Kill Goyim...

Decline of Literacy Reflects Plan for World Tyranny

Decline of Literacy Reflects Plan for World Tyranny: Satanists invert everything. Schools make us stupid. In Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools To Destroy America's Children, authors  Sam Blumenfeld and Alex Newman reveal that the decline in literacy is part of a plan to establish a tyranny by knowingly dumbing down the population, a mission closer...

DEW-Direct Energy Weapons.🤔


Frankist Leo Strauss, the Neocons and the Synarchist Conspiracy.

 This manufactured scam puts forth a dialectic, or the resolution of opposites. This scheme is referred to as the “synarchist conspiracy.” Then these are deliberately fostered and manipulated. Synarchy came to mean “rule by secret societies” and has an overlay of occultism. Richard F. Kuisel, a specialist in 20th-century French political history, called it “government by an initiated elite.” Comedian George Carlin called it “The Club” and “you ain’t in it.”

There’s Nothing Chic About Satanism .

A millennia-old satanic conspiracy is reaching climax. If it is not arrested, mankind will enter a new Dark Age. 
There’s Nothing Chic About Satanism ...


 I’m not going to write a paper on this subject because many others have done the research already. Instead, I’ll leave you with the links to all the best research that I found on my journey into this subject, starting back in 2012. I will update this document with more links in the future. Good Luck.

By Omar Jordan.

Jews Reveal Their Plans For The Destruction Of America: Wage War Against Iran -- And Lose Its Empire.

If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

—Bibi Netanyahu, 1990 recorded conversation with an Israeli spy working in America.
Jews Reveal Their Plans For The Destruction Of America: Wage War Against Iran -- And Lose Its Empire

The Protocols and Golitsyn: Cliff Kincaid’s ignorance of the true nature of Communism.

 “Marxism-Leninism prepared us for Kabbalah” —Rabbi Michael Laitman.

WW3 Will Reprise WW2

March 15 - WW3 Will Reprise WW2 : It's Nazis versus Communists again. The right and left branches of Freemasonry will fight each other again in a charade resulting in massive depopulation. The Nazis Jews (Zionists and their allies in the West) versus Communist Jews (Russia, Iran, China and the BRICS.) 
Israelis are the new Nazis.

Israeli Portrayal of Arabs Akin To Nazi Portrayal of Russians.

Former Time Magazine Reporter Says “the food giants have corrupted products to the point where obesity is killing us faster than any other condition.”

Despite the right side of the political aisle waking up to the toxic nature of the medical-industrial complex, there is still much resistance to even considering that our processed, genetically modified, additive-ridden and chemically doused food supply may be partly to blame for the rise in chronic diseases that plague the modern world.

Patrick O’Carroll - Bank of England is a Criminal Conspiracy.

Patrick O’Carroll - Bank of England is a Criminal Conspiracy: Liz Truss spent decades in politics while remaining blissfully unaware that her Tory Party is owned and controlled by London's Zionist House of Rothschild. This may explain while she only lasted 49 days as Prime Minister (Sept.-Oct 2022.)The US and UK are private corporations owned by the Rothschilds and operated by Israel.

Palestinian Genocide Foretells Our Own.

Have you already forgotten the rebranded flu? The lockdowns? The toxic "vaccines?" The masks? We are all Palestinians. Religious Jews regard non-Jews as animals.  
They want to kill, dispossess and enslave us all. Assimilated Jews do not hold this view.
March 14 - Palestinian Genocide Foretells Our Own...

‘Peer Reviewed’ Label Fraudulently Used in Scientific Literature.

 Attaching to scientific literature the label of “peer reviewed” is a common practice among usual suspects to lend legitimacy to their pseudoscience and storytelling.

A prime example is literature related to transgenderism created by the World Professional Association of Transgender Health. Once a false body of work is...

KALERGI PLAN: The Covert Scheme To Destroy Europe From Within.

The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe.

Kalergi in his own words:

“The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space (nations), time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”.

ZOG is Responsible for Migrant Invasion.

Mayorkas is a member of the board of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which is funnelling millions of migrants into the US.

Organized Jewry has all the characteristics of a plague of locusts eating the fabric of our society.

The Globalists’ war against humanity includes the war against farming and local food security.

 The EU’s globalist agenda prioritises dependency rather than local self-sufficiency, even though relying on food and oil imports poses risks. Importing food from distant locations significantly increases fuel consumption and labour compared to producing it locally.

Britain’s Genocidal Starvation of the Irish — or So-Called ‘Potato Famine’.

 One of the greatest cover ups and frauds ever perpetrated is the true story of the Irish Starvation, or genocide. In hidden history, it’s more commonly referred to by the highly misleading “Irish Potato Famine.” With the Crime Syndicate seemingly orchestrating global hunger and starvation a review of the Irish hidden history is in order.

False Flag Terror is Oldest Trick in Zionist Tool Bag

False Flag Terror is Oldest Trick in Zionist Tool Bag : Oct 7 is a reminder that Zionists use false flag terror to manipulate Jews. In the 1950's, Naeim Giladi discovered that a campaign of anti Semitism and bombings in Iraq was engineered by Zionists to dupe Iraqi Jews like himself into moving to Israel, much as Zionist bankers funded the Nazis...

Top scientist warns AI could surpass human intelligence by 2027 - decades earlier than previously predicted.

While the futurist admitted that he 'could be wrong,' he went on to predict that the only impediment to a runaway, ultra-advanced AI — far more advanced than its human makers — would be if the bot's 'own conservatism' advised caution.

Top scientist warns AI could surpass human intelligence by 2027 

Portrait of Evil: Karl Marx, a Disciple of Hell on Earth.

This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralization of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank; and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found.’ — Profession of faith of a Russian socialist democrat preceded by a study on German Jews (Letter to Le Réveil, Paris, 1869).

Technocracy/Operation Talpiot.

Mike Stone - Bitcoin is Midwife of CBDC’s

"If the people who control the Federal Reserve are perfectly willing to assassinate presidents and create wars in which millions of people are killed, crippled, and raped in order to maintain their monopoly of printing money, do you really think they're going sit idly by and twiddle their thumbs while digital currencies spring up all around them and cut into their business? 
If so, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you."

Mike Stone - Bitcoin is Midwife of CBDC’s ...

Florida Bans COVID “Vaccines” Due to DNA Damage.

March 11 - Florida Bans COVID “Vaccines” Due to DNA Damage: Dr. Joseph Lapido is the most inspiring Black leader since MLK. He tells Tucker Carlson foreign DNA could enter your cells through the mRNA COVID vax and change your DNA -- and humanity itself -- forever. Sounds nutty. It's not.

Jim Stone - Synagogues are Centers of Subversion.

"The Kol Nidre prayer is FILTHY. It's like an oath to Satan himself, where you basically say to God that you intend to lie and not honor contracts during this year, that you should be forgiven for lying and not honoring contracts in the last year..."
Jim Stone - Synagogues are Centers of Subversion...

Like MDs, Pastors Took Bribes to Push Deadly Vaccines

March 10 - Like MDs, Pastors Took Bribes to Push Deadly Vaccines: SATANIC BETRAYAL: American Christian pastors coerced congregants to take COVID jabs through covert "Faith4Vaccines" scheme by Ethan Huff.

Tools for Rebutting the Conspiracy-Theorist, Mental-Illness, Gaslighting Slur.

The growth of alternative media has required the development of a whole cottage industry to mentally diagnosis and counterattack the burgeoning population of truthers, who are often labeled “conspiracy theorists” (a CIA term and invention).

Rothschild Staged Dreyfus Affair to Undermine France

Rothschild Staged Dreyfus Affair to Undermine France :The Dreyfus Affair, which polarized & convulsed France from 1894-1906, shows how Rothschild fabricated "antisemitism" to destabilize Christian nations and convince Jews to emigrate to Palestine. 

Confessions of an Ex-Luciferian Jew

Confessions of an Ex-Luciferian Jew : This obscene 1966 depiction of the seven dwarfs raping Snow White expresses the Luciferian Jews' visceral hatred of Christ, Christianity and everything healthy, natural, wholesome and good.Humanity has been colonized by a satanic cultCabalist Judaism (Freemasonry.)The West is run by Cabalist Jews &Freemasons who exploit and subjugate them. The COVID Hoax is an example. Anyone supporting this hoax, or BLM...

Trump Has Been Anointed US Savior

March 6 - Trump Has Been Anointed US Savior: Americans cannot vote for a candidate that represents their interests unless he also supports Israeli genocide in Palestine. These days it looks like nothing can stop the Trump freight train but  Americans are putting their faith in a crypto Jew and Freemason who brought...


 "I put together this video shedding a little light onto a lesser known CIA Operation CRIMSON MIST which was executed in Rwanda in 1994 and resulted in over 1,000,000 African's massacred in the resulting created chaos (Ordo Ab Chao.) This is just their blueprint. It's so obvious if you study their historical record of actions toward the "common folk", regardless of where it's happening. If you think the...

American Pravda: War Crimes and Atrocity-Hoaxes in the Israel/Gaza Conflict

 My point was that although the 1994 genocide of Rwanda’s Tutsis was obviously vastly larger in scale than anything the Israelis were doing in Gaza, the former had occurred out of sight, while the latter was currently being televised worldwide.

Patrick O’Carroll- The Global War on the Human Brain

Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. Meanwhile, one in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer's, and the age of onset is falling rapidly...

Les entretiens de Paul Verbeke - Youssef Hindi


Soon there will be no Farms (It’s part of ‘Their Terrifying Plan’)

 The innocent and the naïve believe that everything is happening by accident. The vindictive, senseless, cruel, destructive, insane, bureaucratic, dangerous and just plain bewildering government policies on farming are not happening by accident.

Does God's Law And Judgment Apply Universally To All People -- Or Only To Israel?

Here we present another chapter from Charles Weisman’s book, Is Universalism Of God? — where he addresses the false idea that God’s laws and punishment for their transgression are universal — rather than specifically for the 12 tribes of Israel, His covenant people.
                                   Weisman writes...

Ce fut d’abord Corbyn. Aujourd’hui, l’ensemble du public britannique est diffamé à propos de Gaza.

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Ce fut d’abord Corbyn. Aujourd’hui, l’ensemble du ...: Sous couvert de crainte pour la sécurité des députés, le leader travailliste Keir Starmer a aidé les conservateurs au pouvoir à présenter ...

Uriel de Costa - Righteous Jew Shot Himself

Uriel de Costa - Righteous Jew Shot Himself: (l. Uriel de Costa, 1585-1640) True Jews are pariahs in Judaism which is defined by Cabalism ( i.e. Satanism) which usurps God's place.To be born a Jew is to be unwittingly linked to this conspiracy against God and humanity. To be considered an...

The Persian warlord Hasan I Sabbah, who was also known as “The Old Man of the Mountains,” was perhaps the most skillful practitioner in the history of psychological manipulation. He was well versed in the ways of the Ismailis, a gnostic sect based in Cairo that used psychological techniques to instill initiates with a fanatic loyalty to the Egyptian caliph.

 The Persian warlord Hasan I Sabbah, who was also known as “The Old Man of the Mountains,” was perhaps the most skillful practitioner in the history of psychological manipulation. He was well versed in the ways of the Ismailis, a gnostic sect based in Cairo that used psychological techniques to instill initiates with a fanatic loyalty to the Egyptian caliph.

Ismaili theology may sound familiar. Its a long and disturbing feature of the region and world. This form of millenarianism is the belief that a mahdi, or divinely guided one, would introduce a longed-for era of equity and light.

Klaus Schwab: Your avatar will live after you die and your brains will be replicated with algorithms.

 The metaverse is a technological concept centred around virtual and augmented reality. It has the ominous capability to become a breeding ground for censorship, unbridled surveillance and an insidious form of digital enslavement, surpassing anything humanity has ever encountered. And, the World Economic Forum has been taking steps to have control over it.

The Primacy of Anti-Semitism.

 "And it's not just Palestine. Jewish malfeasance around the world seems worse than ever, and with far greater consequence. Whether it is pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, sexual predator Harvey Weinstein, the crypto fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried, war-mongering leader of the Senate Chuck Schumer, Jewish lunatic Volodymyr Zelensky destroying the nation of Ukraine, or any number of Jewish billionaires who have used their money to corrupt politicians of all parties and all nations--enough is enough. The time has come to take an unambiguous anti-Jewish stance. The stakes are simply too high."

Why Do the Goyim Allow Jews to Control Everything?

Why Do the Goyim Allow Jews to Control Everything?: America Is a Gentile NationSo why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?The author doesn't mention we gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us. These devils sign our pay checks. We are their bitches.As the plandemic showed, people will do anything

Western Public Oblivious to World War Threat

Russian President Vladimir Putin says NATO countries risk facing "tragic" consequences if they send troops to Ukraine.
March 1 - Western Public Oblivious to World War Threat

“Communism” Best Describes Our Mortal Enemy

Alinsky dedicated this book to Lucifer, "the very first radical...who rebelled 
against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom--Lucifer." 
“Communism” Best Describes Our Mortal Enemy

The New Underworld Order Egregore.

 The British Empire represented a partnership between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy, according to Hilaire Belloc in his book “The Jews” (1922). And Belloc was right. What has since been dubbed the New World Order (NWO) is an extension of the British Empire in which elite British, American and Jewish imperial interests are indistinguishable.