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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

The Jewish Peril And The Catholic Church.

 Editorial Note: That there has been and still is a Jewish problem, no one can deny. Since the rejection of Israel, 1,900 years ago, the Jews have scattered in every direction and in spite of difficulties and even persecutions, they have established themselves as a power in nearly every nation of Europe. Jacobs, in his “Jewish Contributions to Civilization,” glories in the fact that without detriment to their own racial unity and international character, the Jews have been able to spread their doctrines and increase their political, social and economic influence among the nations.

By The Catholic Gazette (London) February 1936

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