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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Mike Stone - Can We Believe Anything in the MSM?

"Literally everything being reported on television news today is a lie. 
But here's the kicker: it works. 

The drooling retards who watch Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, 
and all the others actually believe the bullshit they see on television. 
If they didn't, then none of the lies coming 
from the mainstream media would be happening." 
Mike Stone - Can We Believe Anything in the MSM?...

Rudolph the Hooked-Nosed Reindeer

Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult where God is replaced by his "Chosen People," led by the Masonic Jewish central bank cartel. 

A documentary Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas (2017) brought home how the West has been inducted into this satanic cult (Cabalism). Many popular Christmas songs were written by Jewish songwriters and are really Jewish. 
Rudolph the Hooked-Nosed Reindeer...

Satanist Jews Took the Christ Out of Christmas

Satanist Jews Took the Christ Out of Christmas : This article is nearly 20 years old. I repost it as a reminder of what we've lost.A friend's eight-year-old boy complained that his class cannot celebrate Christmas although 19 of 20 kids are Christian. The twentieth is Jewish, and guess what, they are learning about Chanukah!  The boy made a...

1914 Christmas Truce -- Satanists Hold Us Hostage

1914 Christmas Truce -- Satanists Hold Us Hostage: On Christmas 1914,  British and German soldiers fraternized and refused to kill each other. Christmas reminded them that they had more in common with Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Love than with the Cabalist (Satanist) bankers who had contrived this war in order to kill them. This war against civilization has not

A Year Of Chaos: Does A Shocking Magazine Cover Reveal What The Global Elite Have Planned For 2025?

Are we heading into a year that will be characterized by great turmoil? Every year, a magazine known as “the Economist” publishes an issue that is dedicated to what is coming in the year ahead. In the past, many of these issues have turned out to be eerily accurate.

Religion for Dummies.

Religion can be summarized in two words: Obey every momentGod is Perfectiona spiritual ideal that resides in our soulTruth, Goodness, Love, Beauty, Justice, Bliss. Which do you serve? God is Reality. Consciousness. We are unconscious.God is the blueprint for our... Religion for Dummies...

Anarchy in the Levant: Your Future Dream Is a Chaos Scheme.

 By Pepe Escobar

Syria as we knew it is being eviscerated in real time – in geographic, cultural, economic and military terms – by an appalling confluence of mercenary Rent-a-Jihadi mobs and psychopathological genocidals praying at the altar of Eretz Israel.

You’re an Antisemite if you Oppose Genocide

Zionists and their supporters are a laughing stock worldwidefor attempting to classify opposition to the slaughter of Palestinians as antisemitic bigotry. You're disgusting! Everyone knows that Oct 7, 2023 took place with Israeli complicity. That's why Satanyahiu refuses to allow an investigation! 
December 18 - You’re an Antisemite if you Oppose Genocide

Trump, the Final Downfall of this Country, and the Mass Slavery to Follow

 “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

                                                  - Howard Zinn

Never Be Fooled by any Politician.

Mike Stone - Drones are a Test of American Stupidity

"If either of these scenarios is carried out, either a fake alien invasion 
or a fake Project Blue Beam operation, then all of the idiots 
who fell for the fake pandemic will believe it. 
You can take that to the bank."

Kritarchs on Krusade: What a Slippery Jewish Lawyer Really Means by "Rule of Law"

 Voters in Europe and America are like fish in the ocean. They’re utterly ignorant of vast forces shaping their lives. Fish are ignorant of the moon and its control over the tides. Voters in Europe and America are ignorant of the Jews and their control over politics.

Regime Change in Syria: Another Step Towards "Greater Israel"

The collapse of the Assad government in Syria is certain to be greeted with considerable satisfaction in Jerusalem and Washington. Both capitals of the Zionist Co-Dominium have long seen the Assads much as they did Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi. All were obstacles to Israel’s designs in the region.

Patrick O’Carroll - Trump Prepares Goyim to Die for Israel

In order to save their country from disintegration due to Communist Demonrat corruption, Americans are blackmailed into dying for...

Who is the Mossad impostor/mole Mohammed Al-Julani?


There are native non-Jewish people from various races, who were brought up by Mossad since infancy. They are sometimes subjected to MK Ultra methods in Zio prisons. They never experienced life as children, regarding to relating with loving parents (biological or adoptive). Their ‘parents’ were/are Mossad agents, or sayanim.

The Kremlin directs the anti-Zionist movement on behalf of Jewry.

 Remember that Jewry once used England as its base of operations, thanks to traitors like Oliver Cromwell, and it appears that not long after Judaic ‘Brit’ain helped found the masonic republic of the United States of America, Jewry set its sights on the Holy Russian Empire, not only to eradicate Christian monarchy but also to set up a base of operations for its international super government.

Syria’s Collapse Clears the Way for “Greater Israel”

Syria’s Collapse Clears the Way for “Greater Israel” : Makow - In a brilliant move, the Zionists have checkmated the Islamists and cleared the way for the Middle East to fall under Zionist control. Turkey's Erdogan who had threatened to invade Israel for the Palestinians has instead knifed them in the back and invaded Syria instead, cutting the supply...

The Hebrew Immigration Aid Society Situation.

Here is the smoking gun on who is the causa proxima of the diabolical reality carte blanche illegal migration crisis. It is curious indeed that Trump or any of the Zios like Ted Cruz never mentions these grifters, ever.

“Israel Will Be a Superpower” - Satanyahu

Netanyahu's true objective is expansion and subjugation of Muslims. 
Thanks to Trump, WW3 will be fought over Israel's right to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.

Chabad Gangster Threatens Palestinians

Like Putin and Netanyahu, Trump is a member of the Jewish supremacist cult Chabad. 
Trump confirmed this by attending a service at the Chabad leader's grave on Oct 7, 2024 to commemorate the false flag attack on an Israeli Kibbutz where the IDF killed at least half...
Dec 3 - Chabad Gangster Threatens Palestinians...

MAGA is a (((Family))) Affair

Trump hosts visiting Sara Netanyahu at his Florida golf resortSara Netanyahu is in Miami for several weeks to visit her son Yair. That's right folks. Netanyahu's son is in Miami while Israeli hostages and soldiers languish and die in Gaza & Lebanon. Meanwhile Trump hosts the wife of war criminal Satanyahu and ...
Dec 2 - MAGA is a (((Family))) Affair...

The Real Winston Churchill

The Real Winston Churchill : On the 150th anniversary of his birth in 1874, let us remember Winston Churchill, a crypto-Jew who sold out his country to advance the Rothschilds' program of world domination. 
The Masonic Jewish central bankers contrive wars for profit, to kill patriots and to degrade and enslave humanity. Churchill described the Second World War as the..