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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Pierre HILLARD - La face cachée du Sionisme.

 Le sionisme, concept né à la fin du 19e siècle grâce à Théodore Herzl, est au cœur d'enjeux géopolitiques majeurs qui façonnent le monde moderne. 

Né dans un contexte d'antisémitisme croissant en Europe, il a conduit à la création de l'État d'Israël en 1948, un événement crucial pour l'histoire du Moyen-Orient, aux répercussions mondiales. 

Découvrez comment cette idéologie, entre politique, religion et nationalisme, influence aujourd'hui les relations internationales.

L’Ordre attaqué par… les médecins!

 Diffusée en direct le 21 nov. 2024 Invités: Dr. Philippe BRY Dr. Frédéric GOAREGUER Dr. Jean-Philippe LABREZE Dr. Michel PROCUREUR Dr. Véronique ROGEZ Dr. Louis FOUCHÉ Dr. Alain COLIGNON Dr. Grégory PAMART Présenté par Alexandre PENASSE.

Source :

DK Ultra - Constructing The Mind Controlled State .

 By Philip Jones.

 "The Mass Mind Control of a population can be defined as the sophisticated exercise of control by utilising the ability to keep people oppressed yet contented".

The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations 1954.

Philip Jones - Truther Poisoned by the Illuminati 15 Years Ago

Today is the anniversary of the death Nov 24, 2009 of the gifted and courageous anti-NW0crusader Philip Jones(1957-2009). During the last months of his life, Jones' confided to L.C. Vincent his suspicion that he had been poisoned.
Philip Jones - Truther Poisoned by the Illuminati 15 Years Ago

Savvy Granny- Illuminati Embrace War But Keep Plandemics

The Big Agenda is depopulation. The PHEIC and its biowarfare will continue. Wars will escalate. And WWIII when it breaks out will bring in the real world order and its Soviet with its centre in Eurasia.
Savvy Granny- Illuminati Embrace War But Keep Plandemics...

Nations Built on Lies. Volume 1 – How the US Became Rich.


Contents Part 5 :

- The Spoils of War

- Japan’s Golden Lily

-Treasure Island

- The Great Gold Robbery –

       Part I – The US  FED

- The Great Gold Robbery –

      Part II – Citibank

- US Gold Purchase Act of 1933

- US Silver Purchase Act of 1934

- God Save the Queen

- My Currency, But Your Problem

- The World Bank and the IMF

Freedom of speech is the principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins….Ben Franklin

The Consequences of Living a Lie.

The consequences of living a lie and ignoring the truth is that we will be destroyed.The sheeple have been lulled to sleep. They are going to have a rude awakening.Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comAt 1.30 min, Col. Douglas Macgregor says Russian nuclear strike forces are at highest...
Nov 21 - The Consequences of Living a Lie

Les Secrets cachés de la famille Royale d'Angleterre.


Il est temps de Dégager l'État profond.,


Isaiah Explains Jewish Supremacism & the NWO

Why do Christians ignore the program for Gentile enslavement in Isaiah 60: 3-12? 

Can't they see that Isaiah is not the "word of God" and goyim are not part of the Covenant, and not even considered human?

The ugly truth hiding is in plain view. We can conflate Talmudic Judaism, Satanism, Communism, Zionism, Feminism, Gender Dysphoria and the NWO.
Isaiah Explains Jewish Supremacism & the NWO...

Israël utilise-t-il le football pour exporter son modèle politique d’apartheid en Europe ? ...

Pour la deuxième fois en 8 jours, des centaines de hooligans israéliens ont attaqué des supporters non identifiés lors d’un match de football à Amsterdam puis à Paris. Un certain nombre de vidéos circulant sur les réseaux sociaux montrent des essaims de jeunes hommes – la plupart vêtus de noir avec des masques et des bonnets ou drapés dans des drapeaux israéliens – en train de frapper un Français inconnu qui a été battu au sol. L’étendue de ses blessures reste inconnue.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Israël utilise-t-il le football pour exporter son ...

100+ citations révélant le malheur causé par les J...

Voici une compilation d'environ 100 citations, remontant aux 2000 dernières années, révélant la méchanceté, la trahison, la tromperie ...
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : 100+ citations révélant le malheur causé par les J...

Le monde des juifs.

Les prophètes, les messagers, les dirigeants, les penseurs et les philosophes du monde ont essayé de se ...
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Le monde des juifs...

Zionists Regard Jews as Sacrifices

The Jewish Holocaust was a Nazi-Zionist Collaboration designed to justify the State of Israel.
Zionists have a long history of sacrificing ordinary Jews to advance their occult goal, a worldwide Communist dystopia. 
Gaza is no exception.Israel's military...
Zionists Regard Jews as Sacrifices...





Almost 15 years ago Bill Gates suggested a “death panel” system be implemented in the USA because palliative care wasn’t cost-effective.

In 2010, Bill Gates weighed up the cost of keeping “terminally ill” Americans alive versus paying for teachers’ salaries.

He said the US was unwilling to question if spending money on people in “the last three months” of their lives was cost-effective. He suggested there wasn’t a benefit in end-of-life care and a decision should be made to end people’s lives instead of providing costly palliative care. “That’s called the death panel,” he said.

MAHA Nomination: Accountability for Atmospheric Modification.

I have been nominated for the Trump transition team’s consideration for an appointment by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA).

Your vote matters! Please share this post and this direct URL to vote for me:

Is Israel Using Soccer to Export Its Racist Political Model to Europe?...

For the second time in 8 days, hundreds of Israeli soccer hooligans attacked unidentified fans at a football match in Paris, France. A number of videos circulating on social media show swarms of young men—mostly dressed in black with masks and stocking caps or draped in Israeli flags—pummeling an unknown Frenchman who was beaten to the ground. The extent of his injuries remains unknown.

Makow--We Still Have Not Processed the Scamdemic Trauma

We act as though the COVID nightmare never happened. How is this denial affecting us? For many it has destroyed trust in all our social institutions. And respect for our fellow citizens. Maybe that was the purpose in addition to traumatizing and poisoning us.
Makow--We Still Have Not Processed the Scamdemic Trauma ...

Le Noachisme ou la Domination Complète.


Conscience du peuple: Trump et la mise en place des lois Noahides

Le 12 novembre 2024, dans une lettre ouverte adressée au président Trump, le rabbin Dovid Abenson a demandé à Trump 👉de créer un "Département de moralité" basé sur les lois noahides.

Cette lettre contient à elle seule le rôle programmé de Donald Trump et celui de l'Antéchrist: susciter l'avènement d'une théocratie mondiale, et d'un rédempteur, sous l'égide de la "paix et sécurité", de la "morale universelle" et de la gouvernance de Dieu sur toutes les nations de la Terre: l'imposture parmi toutes les impostures!
Conscience du peuple: Trump et la mise en place des lois noahides...

Trump appartient à la secte juive Chabad...

Makow – Je déteste être un rabat-joie, mais reliez les points. Les articles ci-dessous montrent que Chabad est une secte raciste criminelle et suprématiste juive qui prône la destruction de la civilisation Chrétienne et le meurtre des non-juifs. 
La différence entre le christianisme et le judaïsme kabbaliste est tout simplement l’AMOUR contre la HAINE. Dieu contre Satan. 
Le génocide de Gaza ne le montre-t-il pas clairement ?
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : 9 novembre – Trump appartient à la secte juive Ch...

L’horrible génocide Sioniste contre les Juifs Sépharades....

Voici, ce que sont capables de faire les sionistes contre les juifs eux-mêmes et notamment contre leurs enfants !

Nul doute que pour s'accaparer la Palestine ils ont largement participé à la "fabrication de la SHOHA" pour légitimer auprès de l'opinion internationale, leur droit à revendiquer la Palestine qui leur avait été promise (non pas par Dieu puisque cela n'existe pas dans la Torah, les juifs ayant été condamnés au contraire, à errer sans territoire), mais par la Grande Bretagne, le 2 novembre 1917 par la "déclaration du Balfour", soit quelques années avant la seconde guerre mondiale.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : L’horrible génocide sioniste contre les juifs séph...

What does it mean to be Western?...

 The time we live in now is one dominated by online sensationalism of the Left vs. the Right. It is a theater of the absurd where the characters engage in the most provocative charade, actors of the lowest order who grab at our base impulses to goad the mind into beliefs and fantasies as farcical as they are defeating.

West is Led by Psychopaths.

Americans are awaking to the fact they have elected a Zionist government. 
They had no choice since the alternative was Communism.
As they realize Zionists are committed to a suicidal world war, how will they tell Trump they don't want to die for Israel?...
Nov 15 - West is Led by Psychopaths 

Savvy Granny-- Historical Parallels Between Hitler & Trump

Trump's victory is a replay of the historic landslide mandate given by a destroyed German nation to Zionist Asset Adolph Hitler who won the mandate to rebuild Germany (which he did) for a covert objective of wrecking it in such a way as to permanently destroy the German nationalism and so incorporate the tremendous power that is ...

Redacted Disclosure on Gladio – TID Repairs FAKE HISTORY.

Operation Gladio, officially intended as a NATO “stay-behind” mission to counter a potential Soviet invasion, took on a far more complex role involving clandestine activities, some of which reportedly veered into extremist actions. This reality is often either under-reported or selectively acknowledged.

Netanyahu is US President.

By Henry Makow :
I hate to rain on your parade but having Trump as President is the same as having Benjamin Netanyahu as President of the USA.
November 13 - Netanyahu is US President...

Gaza. Le président égyptien est un juif sioniste.

Le général Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi est juif. Sa mère, Malikah Titani, est une juive marocaine d'Asefi, ce qui fait d'al-Sisi un juif et un citoyen automatique d'Israël. ... al-Sisi a caché son identité. L'identité juive et les liens israéliens avec le peuple égyptien... et ont détruit leur démocratie naissante par la tromperie et les meurtres de masse.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Gaza. Le président égyptien est un juif sioniste...

Le candidat Casher.

C'est étrange, non ? Trump remporte les élections et tout est calme sur le front occidental. Pas de voyous d'Antifa ou de BLM qui saccagent les grandes villes ; pas d'activité suspecte dans les bureaux de vote ni de cas significatifs de fraude électorale ; pas d'avertissements médiatiques hystériques sur la « montée du fascisme » imminente.
 Rien ! C'est presque comme si Trump était le candidat de l'État profond...
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Le candidat casher..

The Kosher Candidate.

 How strange, eh? Trump wins the election and all’s quiet on the Western front. No Antifa or BLM thugs tearing up major cities; no suspicious activity at the polls or meaningful cases of voter fraud; no histrionic media warning about the impending ‘rise of fascism.’ Nothing! It’s almost as if Trump was the deep state’s candidate...

Were the Jesuits Crypto-Jews? Did They Stem from the Kabbalist Alumbrados?...

 ...From the beginning, the Jesuits garnered such a bad reputation that by 1773 Pope Clement XIV, in the Bull Dominus ac Redemptor Noster, abolished the order “forever.” Even prior to the ban, Jesuits were tossed out of Portugal, France, the Two Sicilys, Parma and the Spanish Empire.

Modus Operandi of the Jesuits...

Veteran’s Day Normalizes War & Satanic Human Sacrifice

Nov. 11 is Veteran's Day in the US and Canada. Should military veterans be treated as heroes or victims of a hoax? Heroes would be appropriate if indeed they were defending their nation. 
But in the words of Marine General Smedley Butler, US soldiers are bully boys for Wall Street.  
Veteran’s Day Normalizes War & Satanic Human Sacrifice ...

Les agences de renseignement ont commencé à truquer les élections dès 1948 en Italie.

 Nous devons comprendre la machine

De la façon dont Mike Benz explique le monde, de folles choses commencent à avoir un sens, mais tout cela est, en son cœur profond, une corruption sombre et profonde en ce qui nous concerne, qui a opéré en sous-main depuis que nous sommes en vie. Il est pourtant facile et déprimant de croire que des gens ayant virtuellement un pouvoir infini, même ceux qui commencent en “politique” avec de bonnes intentions, se retrouvent à la porte de l’enfer en train de discuter d’un...

Mike Benz: The Intelligence Agencies started rigging elections in 1948 in Italy.

 For the deep state, the dark art of influencing elections started on foreign governments, but once the CIA and State Department had honed the skills they needed, and broken every rule, what would stop them doing the same thing on domestic politics “to save democracy”? In a sense, it is as if a World War II no-holds-barred mentality has lived on to this day.

If what Mike Benz says is correct, there is no way that those who apparently influence elections all over the world will give up that power easily, especially in the most important election.

Pastor--Christian Zionists Betray Jesus

"I have found most Christians are duped Christian-Zionists, 
and it's difficult and dangerous to confront them with the truth."
Pastor--Christian Zionists Betray Jesus....

L'arnaque de la Bible Scofield.

L'arnaque de la Bible Scofield, financée par la City de Londres, et le mensonge inséré dans l'Église visant à tromper les chrétiens quant aux orientations politico-messianiques de l'État d'Israël.

Dessein de Dieu ou ruse du diable?...

Conscience du peuple: L'arnaque de la Bible Scofield...

Liste (non exhaustive) des Juifs qui dominent la France.

 Le nouveau premier ministre français, Gabriel Attal a les principales qualités requises pour diriger le peuple goy : il est juif (comme l’ex première ministre Borne) et il est gay (comme Emmanuel Macron). Il a les mêmes qualités que Vladimir Zelensky, juif gay, qui fait tout son possible pour éliminer un maximum de chrétiens slaves.

Léon de Poncins - Israël destructeur d'Empires.

Cet opuscule a été composé par F. TROCASE en 1899 ; le mérite du vicomte, homme de grand jugement, est de l’avoir exhumé, réédité, offert au public ; remercions-le.

C’est une invite à lire les œuvres plus étendues de NESTA WEBSTER (La révolution mondiale, complot contre la Civilisation, 1921), de WICKHAM STEED (La monarchie des HABSBOURG, 1919), évidemment classés comme nazis, fascistes et dérangés, par les spécialistes de la calomnie, du mensonge, du...

Trump will Win Landslide Victory.

Things to feel good about :

 The Internet- It's not technology, it's magic.

The whole world is in the same room at the same time with all it's education and entertainment, as well as its vices. 

I don't know how they do it but we should feel very proud of this human accomplishment. 

As long as the Internet is relatively free, Masonic-Jewish (Communist/Zionist) tyranny will fail.

So we can be thankful for that.
Nov 3 - Trump will Win Landslide Victory...

We’re Passengers on the Titanic.

Mankind has been subverted by a Sabbatean Frankist satanic cult that has divided itself into a Communist (Left) and Zionist Fascist (Right) house league. Our institutions have been subverted by this cult which controls banking. WW3 is a repeat of WW2 pitting the Fascists (NATO, Israel, US, Nazi Ukraine) against the Communists (Russia, China, Iran, radical Islam, BRICS) Both are wings of Freemasonry and are controlled at the top by the Rothschild banking cartel. The Communists will win. Humanity is being held hostage.
Nov 2 - We’re Passengers on the Titanic 

America’s Deep State Revisited.


In his book The New Freedom, written in 1913, Woodrow Wilson wrote “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

HAARP DOSSIER – 5. Disastrous Hurricanes in US, Endless Floods in Europe: Suspicions on Biden’s Geoengineering…

 Disaster in Spain, at least 95 Dead: in 8 hours the Rain of a Year. Climate Instability Worldwide.

Does the US Military “Own the Weather” as an Instrument of Modern Warfare?

Rockefellers Conceived BRICS in 1956 as NWO Ploy

...They want the oppressed peoples of the world to join together and see themselves beating the West. And they want them to believe that the Illuminati's multipolar New World Order represents their final victory over oppression and ascension to equality, when it is actually just the beginning of a new phase of subjugation and their fall into equality as global serfs.
Rockefellers Conceived BRICS in 1956 as NWO Ploy...