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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

"We will destroy the USA and turn it into the worlds largest...said Netanyahu

 Mission Accomplished: But who is Netanyahu? What is his relationship to USA Kosher Nostra? Kushner Mafia Family? Trumps Daughter Marrying Jared Kushner? Heir to Mob Family; Chelsea too married MOB

MAO & his bankers 1920’s “The Bank of CHINA” is still alive & well today, running CHINA & the CCP Epstein, Adler, & Coe were all Bolshevik Jews working for Loeb&Schiff London who still own “Bank of China” - Maoism is Bolshevism as Mao was Groomed by ZOG.

People like to say that SOROS ‘billionaires’ Sold us out to CHINA; But the fact is USA was sold out to China via Kissinger back in 1970’s When USA went bankrupt and Saudi covered the Pedo-Dollar until now...

Crise agricole : le comble de l’imbécilité… Croire que la FNSEA est « révolutionnaire » et œuvre pour le bien public (Anonyme)

 Arnaud Rousseau, le faux paysan à la tête du mouvement blocage autoroutier.

Pourquoi cet agent de la PAC politique agricole européenne agroalimentaire pousse les paysans naifs à bloquer les autoroutes en disant que c’est la solution pour que l’Etat leur donne ce qu’ils veulent?

Pourquoi est-ce un PDG d’un groupe agroalimentaire (pesticides/OGM) qui représente le mouvement de la paysannerie en France?, le faux paysan à la tête du mouvement blocage autoroutier.

Pourquoi cet agent de la PAC politique agricole européenne agroalimentaire pousse les  naifs à bloquer les autoroutes en disant que c’est la solution pour que l’Etat leur donne ce qu’ils veulent?

Pourquoi est-ce un PDG d’un groupe agroalimentaire (pesticides/OGM) qui représente le mouvement de la paysannerie en France?

Charles Gave contre les hommes de Davos.


Alain Soral-Orateur de la Vérité ?...


Pourquoi tant de haine ?...


Proudly Serving A One World Government: The Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations

 Kurt Nimmo created the following video report about how the shadowy Tavistock Institute in London has been instrumental in causing the US to enter World War I, the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, the “free trade” agreements that intentionally decimated the middle class, fake news and MK-ULTRA.

He says Tavistock’s “legacy of lies and manipulation in the name of war and a totalitarian world government is alive and well today. Every day, we are slammed with fake news, guiding us along a pre-arranged path, toward our ultimate enslavement and the prospect of never-ending war and conflict.”


 Tavistock is an institute in London, closely associated with the Jesuits, Fabian Society and MI6/CIA, founded in 1947, the year the OSS became the CIA, a year before the founding of the UN related WHO. It conducted research on mind control, social engineering, trends, hoaxes, corporate culture, political correctness (mind control through language).

Frankfurt School--Cultural Decline Follows (((Communist))) Blueprint

Frankfurt School--Cultural Decline Follows (((Communist))) Blueprint : The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930's. (They emigrated to NYC after Hitler came to power.) They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse &  Erich Fromm, and were responsible for...

Makow -- Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Parasitism

Makow -- Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Parasitism :     (Jewish predators. Yukos Board, 2003. Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanic. Cabalism is Communism.)       I repost this again because we need constant reminders of the big picture. The business model of Organized Jewry is parasitism, feeding off and killing the host, the...

La Destruction de l’Agriculture Européenne.

 La situation actuelle du monde rural est révélatrice de l’évolution générale de notre monde moderne. Il s’achemine fébrilement vers sa propre autodestruction.

En 1945, plus qu’un champ de ruines, c’est un cimetière paysan qui s’étendit à toute l’Europe. Comme en 1918 les carnages, dont portent témoignage sur les stèles de milliers de villages les noms de millions de disparus, auront surtout constitué un holocauste rural. La plupart des jeunes...

« Israël » détruit Gaza pour controler la voie de navigation la plus importante du monde (Partie II).

Où sont les Arabes et les musulmans ?...

L’Égypte pourrait arrêter dès maintenant cette guerre à Gaza en fermant le canal de Suez. 
Il est déconcertant que l’Égypte ne ferme pas le canal de Suez – si ce n’est pour le bien de Gaza, du moins pour lui-même. C’est l’économie égyptienne et le canal de Suez qui souffriront si « Israël » réussit impunément le génocide à Gaza et construit son « canal Ben Gourion ».

'Israel' destroys Gaza to control world’s most important shipping lane (Part II)

Why won’t Western leaders even call for a ceasefire? The answer is that this genocide in Gaza is their project too.

Brother Nathaniel Skirts Issue of Satanic Ritual Murder

"Brother Nathaniel, though content to expose a great deal about his Jewish Satanic Tribal lineage, absolutely refuses to even begin to discuss the massive, ancient and ongoing ritual torture, bloodletting and sacrifice of children which has ALWAYS taken place in ALL synagogues worldwide, and is at the core of Judaism."
Brother Nathaniel Skirts Issue of Satanic  Murder ...

The hidden reasons behind the war on Gaza (Part I).

Either the Resistance Axis and the Global South decolonize the Middle East, or "Israel" and the US will continue occupying the region, choking off the New Silk Road, plundering Syria's oil, and keeping Russian, Iranian, and Arab gas cut off from the world market.

Les raisons cachées de la guerre contre Gaza (Partie I).

Deux semaines avant l’opération Déluge d’Al-Aqsa du Hamas, le 7 octobre, Benjamin Netanyahou s’est rendu à l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies, a brandi une carte et a déclaré son plan pour un « nouveau Moyen-Orient » : un couloir économique s’étendant de l’Inde aux Émirats arabes unis, en passant par l’Arabie saoudite, la Jordanie, « Israël » et enfin l’Europe.
C’est l’une des principales raisons géopolitiques du massacre d’« Israël » à Gaza.

Professeur Raoult : "Si j'avance suivez-moi, si je recule tuez-moi, si je meurs vengez-moi !"


History of Israeli Tech Domination.


They don’t report on the much deeper and more consequential Israeli thieving of US high technology through the Talpiot Program and Unit 8200. Billions of dollars are being sucked out of the US economy through government contracts to Israeli technology and cybersecurity companies like Amdocs, which has access to all US telephone records through the NSA, and Comverse Infosys, which has access to all NSA electronic tapping...

Edward Snowden CRIES "Everyone Will Be Wiped Out"


Everyone Must Prepare for What is Coming!...


It’s not “Climate Change” it’s Geoengineering/ Weather Modification (Videos)

 Spraying Heavy Metals Into The Atmosphere Is Poisoning The Population & Environment. Cancer Rates Are Skyrocketing.

No longer a Conspiracy Theory.

Freddie Baggins - Our Leaders are Both Evil and Insane

Freddie Baggins - Our Leaders are Both Evil and Insane: The evidence is conclusive that the Covid vaccines were never, ever necessary to make anyone

Hang on! Bill Gates just said WHAT about vaccines? Are you kidding? | Redacted with Clayton Morris.


Satan’s Agent: The World Economic Forum

 The World Economic Forum is the worst source of disinformation in the world. Even the name is disinformation as it is not a world forum representing the world. It is a group of stupid American and European corporate executives who have been conned by Klaus Schwab, the world’s worst ego-manic, into believing that you don’t count until you are a member and devote of the WEF.

Patrick O’Carroll - The Satanist Vendetta Against God’s Chosen People: Germans

WW1 and WW2 were both religious wars for the genocide of Christians: 65 million Christians in WW1, and 85 million Christians in WW2. 
Patrick O’Carroll - The Satanist Vendetta Against God’s Chosen People: Germans:

Protocoles de Toronto et Aurore Rouge — L’agenda élitiste

Fin juin 1967 : À Montréal, c’est l’Expo 67 ; à Ottawa, ce sont les derniers préparatifs du « Centenaire de la Confédération » ; aux États-Unis, c’est la contestation à la Guerre du Vietnam et, à travers le pays, le « Flower Power ». Nous sommes près des événements de Mai 68 en France, de l’explosion du Nationalisme au Québec, du Festival Woodstock aux États-Unis… mais en même temps, cette fin juin de 1967 marque les derniers préparatifs de la mise au point du Plan de la « Chute des Nations » par les hautes instances de la Franc-Maçonnerie anglo-saxonne à Toronto (Canada).
Protocoles de Toronto et Aurore Rouge — L’agenda élitiste

Le lobby sioniste-LGBT gouverne la France

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Le lobby sioniste-LGBT gouverne la France: Le président gay Emmanuel Macron a nommé un "homme" politique d’origine juive comme le plus jeune Premier ministre français ...


Roger Garaudy, dans son livre "Les mythes fondateurs de la politique israëlienne" publié en 1995, écrit:
"Cette purification ethnique devenue systématique dans l'État d'Israël d'aujourd'hui, découle du principe de la pureté ethnique empêchant le mélange du sang juif avec le "sang impur" de tous les autres.

Qui a créé l'Ukraine?...

Lénine (ou plus exactement les bolcheviks) a-t-il créé l’Ukraine ? Oui. Plus précisément, l’Ukraine a été créée par les bolcheviks.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Qui a créé l'Ukraine ?

Whitney Webb WARNING! What They're NOT Telling You About BlackRock And Bitcoin - 2024 Prediction


Technocracy: "Science of Social Engineering" Is Brainwashing

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the ...
Technocracy: "Science of Social Engineering" Is Brainwashing

Israel - Refuge for Sexual Deviants

She’s EXPOSING the horrifying truth of anti-depressants and Big Pharma is not happy.


"They're Coming After ALL of It..." - Whitney Webb.


Brutal Reality: Psychopaths Form Majority of Today’s World Leaders

 When the World Economic Summit and the Bilderberg club convene each year, the venue is filled with insane megalomaniacs discussing how to impose their rampant megalomania on the rest of us.

Their insanity comes dressed up in various guises of ...

The Swastika Has a Universal Meaning: Salvation

Most people only know the swastika from Hitler and the Nazis. How did Hitler come to use this symbol? How were people brainwashed to change the meaning of the swastika and why did they do it? 
The Swastika Has a Universal Meaning: Salvation

Gamification as Checking Out Escapism.

Gamification takes advantage of the human psychological predisposition to engage in gaming and competition. In 2011, it officially became a buzzword when Gartner added it to its ‘Hype Cycle’ list.

Unfortunately, most games center around escapism, wasting your life away.

Our “Leaders” Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 “Earth Summit”

Our “Leaders” Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 “Earth Summit” : The WEF wants to return humanity to the stone age. Technology is reserved for them.Like the COVID hoax, climate change is a flimsy pretext to impose a globalist communist tyranny. At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, almost 200 countries worldwide agreed to disenfranchise their citizens and join the...

Makow- The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization

Makow- The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization : (Quote from World Jewish Congress Founder Nahum Goldman 1895-1982- Forgive me for posting this again but people these days have short attention spans and even shorter memories.)We can't defend ourselves if we can't even name the enemy.We face an occult force. Organized Jewry and its minion Freemasonry, are dedicated

Slavery, Eugenics, And World Wars: U.S. History Revisited With Kate Dalley


Les nations mafieuses et le chantage sexuel (Jeffrey Epstein) ~ Whitney Webb


Liste (non exhaustive) des Juifs qui dominent la France....

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Liste (non exhaustive) des Juifs qui dominent la F...: Le nouveau premier ministre français, Gabriel Attal a les principales qualités requises pour diriger le peuple goy : il est juif (comme ...

Jews and Antisemitism at Harvard University.

 With graphic images of devastated Gaza neighborhoods and dead Palestinian children so widespread on Twitter and other social media outlets, polls have revealed that a majority of younger Americans now favor Hamas and the Palestinians in their ongoing struggle with Israel. This is a shocking reversal from the views of their parents, which had been shaped by generations of overwhelmingly pro-Israel material across broadcast television, films, and print publications, and such trends are only likely to continue now that Israel is being prosecuted in the International Court of Justice by South Africa and 22 other nations, accused of committing genocide in Gaza.

Our “Leaders” Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 “Earth Summit”

Our “Leaders” Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 “Earth Summit” : Left, The WEF wants to return humanity to the stone age. Technology is reserved for them.Like the COVID hoax, climate change is a flimsy pretext to impose a globalist communist tyranny. At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, almost 200 countries worldwide agreed to disenfranchise their citizens and join the...

Greenhouse Gas Theories and Observed Radiative Properties of the Earth’s Atmosphere

 In the last decade fundamental theoretical equations were developed for describing and understanding the global average radiative equilibrium state of the Earth-atmosphere system. It is shown that using the well-established laws of radiation physics the key climate parameters of the planet can be deduced theoretically, from purely astrophysical considerations and some plausible assumptions on the material composition of the planetary surface and the structure of the atmosphere.

Weather Modification History Newspaper & Journal. Vault

 These articles illustrate the lengthy history of atmospheric experimentation as reported by journalists in local and national newspapers, magazines, and scientific and military journals. As you move through this volume you will notice fewer and fewer entries, which leads us to believe either their is less interest in the topic of weather modification or an intentional lack of ...

CirrusCloudsMatter: The Shady Truth About Artificial Clouds.

 “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” – Edgar Allan Poe

The goal of the chemtrail conspiracy is clear: keep people distracted while scientists and the military experiment in our sky with cloud-making planes, ship tracks, sounding rockets, and biological weapons.

The Deadly Rise of Scientism.

 We All Suffer Once You Can No Longer Debate "The Science". By A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

One of the greatest challenges each society faces is deciding what constitutes “truth.” Whoever holds that power wields enormous influence and steers the direction of the society for better or for worse.

Geoengineering Watch .org


Canada first. Then the Spanish. Then the French. The Irish. Now the Germans. And Friday, the Poles.

 The World Economic Forum is Excrement Beneath Our Feet - By ELIZABETH NICKSON

All this has to do with climate regulation, net zero, and emissions restrictions on agriculture. Everything the WEFers, and their corporatists lackeys want. And why wouldn’t they? Big Ag is totally on board, the people who will pay are the people growing the food. Why? Because they give our tax money to the richest corporations on earth, and starve the people who grow the actual food.

A False Pandemic and the Imposition of a False Vaccine.

 By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

For the past four years, we have been witnessing the implementation of a criminal plan of world depopulation, achieved through the creation of a false pandemic and imposition of her false vaccine, which you now know to be a biological weapon of mass destruction, designed with the aim of destroying the immune system of the entire population, causing sterility and the onset of deadly diseases.

Hitler Was an Illuminati Agent

Organized Jewry ( i.e. the WEF) degrades humanity by starting wars using their 
agents (Freemasons) on both sides. 
As the third Masonic Jewish world war approaches, let's look at WW2 
when Churchill, FDR, Stalin and Hitler were all Freemasons.

Hitler spent February to November 1912 being brainwashed and trained at the British Military Psych-Ops War School at Tavistock in..

Zionists Have Whole World Singing: “Death to America”

Zionists Have Whole World Singing: “Death to America”: In the third Masonic Jewish world war, the United States cannot count on the support of patriotswho have been alienated by: 1-the phoney pandemic designed to steal our money and our freedom 2. the cover-up of millions of vaccines deaths and injuries 3. the stolen 2020 election 4. the tragic waste of $75...

In Defense of the Indefensible: The Excruciating Convolutions of E. Michael Jones.

Being no stranger to the history of Renaissance papal dissimulation with regard to the incremental process of granting permission for the renting of money under a variety of pretexts, I was not beguiled by the semantic misdirection in Fiducia Supplicans. I did not succumb, as E. Michael Jones falsely alleges, to the straw man set up by papal apologists who have made the controversy a question of whether the document is a stepping stone toward the endorsement of gay marriage.

WEF is Front for Rothschild World Tyranny

'Antisemitism" is based on the "absurd" notion
that the "Jews" want to control the world. Guess what?

 The "antisemites" were right. 

Klaus Schwab, the Head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is a Jew and a Rothschild. 
 The WEF is a front for the Masonic Jewish Rothschild central banking cartel. This article by Swiss Policy Research describes how...
WEF is Front for Rothschild World Tyranny:

COVID was Another Satanist Scam

Jan 11 - COVID was Another Satanist Scam : The plandemic stripped the West of any moral legitimacy, or pretence of freedom or democracy. The Rothschild WEF freely admitted that they control all governments and plan to steal our money and freedom. Every social institution in the West was complicit in this hoax...

American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax .

 By the 1920s the mainstream leftist Zionist movement was heavily influenced by Marxism and led by Russian-born David Ben-Gurion, who modeled himself after Lenin, but those Zionists still eagerly formed a 1930s economic partnership with Nazi Germany based upon an obvious commonality of interests. Hitler was eager to encourage the departure of Germany’s problematical 1% Jewish minority while the Zionists were just as eager to receive them, along with the huge infusion of financial and...

Pravda américaine : Israël et le canular de l'Holocauste.

Pravda américaine : Israël et le canular de l'Holocauste.
Il y a trente ans encore, le régime communiste sur l’URSS et ses alliés du Pacte de Varsovie semblait absolument permanent et inébranlable, mais les racines de cette croyance avaient totalement pourri, ne laissant derrière elles qu’une façade creuse. Puis un jour, un coup de vent est arrivé et toute la gigantesque structure s’est effondrée. Je ne serais pas surpris si notre récit actuel de l’Holocauste finit par subir le même sort, peut-être avec des conséquences malheureuses pour ceux qui sont trop étroitement associés à son maintien.

Une fissure dans le mur de l'impunité vieux de 75 ans : la contestation judiciaire du génocide israélien par l'Afrique du Sud.

1948 fut une année d’ironie tragique.
Cette année-là a vu l’adoption de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme et de la Convention des Nations Unies pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide, promettant ensemble un monde dans lequel les droits de l’homme seraient protégés par l’État de droit. La même année, l’Afrique du Sud a adopté l’apartheid et les forces israéliennes ont mené la Nakba, la violente dépossession massive de centaines de milliers de Palestiniens. Les deux systèmes s’appuyaient sur le soutien colonial occidental.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Une fissure dans le mur de l'impunité vieux de 75 ...

Israeli Business Ethics Confirm Antisemitic Tropes

American expat Saul explained in 2013, Israeli business behavior confirms the worst Jewish stereotypes. In Israel the golden rule is, "Screw the other guy before he screws you." If this is how (Israeli) Jews treat each other, imagine how they treat the goyim.

Une femme libre dans un monde dystopique : Marion Sigaut


Nazis and Zionists.

  The Talmudic-resonate belief in the worthlessness of the Palestinians is as ubiquitous and inescapable as the racist hate speech which inculcates it.”

—Michael Hoffman, January 9, 2024.

I will not be silent.

Chabad Riot When Underground Chamber Discovered.

Jan 9 - Chabad Riot When Underground Chamber Discovered : BREAKING: Riot Unfolds as NYPD Responds to Discovery of Underground Tunnel in Brooklyn Temple - Here's Where The Tunnels Lead To (Video) appear to be children size mattresses.Is it possible they are involved in child trafficking?A New York City synagogue erupted into chaos Monday...

Not a “Forgery”, the Protocols of Zion Are Coming True

Not a “Forgery”, the Protocols of Zion Are Coming True The Protocols are the basis of the New World Order (Communism) which seeks to induct mankind into Satanism by "destroying every collective force not our own"  (Protocols 16-4), namely race, religion, nation, and family.

Patrick O’Carroll - Freemasons Engineered the US Civil War

Patrick O’Carroll - Freemasons Engineered the US Civil War: In the US Civil War, the Rothschilds hoped to divide America intotwo bite-sized chunks. The 14th Amendment, adopted on 9 Jul 1868, transformed all Americans, whether black or white, from sovereigns to subjects, meaning slaves or tax-cattle. 

Lynn Rothschild Introduced Alan Dershowitz to Jeffrey Epstein

Jan 7 - Lynn Rothschild Introduced Alan Dershowitz to Jeffrey Epstein Stealing Our Birthright is Rothschild Family BusinessAlan Dershowitz Throws Rothschilds Under the Bus. Illuminati go-fers are starting to panic. Rats are deserting the shit. He says Lynn Forester de Rothschild, wife of Evelyn de Rothschild (1931-2022) introduced him to Epstein. 
Epstein was a Rothschild operation...

"Quand la querelle est juive". Propagande d'atrocités, idéalisme moral et Occident...

"Lorsque la querelle est juive, il faut faire preuve de plus de prudence que d'habitude, car la presse européenne est dans une large mesure et de plus en plus entre les mains des Juifs."
Goldwin Smith , Nouvel éclairage sur la question juive[1]
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : "Quand la querelle est juive". Propagande d'atroc...

Albert Pike avait prévu et décrit trois guerres mondiales...

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Albert Pike avait prévu et décrit trois guerres m...: Albert Pike, ( 1809 et 1891). Il est devenu membre du mouvement sécessionniste et a également été choisi par Mazzini pour diriger les .opérations Illuminati [une société secrète] en Amérique. Il dirigea également pendant trente-deux ans l'une des plus importantes composantes de la franc-maçonnerie des États-Unis : le Suprême Conseil de la Juridiction Sud du Rite écossais ancien et accepté.

Dans sa lettre, Albert Pike montre comment trois guerres mondiales sont planifiées. Il s'agit de la lettre d'Albert Pike, franc-maçon du 33e degré, à Giuseppe Mazzni, et la lettre aurait été conservée à la bibliothèque du British Museum de Londres jusqu'en 1977... De

Le Forum Economique Mondial recommande l'élimination de "la classe inutile" d'humains.

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Le Forum Economique Mondial recommande l'éliminati...: Le Forum économique mondial (WEF) cherche « de toute urgence » des solutions au « problème » du monde surpeuplé d’individus jugés « redondan...

An Enemy Old and New: The Dönme, Anti-Semitism, and Conspiracy Theories in the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic Marc David Baer

 The main focal point in Ottoman and Turkish antisemitism is the figure of the Dönme—the descendants of Jews who converted to Islam along with their messiah Shabbatai Tzevi. The focus on the Dönme arises from the perception of the Salonikan-based Young Turks as a cabal of Dönme, or secret Jews. It was immediately in the wake of the 1908 constitutional revolution—which culminated in the dethronement of Abdülhamid II, and ultimately led to the construction of the secular Turkish republic—that antisemitic conspiracy theories centering on the Dönme were first voiced. These arguments were expanded after 1923 to claim that the man who abolished the caliphate and established the secular state, the Salonikan Atatürk, was a Dönme.

All four of Jeffrey Epstein’s grandparents were Russian emigres, flocking to KGB hotspots in the U.S

 The late financier-turned pimp for teen girls Jeffrey Epstein has connections to KGB, mainly through his handler Robert Maxwell, but perhaps this connections runs deeper we thought.

Epstein’s grandparents are all Russian-born.

Mike Stone - America is Steeped in Sin

"By continuing to sin, the people of this country are dooming it to failure. And that responsibility lies with all of us individually. Until we stop sinning, the country will never recover. In fact, it's only going to fall further from grace."
Mike Stone - America is Steeped in Sin

Israel War Cabinet in Disarray

Jan 6 - Israel War Cabinet in Disarray :
Israeli war cabinet cracks at the seams over possible 7 October probeAn investigation of the Israeli army's actions during Hamas' Al-Aqsa Flood operation may shine further light on Israel's killing of its own soldiers and

Top Jewish Scholar Admits Hitler Launched WWII To Stop 'World Jewry' From 'Annihilating Germany'

It is difficult for most people to understand how the world’s most powerful jewish financiers — or so-called super capitalists — are also radical Bolshevists who plan to use socialism as a political weapon to transfer the world’s wealth into their hands — and that’s exactly what they have been doing since their early years of the 20th century.
Top Jewish Scholar Admits Hitler Launched WWII To Stop 'World Jewry' From 'Annihilating Germany'

Jews Must Renounce Zionism

Chart explains Zionist Jews' sociopathic lack of common decency and compassion.
Jan 5 - Jews Must Renounce Zionism ...
World War Three will be fought over Israel's right to exterminate Palestinians. Jews must renounce Zionism or face the collective hatred of mankind. (I believe in the two-state solution but Israel was created to...

Zionism Has Turned Jews into a Fifth Column

Zionism Has Turned Jews into a Fifth Column: Zionism expects Jews to support Israel, often at the expense of the national interests of the countries in which they live. by Joseph Agassi, Professor of Philosophy, Tel Aviv University( a few people in nineteenth-century Europe practiced both secularism and religion. Others practiced secularism in lieu of religion. This is how nationalism...

Myron Fagan: The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations (1967).

 The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a UN one world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.

The reason for this unawareness of the frightening danger to our country and to the entire free world is simple. The masterminds behind this great conspiracy have absolute control of all of our mass communications media especially television, the radio, the press and Hollywood.

Central Bank Fraud Sealed Mankind’s Fate .

Society has been thoroughly subverted and colonized by this occult power and doesn't even know it because they control mass media and education. Many Jews and Freemasons are collaborators but everyone who wishes to succeed in public life must become a witting or unwitting accomplice. Modern society is built on quicksand. We are mind-controlled slaves, but thanks to the Internet, more people are waking up. 
Central Bank Fraud Sealed Mankind’s Fate :    

All Wars are Between Freemasonry (Satanism) and Humanity

Jan 4 - All Wars are Between Freemasonry (Satanism) and Humanity : In 1990 Chabad leader Menachem Schneerson exhorted Netanyahu to hurry up and destroy humanity so the Messiah will return. Christopher Jon Bjerknes says Netanyahu is...

A Lesser "Grade" of Human.

 The West does not memorialize the hundreds of thousands of civilians bombed by the U.S. in Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan and every major German city 1943-1945. America's fire-bombing of the city of Tokyo by General Curtis LeMay in March 1945 was followed by Harry Truman's atomic incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of that year. Truman...

NLP - Collective, covert, Indoctrination!

The Tavistock institute for human relations is just one point of interest i advise you all to research as it played a major role in social engineering, programming and propagating in the early days of the 20th century, founded in 1946 played a major role in post war propaganda. Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is one of the sciences and forms of mind manipulation studied in depth and implemented massively in the years to follow 1950’s & 1960’s.

Mark Trozzi--Mind Control

 "Do you wonder why did so many people complied with nonsensical covid mandates? Why are some people still wearing facial diapers? Why did people abuse their own family and friends, literally pushing lethal injections on each other? ...

Trauma Based Mind Control.

 The Rothschild banking dynasty provided funding for several of these orphan asylums. According to Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, the family has privately bred over a hundred thousand offspring, including Adolf Hitler.

If you had a million Mind Control Slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations. But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma.

Can We Pull Out of the Death Spiral in 2024?

The West has embraced suicide, so it is hard to be optimistic for 2024.However as long the the Internet remains relatively free, I am optimistic we will win in the end.The natural and moral order are hardwired in our bodies and souls.Thanks to my ...
Dec 31 - Can We Pull Out of the Death Spiral in 2024?