Télépathie synthétique ou attaques lâches aux armes psycho-électroniques.
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Albert Einstein
Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.
L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...
Jean Paul Sartre
Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..
Makow- Religious Fanatics have Hijacked Israel (and the US)
Le système de guerre électronique le plus puissant...
The Nazis and the CIA.
Engineering a Crisis: How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power.
A failed assassination attempt on a presidential candidate. An incumbent president withdrawing his re-election bid at the 11th hour. A politicized judiciary that fails to hold the powers-that-be accountable to the rule of law. A world at war. A nation in turmoil.
This is what controlled chaos looks like.
The Worst Enemy of Jews are Zionists
It’s All a Charade, Folks
Red/Russian (aka Jewish) Mafiya.
Mark Glenn - Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders
Our Frogmarch to the End Times.
“A History of Psychotronic Weaponry”
By Peter A. Kirby
The most common devices capable of being used as psychotronic weapons today are your cellular phone as well as any wireless, Internet-connected device, but these types of signals can also hit their targets from thousands of miles away. This article seeks to enlighten the public as it documents the undeniable reality of psychotronic weaponry as evidenced by its long, detailed history.
Trump - Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior
MAGA 2.0: The Conservative Case for a Transhuman Future™
Is there a MAGA 2.0 that is different than MAGA 1.0? Joe Allen talks about how “the technological Gray Tribe [that] stands apart from the progressive Blue Tribe and the tradition-oriented Red Tribe” and suggests MAGA 2.0 promises to hurtle you blindly into the Future™. If you don’t see this not-so-subtle distinction, you will find yourself living in a Transhuman and Technocratic future. – Patrick Wood, Editor
Transhuman Artificial Intelligence Coming to a Hive Mind Near You.
Through the use of “smart drugs,” and what transhumanists call “mind uploading,” man will be able to merge with the internet, envisioned as the endpoint of occult Kabbalistic evolution, the formation of a collective consciousness, or Global Brain. That awaited moment is what Kurzweil refers to as The Singularity. The fact that this man is the key player running Google (now Alphabet) research couldn’t be more damning.
L’humanité subie une attaque occulte.
France. Au-delà des fantasmes, est-ce que l’État profond existe ?......
Woman Worship is Occult.
Top Pilot Testifies: ‘Bill Gates Is Fumigating Cities With Mood Altering Chemtrails’.
Ongoing Jewish Influence in the Transformation of Ireland.
The ‘softening up’ of Ireland for the ongoing scheme of mass population replacement is set to gather pace following the appointment of Nigerian Ebun Joseph in the Orwellian role of “Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism.”
Députée des Français de l'étranger : Caroline Yada...
July 19 - Satan’s Wife Re-elected EU President
Franc-maçonnerie : le souhait de mort de l’humanité.
La source des problèmes du monde : Le « leadership » Gentil a été choisi pour sa volonté vendre son âme aux banquiers centraux juifs cabalistes (sataniques) en rejoignant la franc-maçonnerie, qui est le judaïsme pour les Gentils. Traduit, nos « dirigeants » sont des menteurs, des opportunistes et des traîtres.
Trump as Vance’s Van Gogh: self-mutilation of the ear?
The Civil War Simulation.
By CJ Hopkins
I’ve been calling it “The Rise of the New Normal Reich.” Others have been describing it with other names. No one can say exactly what it is, but at this point, everyone can feel it coming.
Something resembling a new form of totalitarianism … or something resembling civil war.
One thing often leads to the other.
Jews Don’t Know that Cabalist Judaism is Satanism.
The Jewish Golden Age Continues Part I: American Law.
In this series, we will investigate US power nodes, how they really work, and the known-unknown forces driving American policy and life — at times against the will of the majority of the population.
The CIA’s Assassination Plots.
Jacob Hornberger has done a great deal of research on this topic and here is what he says. “Why would the CIA snuff out the life of President Kennedy? Because Kennedy was determined to snuff out the life of the CIA, which the CIA, not surprisingly, considered would be a grave threat to ‘national security.’
JFK Jr. and the Jewish Curse on the Kennedys.
By Laurent Guyénot.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. died 25 years ago, with his wife and his sister-in-law.
He was assassinated. I’ll summarize the evidence below...
Comment la gauche a instauré la terreur et la guerre en Europe suite à la Révolution française.
Xavier Moreau, dans son bulletin Stratpol N°194, fait un parallèle entre les élections législatives de 1795 en France et la situation politique actuelle. Il rappelle que la Révolution française, loin d'apporter la liberté, a instauré la dictature et le totalitarisme, et que la gauche française est née dans la terreur et le génocide. Les élections de 1795, truquées par la gauche pour conserver le pouvoir, ont provoqué une insurrection légitime des monarchistes, que Napoléon a réprimée dans le sang.
Les coulisses de La Révolution Française-Marion Sigaut.
Plus de quatre heures, alors que j'en avais prévu un peu plus d'une seule.
L'excellent Nicolas Bouvier voulait que je parle de la Révolution à l'avant-veille du 14 juillet. J'aurais pu ne parler que de la prise de la Bastille, il y a de quoi occuper une soirée. Mais j'ai fait le choix de survoler les quarante ans qui séparent l'apparition des Lumières si mal nommées, et le déroulement du séisme appelé "Révolution française".
J'y parle dette publique, police des grains, physiocratie, Lumières, Louis XV, Pompadour, Voltaire, Jésuites et jansénistes, Libéralisme, Necker, Indépendance américaine, Chaos, Taxation, Turgot, guerre des farines, Necker, Traité Eden Rayneval, Etats-généraux, Prise de la Bastille, garde nationale, Nuit du 4 août, Loi martiale, fin des corporations, Constitution civile du clergé, fuite de Varennes, Législatives, émeutes de la faim, la Marseillaise, manifeste de Brunswick, assaut des Tuileries, massacres de Septembre, Convention, Valmy, naissance de la République, insurrection vendéenne, populicide, valeurs de la République.
Il est grand temps que les gens sachent, non ?
Supporting Israel Is Big Business in the United States.
Government and elite institutions work together to protect and empower the Jewish state.
One must consider how is it possible that organizations that are committed to financially supporting war crimes and even genocide by a foreign nation are allowed to have tax breaks that enable them to collect more money which in turn helps them to corrupt the system that feeds them while also empowering those foreign militaries?
The French Revolution: The Rising of the Vendee.
Michael Davies speaks on the Catholic response in the Vendee to the persecution in France. The battles, the heroism, the leaders, and the genocide that the French State did to them and history is silent by the institutional court historical establishment.
An Addendum to the Protocols of Zion
The Ways of the Jewish Slave Traders.
Juifs et esclavage (des noirs et des musulmans) à Oran sous Occupation Espagnole....
Les voies des marchands juifs d’esclaves.
Wolfgang Eggert’s War Prediction is Materializing
L’alliance traitresse entre nazis et sionistes.
The Rockefellers Created 990 “Climate Change” Institutions, Foundations, And Activist Groups
Canadian Journalist Elizabeth Nikson digs deeply into Jacob Nordangard’s epic book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game.
Every scurrilous, freedom-sapping organization in America has been founded or funded by Rockefeller money. In 1973, with the founding of the Trilateral Commission, their plan kicked into high gear to capture all the resources of the world.
Conscience du peuple: La grande imposture.
Mike Stone - Dealing With Dopes
The dark origins of the Great Reset and the fraud that is Klaus Schwab.
Vaincre grâce au chaos qu’ils organisent !...
Ils pensent nous vaincre grâce au chaos qu’ils organisent et qu’ils appellent « Big Reset » (cette grande réinitialisation nécessaire à leur Agenda 2030). Depuis des décennies, une guerre nous est déclarée, une vraie guerre, avec des millions de morts, et sans compter ceux dus aux « va x ins » tueurs à ARNm de Pfizer & Co.
“Our” Man in Israel.
Since there has been no groundswell of media or public opposition to pro-Israel operatives like Ross at the highest levels of the U.S. government, it’s not surprising that the practice continues. Amos Hochstein is a good contemporary example. Israel and the powerful Lebanon-based Shiite Hezbollah militia are on the brink of open warfare, conflict that could trigger U.S. intervention and escalate to a regional or even a world war.
La G.B. gouvernée par la juiverie
The Ugliness of War and Technocracy.
We are in a challenging time where our nations, free markets, culture and human rights are under attack. The threats we face include physical assaults like warfare, as well as more abstract dangers such as censorship, surveillance and economic warfare.
Code Ursula : de Big Brother à Big Mother.
Le coup d’Etat bruxellois s’est donc passé de façon cool, sans fioritures. Tout le monde l’a accepté, le fameux rebelle Orban y compris. Meyssan s’est encore trompé et on n’aura pas Draghi. On aura Ursula la hyène, avec ses vaccins, ses moustiques-Gates, ses insectes-petits-plats, sa guerre, son budget militaire à 500 milliards remixé à 1000 (et dire qu’on se croyait ruinés !), on aura la guerre à mort contre la Russie tôt ou tard car tout super État se bâtit sur la guerre comme l’explique ...
Élections en Grande-Bretagne.
Helena Glass - Kier Starmer’s Wife is Jewish
A Brutal Russian Take on Zionism
Vaccinated Corpses Are Emitting Radio Frequencies That Trace Back To A Bill Gates Project.
Baxter Dmitry _ The People’s Voice
Are the vaccinated already walking, talking human cyborgs, fulfilling as yet unknown functions for the global elite – before they keel over and die at the flick of a switch?
This may sound like science fiction, but when you see the stone cold evidence we have coming up for you, what sounded like a horror movie will suddenly look like a living nightmare for the vaccinated.
Corey Lynn: Who is “they”?
Some call them the “deep state,” “global cabal,” “illuminati” and “shadow government.” Whereas “they” often do operate as a single force, there are many individuals and players involved.
So who is behind the money, power, control, narratives and destruction of the world – the constant wars, manufactured inflation, attack on the food system and agriculture, big pharma and medical madness, constant surveillance, AI and transhumanism, the entire financial system and so on?...
Conscience du peuple: Trump et Poutine doivent remplir leurs rôles bibli...
Savage Reservations.
I don’t know about you, but as for myself, I would much rather be excluded from a totalitarian society – even one emulating Huxley’s soma-addicted pseudo-utopia – than to be included in 15-minute cities, the digital prison of CBDCs, a regime of regular (non-) ‘vaccinations,’ restrictions on travel, sentenced to eat insects (while the ‘elite’ parasites enjoy their steak and lamb cutlets) and surveillance at multiple levels, including the internet and the physical level, where AI-robots will keep the populace in check. But don’t forget: ‘You will be happy!’
Why are Nationalists Beholden to Israel?
CHEMTRAILS Brought to You by the CIA?...
By Peter A. Kirby
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) appears to be the overall, day-to-day manager of all aspects of today’s chemtrail spraying operations. To detail every documented connection between the CIA and what is referred to here as the New Manhattan Project (NMP) would be truly tedious. It suffices to...
Rockefellers Covering the Earth with CHEMTRAILS?...
The Rockefeller Foundation was founded in 1913 (the same year as their private U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) to promote nothing less than the welfare of all mankind. The Rockefellers intended to use science to solve the global problems of: sickness, poverty, underdevelopment, and ignorance. Spraying megatons of toxic waste from aircraft is apparently their idea of how to achieve these goals.