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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Surveillance Neurotechnologique et Trafic Humain à Sault Ste. Marie : Une Enquête Documentée.

 L'essor rapide des technologies de surveillance, notamment les technologies neurotechnologiques, soulève des préoccupations majeures en matière de sécurité, de confidentialité et de droits humains. 

Parmi ces technologies, le Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) est un sujet de débat intense en raison de ses applications potentielles à des fins criminelles, telles que le trafic humain et la torture. 

Cet article documente l'utilisation abusive du RNM à Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, en examinant les aspects techniques, les impacts sur les victimes, les brevets associés et les mesures de lutte contre ces pratiques.

Trump - Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior.

The Most Powerful POTUS Psyop In American History.
"Unknown to the MAGA Movement and Patriot Movement, a Trump victory means one thing and one thing only: MIGA. And, if Trump "Makes Israel Great Again" as he did during his first term, America's downfall is certain this time around."
Trump - Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior...

In a Satanic Cult, Ugliness is Art and Perversion is Cool.

 In May of 2015, Christie’s sold over a billion dollars in artwork in one week. One of the more notable pieces up for auction was Lucian Freud’s painting of naked U.K. Jobs Center clerk “Fat Sue” that sold for £35m ($56.2 million) to an anonymous buyer. Only in a satanic cult would this be considered a great art “investment.”

Israel Blackmails Humanity.

The West has tied its fate to this maniac. What is his End Game? 
A country of seven million cannot subjugate countries with a total population of more than 150 million. 
His end game must be a catastrophic world war to fulfill prophecy. 
Oct 29 - Israel Blackmails Humanity...

La Cathédrale de Narbonne.

 Les  ‘Chevaliers Templiers’ ont construit de nombreuses églises et cathédrales  du XI  au XIII ème siècle  à travers toute l’ Europe. On retrouve au jour d’ aujourd’ hui la preuve de l’ infiltration des ‘Illuminatis’ dans la religion Chrétienne - même les Autels où l’on pratiquait les rituels de la ‘magie noire’ sont conservés. Les démons et les créatures démoniaques sont apparentes partout.   

Incendie de Notre -Dame. Un signe du Destin?...

 Notre-Dame de Paris cache bien plus que des pierres et des vitraux : c’est un sanctuaire de sagesse millénaire. L’incendie dévastateur de 2019 a révélé un lien puissant entre la cathédrale et le feu, élément central de l’alchimie. Pour les initiés, ce feu n’est pas une simple tragédie, mais un symbole de purification, un appel à la renaissance. À la légendaire Porte Rouge, ornée de salamandres, dragons et phénix, chaque sculpture évoque la résilience et la transformation, thèmes chers à l’alchimie. En ce lieu sacré, le...

Si jamais vous en doutiez...

un effondrement économique et culturel complet dans l'Occident combiné. En voici la preuve. Tout est question de look, rien de sub...

Le négationnisme est-il un péché ? par E. Michael Jones

 Le 10 octobre, Catholic Answers a publié une vidéo de Trent Horn qui posait la question « Qu’y a-t-il de mal dans le déni de l’Holocauste et pourquoi les chrétiens devraient rejeter cette forme malveillante de pseudo-histoire ? »[1]

Selon Trent Horn, « le négationnisme est moralement répréhensible ».[2]

Pour ceux d’entre vous qui ne le savent pas, Catholic Answers est une organisation d’apologétique catholique fondée par Karl Keating pour combattre les fondamentalistes qui prétendaient régulièrement que l’Église était la prostituée de Babylone et d’autres troupes de la Légende noire. Keating a pris...

Links to the End Times.

Most rational people agree that Israel is a rabid dog. 
Its expansionist agenda is designed to start a third world war.
Unfortunately Zionists have attached the West to its fate. 
Israeli Strikes Have Killed 164 Health Workers in Lebanon. Lebanon's Health Ministry has recorded 58 Israeli attacks...
Oct 28 - Links to the End Times ,..

World War Three Will Achieve Rothschild Goals

The Rothschilds start wars to increase their wealth and power, and destroy the goyim. 

Conflating this criminal agenda with Jews in general is letting the Rothschilds off the hook. 

Everything that is happening descends from them. 
Everyone is controlled by money, and they create money in the form of a debt to them.

Third Masonic Jewish World War Unfolds.

World War Three is a repeat of the Fascist Vs. Communist charade that was World War Two where the two branches of Masonic Jewry (Communism-Left and Zionism-Right) duke it out again.
Russia, China, Iran, radical Islam, the UN and the BRICS nations are in the Communist camp. Israel, the US, the UK are in the Fascist (i.e. Nazi) camp. 
The purpose of the war is the degradation and dispossession of humanity and the imposition of Rothschild globalist tyranny.
Oct 26 - Third Masonic Jewish World War Unfolds...

We are witnessing the rollout of the final stages of a plan that has been 50 years in the making.

 By Rhoda Wilson.

We are at the end of the plan, not the beginning, Dr. Meryl Nass informed the International Crisis Summit 6 in Tokyo at the end of last month.

Naming the key players involved in implementing the plan over the last 50 years, she provided an overview of the United Nations (“UN”) “sustainable development” plan and what its goals are.

Overcoming ‘Designer-Chaos’ at a Critical Moment for the Human Race.


By Julian Rose.

New World Order” – ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’- thanks to its being imprinted on the US Dollar bill, is a well-known epithet. It is accompanied by a pyramid in whose apex is embedded the all-seeing Eye of Horus.

You won’t find a more stark symbol of the ambition of the globalist power complex than this.

They’re Still Using Tainted Voting Machines!

Oct 24 - They’re Still Using Tainted Voting Machines!: HOLY SHIT!! This is the most important video you'll see before the 2024 presidential election. Both sides are likely to reject the results of the Nov 5 election. 
Biden has authorized the army to use lethal force against...

HAARP : une arme de destruction massive ?

Savez-vous ce que signifie le terme « guerre météorologique » ? Un projet appelé HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), le programme de recherche aurorale active à haute fréquence situé à Gakona, en Alaska et à l'origine un effort conjoint de l'armée de l'air et de la marine américaines, combine des centaines d'antennes massives qui peuvent fonctionner comme une énorme antenne orientable, capable de diriger des millions de watts d'ondes ELF (extrêmement basse fréquence) vers une petite partie de l'atmosphère.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : HAARP : une arme de destruction massive ?...

Euthanasia during the covid era wasn’t limited to the elderly.

 According to a 2022 article by UK journalist Jacqui Deevoy, euthanasia was not limited to elderly people. Hundreds of thousands of people have died during the past two and a half years, with many being actively euthanised, including those in their 30s, she said.

Unless politicians pass a bill that allows doctors to legally kill their patients, euthanasia, or assisted dying, is illegal in the United Kingdom. Assisting a suicide or euthanasia is a criminal offence in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, punishable by up to 14 years in prison. Doctors and nurses who deliberately killed patients should prosecuted for murder or manslaughter.

Will Election Trigger Martial Law?

"In a desperate effort to cling to power, the Democrats are quietly advancing a series of last-minute bills, agreements, and executive orders aimed at destabilizing the nation from within, inciting mass violence on the streets, granting the military the authority to use lethal force against Americans on domestic soil, and obstructing Donald Trump's rightful return to the White House.

The Democrats have instructed the mainstream media to keep these changes under wraps, which is why this news needs to be spread far and wide."
Oct 23 - Will Election Trigger Martial Law? 

Were the Jesuits Crypto-Jews? Did They Stem from the Kabbalist Alumbrados?...

 In 1540, the Jesuits were approved by the corrupt Pope Paul III (1468-1549). The fit was perfect as this pope, known as Cardinal Fregnese (translated as Cardinal Cunt). He used nepotism to advance the power and fortunes of his black-nobility Caetani-Farnese family. He worked closely with Jewish userers and bankers.

The society participated in the counter-Reformation and, later, in the implementation of the liberalized Second Vatican Council. In 2013, Jorge Mario Bergoglio became the first Jesuit Pope, taking the name Pope Francis.

Victor Hugo and Russ Winter Deep Dive Some Hidden Topics.

 Deep look into Jewish supremist hatred of humanity. The myths of the Torah and Old Testament are exposed. We discuss effective empirical evidence based antisemitism. I introduce Victor to Frankism and the concept of turtle on the fencepost.

Show is here.

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World

The Sabbatian Luciferian phenomenon was kept alive through the centuries with great help. In the 18th century, Jacob Frank reintroduced Sabbatianism to Europe. Although Jewish scholars have dissected Sabbatianism and Frankism, little of it is known to the outside world. Rabbi Marvin Antelman believes the movement lives on at least in spirit and refers to today’s believers as “satanic Sabbatian Frankists.”

Gaza - Where is the Moral Outrage?

It's a charade. WEF = Organized Jewry
The world is brought to the brink of nuclear war because of their insane Jewish supremacist dogmas. Masonic Jewish tyranny, whether Communist or Zionist, it's all the same.
Oct 22 - Gaza - Where is the Moral Outrage?...

Les armes du nouvel ordre mondial de Washington sont à même de déclencher inondations, sécheresses, ouragans et tremblements de terre.

 Michel Chossudovsky

Aux États-Unis, la technologie s'affine en vertu du programme de recherche HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Research Program) qui s'inscrit dans l'Initiative de défense stratégique (IDS) dite « guerre des étoiles ». De récentes données scientifiques laissent croire que le programme est bel et bien opérationnel et qu'il serait en mesure de déclencher inondations, sécheresses, ouragans et tremblements de terre. Du point de vue militaire, le programme HAARP est une arme de destruction massive. Il peut constituer un instrument de conquête capable de déstabiliser de manière sélective l'agriculture et l'écologie de régions entières.

Terrifier 3 is the face of Jewish vengeance on Christmas, the Goyim, and Christ.

 If Christmas has historically been associated with Christ in America, and if Jews have historically attacking Christ from the first century all the way to our modern time, it is perhaps not surprising that there could be opposition to Christmas traditions from the Jews who dominate the media and film industry.

Terrifier 3 est le visage de la vengeance juive contre Noël, les goyim et le Christ...

Si Noël a toujours été associé au Christ en Amérique, et si les Juifs ont historiquement attaqué le Christ du premier siècle jusqu'à nos jours, il n'est peut-être pas surprenant qu'il puisse y avoir une opposition aux traditions de Noël de la part des Juifs qui dominent les médias et l'industrie cinématographique.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Terrifier 3 est le visage de la vengeance juive co...

Weapons of the New World Order – Part 2

 Dr. Nick Begich discusses the latest developments in technology and their impact on humanity, freedom, human dignity, sovereign individuality and self-determination. 

Topics include: Update on the HAARP Project; The Revolution in military affairs and its impact on freedom; Non-lethal weapons and their use and impact on people; including radio frequency (RF) radiation, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), extremely low frequency (ELF) fields, lasers and chemicals; Environmental and weather control; New technologies which will eliminate privacy; Militarization of law enforcement.

Technocracy/Operation Talpiot.

The latest scientific developments that the U.S. provides Israel is channelled on to the Soviet Union.” — Jack Bernstein

Revealed: The Israeli Spies Writing America’s News.

 Founded in 1952, Unit 8200 is the Israeli military’s largest and most controversial division.

Responsible for covert operations, spying, surveillance and cyberwarfare, since October 7, 2023, the group has been at the forefront of the world’s attention. 

It is widely identified as the organization behind the infamous pager attack on Lebanon, which left at least nine dead and around 3,000 people injured. While many in Israel (and Ravid himself) hailed the operation as a success, it was condemned worldwide as an egregious act of terrorism, including by ex-CIA director Leon Panetta.

The Total Madness of the State of Israel.

 I’ve often suggested that our media functions as a powerful tool of mind-control, not too dissimilar from what might be found in the plotlines of classic science fiction.

Police State America - LARRY ROMANOFF.

COINTELPRO was a secret program operated by the FBI that was meant to undermine the popular upsurge of political dissension which began to sweep the US during the late 1960s and early 1970s, partly in response to the Vietnam war which most people were beginning to see as an inhuman travesty of immense proportion. The name stands for “Counterintelligence Program”, a plan hatched by the FBI to eliminate political opposition inside the US. Working in full cooperation with local police and ...

Alfred Rosenberg - Organized Jewry’s Agenda : Depopulation and Enslavement

You can keep your head down; you can be politically correct. But the ugly truth is that the "Chosen people" doctrine means that non-Jews are sub-human. 

This doesn't only apply to Palestinians. It applies to all non-Jews and assimilated Jews like me. 

Mike Stone - Nothing Substantial Will Change Under Trump

"Look at the millions of fake Christians and sniveling cuckservatives who cheered the torture and murder of Palestinian children, and the brutal suppression and arrest of anyone who peacefully protested that torture and murder. That blood lust is not going away under Trump."
Mike Stone - Nothing Substantial Will Change Under Trump...

Proof -- World Wars Are Orchestrated to Kill The Goyim

Talmud Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."
 Most assimilated Jews have never read the Talmud.
Proof -- World Wars Are Orchestrated to Kill The Goyim...

Les mondialistes retirent leur masque et c’est un mauvais signe_Brandon Smith.

Vous souvenez-vous de la dernière fois où les mondialistes ont enlevé le masque ? 
Il n'y a pas si longtemps, mais certains ont peut-être déjà oublié comment le monde occidental a presque perdu toute liberté individuelle sous prétexte d'une urgence sanitaire exagérée. Lorsque les mondialistes sont honnêtes sur ce qu'ils veulent vraiment, cela coïncide généralement avec une calamité artificielle
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Les mondialistes retirent leur masque et c’est un ...

Laurent Guyénot. Satanisme et transgression de masse.

...Et je n’ai pas besoin de vous dire QUI est derrière tout cela. Ce ne sont pas des adorateurs de Satan, mais des adorateurs de Yahvé qui injectent du satanisme dans l’art et dans l’industrie du divertissement, pour la même raison qu’ils promeuvent la pornographie, la pédophilie,l’homosexualisme, le transgenrisme et toutes les formes possibles de transgression pour détruire spirituellement et démographiquement la civilisation européenne.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Laurent Guyénot. Satanisme et transgression de masse...

L'Empire Loubavitch et le Messianisme.

 Pierre Hillard est un essayiste engagé contre le mondialisme, qui s'est fait connaître pour ses thèses sur l'influence des élites globales et la dissolution des États-nations, dans une perspective teintée de traditionalisme catholique et de méfiance envers les institutions internationales.


Plus de 31 000 scientifiques américains, dont le tiers titulaire d’un doctorat, ont signé la pétition de l’Oregon contestant l’alarmisme du changement climatique.
Alors, quelle est l’origine de ces nouveaux nuages ? 
Claire Séverac, dans La guerre secrète contre les peuples, évoquait les manipulations de géo-ingénierie. 
Géo-ingénierie : MétéoFrance et Geo décernent un prix à la photo d'un nuage inquiétant

Civil War Post-Election?

Oct 18 - Civil War Post-Election? : Americans are immersed in the election charade when it is clear that Organized Jewry is installing Trump to lead the rubes into World War Three. 

Les croisés catholiques de l'empire juif

Vendredi dernier, l’universitaire catholique E. Michael Jones a fait de Trent Horn et de son émission Catholic Answers le sujet de son émiss...
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Les croisés catholiques de l'empire juif...

Battlespace Of The Brain: The Military Conquest To “Master The Human Domain”.

Neuroscience and invading the human brain as “dual-use” technology?
The military complex says, “Well, somebody else is going to do it, so why not us?” What a gaslight! Obama’s BRAIN Initiative to “map the human brain” was a military operation from the start, and now the rotten fruit is surfacing. 
Forget MK Ultra, which was like the teletype machine compared to today’s supercomputers.
In 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski published his book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era.[i]Brzezinski was a futurist who cofounded the globalist Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller and Jimmy Carter in 1973, and served as national security adviser to Jimmy Carter between 1977 and 1981. Brzezinski understood the impact of science on society:

Messiah Madness and the Jewish New World Order - EXTENDED CUT

Know More News with Adam Green

A new frontier of data privacy in the US - your brain.🤔

 Electronic devices that capture and analyse brain signals are becoming more mainstream, with brain-reading meditation apps, brain-computer video game interfaces and even attention-tracking headphones hitting the consumer market.

Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, last month publicly tested an augmented reality interface where users navigate the world with neurological signals picked up from a wristband. 

A law signed by California Governor Gavin Newsom in September will add new layers of protection for the kinds of data these devices capture.

Is Holocaust Denial a Sin?...

 By E. Michael Jones

On October 10, Catholic Answers released a video by Trent Horn that asked the question “What’s wrong with holocaust denial and why Christians should reject this malicious form of pseudo-history.”[1]

According to Trent Horn, “Holocaust denial is morally wrong.”[2]

 Catholic Answers, for those of you who don’t know is a Catholic apologetics operation founded by Karl Keating to combat Fundamentalists, who ...

Europe’s Last Gasp: “Anti-Jewish” Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat.

The last significant effort to defend Christian national values was the "First International Anti-Jewish Conference" held in Dresden in September 1882.

...They produced a manifesto addressed to "the Governments and Peoples of Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism" which shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 141 years ago, and explains why the West's racial cohesion and Christian heritage are in serious disarray. 
Europe’s Last Gasp: “Anti-Jewish” Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat...

What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 2).

By Aaron and Melissa Dykes 
The redtape and regulations, blocking of resources and rescues, and misappropriation of funds going on there is really just too egregious to believe… but now we have the agency that’s supposed to deal with emergencies mission creeping into areas that have nothing all to do with its existence.


EMF Radiation Illness, Rapid Population Decline, and the Rise of 5G Robots.

 Exit humans, enter robots?

Drones and humanoid robotic machines equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) are on the rise. At the same time a significant population crisis is on the horizon. This investigation recognises how the penetration of “intelligent” technologies, role of population planning, and post-pandemic policy implementations – serving the rapid development of data-driven “smart” societies based on sustainability politics – are all contributing to an unfolding population crisis and health impacts that favours the rise of robots.

A Holocaust of Christians By Jews: 614 A.D.–An Untold Chapter of History

 By Israel Shamir _ Things move really fast nowadays. Just yesterday we hardly dared to call the Israeli policy of official discrimination against Palestinians by the harsh word ‘Apartheid’.

In 614 local Palestinian Jews allied with their Babylonian co-religionists and assisted the Persians in their conquest of the Holy Land. 26,000 Jews participated in the onslaught.

In the aftermath of the Persian victory, the Jews perpetrated a massive holocaust of the Gentiles of Palestine. They burned the churches and the monasteries, killed monks and priests, burned books.


Yossi Gurwitz - Toxic Talmud Condemns Humanity to Destruction.

The West is trapped in a sophisticated Satanic snare. It has tied its future to Jewish religious fanatics who control Israel.

In order to avoid Kamala Kommunism, Americans must elect Trump who is fully bought and blackmailed by Israel. 

WW3, like WW2, is between the Zionist (Fascist) and Communist wings of Judeo Masonry. 
Yossi Gurwitz - Toxic Talmud Condemns Humanity to Destruction...

The US is a Jewish Vassal State.

Israel and the West are inviting the same treatment as Israel metes out in Gaza and Lebanon.
Israel Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich again calls for Israel's borders to 'extend to Damascus' Smotrich claimed that Israel would expand 'little by little' and eventually encompass all Palestinian territories as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. 
This is what the US has signed on to.
Oct 14 - The US is a Jewish Vassal State...

Mike Stone - Are American Men Brainwashed Pussies?

Mike Stone - Are American Men Brainwashed Pussies? : Have you ever considered the possibility that cowardice is a habit? 
Look at what we recently went through with the phony pandemic. 
An entire nation surrendered without a shot being fired to a non-existent enemy (a phony virus that didn't even exist). 
How could such a thing be possible if cowardice were not...

Israel Holds Humanity Hostage.

Zionists believe they are God's Chosen People. Unless we accept their hegemony, they will blow us up. That is the essence of our predicament: nuclear blackmail. 
The Israeli government has been taken over by religious fanatics who believe civilization must be destroyed in order to ...
Oct 12 - Israel Holds Humanity Hostage...

Hoffman- Yom Kippur Tonight Gives Jews Permission to Deceive

The holiest day in the Jewish Calendar, Yom Kippur, begins this Evening. While less than a third of Jews attend services, even fewer understand the prayer which condones lying and confirms the true satanic nature of Judaism.
Hoffman- Yom Kippur Tonight Gives Jews Permission to Deceive...

You Can't Unsee What I Am About To Show You.


Bill Gates Owns Hurricane Controlling Weather Patents.

 Not only is Bill Gates invested heavily in Tampa's 15-minute-city waterfront project, but he's also the proud patent holder of Hurricane controlling patents. Truth is truly stranger than fiction..

Assimilated Jews Must Say “Include Me Out”.

Cabalist Jews (and Freemasons) are the enemies of the human race.
 Assimilated Jews do not understand that Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanism. 
They don't understand that Judaism is a conspiracy against God and Man. Gaza and Ukraine are both charades designed to start WW3

Freemasons and satanist Jews are on both sides. But assimilated Jews will be blamed unless we take a stand now. 
Oct 10 - Assimilated Jews Must Say “Include Me Out".…

Makow -- Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Theft.

They want to steal everything, especially your soul. We cannot understand our situation unless we understand that we are satanically possessed by Organized Jewry.

You are Servants of the “Jews”.

When Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, it sold the American people into slavery. 
Congress gave the national credit card to Masonic Jewish bankers whose goal is to extend their credit monopoly into a satanic monopoly over literally everything: wealth, power, thought, behavior. 
They intend to depopulate and dispossess the whole world. 
The Plandemic did not work so they are starting WW3. 

Le Grand Danger pour Notre Santé.

 Les dangers des médicaments et des substances chimiques présentes dans notre alimentation sont bien plus graves qu’on ne le pense. Certains traitements contiennent des perturbateurs endocriniens, capables de dérégler le système hormonal et de provoquer des pathologies lourdes. Un exemple marquant est le Distilbène, prescrit dès les années 1950 pour prévenir les fausses couches. Pourtant, ce médicament n’a jamais prouvé son efficacité et a causé des dommages irréversibles chez près de 10 millions de femmes, affectant leur fertilité et leur santé.

Mais le plus inquiétant, c’est que ses effets se sont transmis à leurs enfants et petits-enfants, entraînant des malformations, des cancers, et d’autres maladies qui continuent de se manifester 70 ans après. Un véritable scandale sanitaire, malheureusement encore méconnu.

Ce problème se retrouve dans l’élevage industriel. Les hormones de croissance utilisées chez les veaux et les poulets posent des questions sanitaires tout aussi graves. Depuis les années 1980, leur usage massif a créé un scandale, mais les autorités continuent de fermer les yeux. Aujourd’hui, des traités comme le CETA entre l’UE et le Canada permettent encore l’importation de viandes traitées aux hormones, malgré les risques pour les consommateurs.

Pire encore, de nouvelles pratiques apparaissent, telles que les vaccins hormonaux pour castrer les porcs, toujours sans cadre réglementaire clair. Les autorités sanitaires restent passives, laissant les intérêts économiques dominer. Combien de temps encore accepterons-nous de sacrifier la santé publique pour le profit ?...

Oct 6 - Edging Toward Apocalypse

The goal of this charade is to bring about an apocalypse as foretold in Satanic Jewish (Cabalist) prophecy. Israel will be destroyed because Organized Jewry does not need a "national homeland." They control every important nation through Freemasonry. The whole world is their national home.
Oct 6 - Edging Toward Apocalypse...

De la servitude moderne.


MK_ULTRA ou le lavage de cerveau.

 Le projet MK Ultra, mis en œuvre par la CIA entre les années 1950 et 1970, visait à développer des techniques de contrôle mental et de manipulation de l'esprit humain. Inspiré par les expériences nazies de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ce programme controversé a impliqué des expérimentations sur des individus sans leur consentement, incluant l'administration de drogues comme le LSD, des techniques de conditionnement psychologique et des séances d’hypnose.

Dans un contexte de guerre froide, la CIA cherchait à développer des méthodes pour influencer les pensées, les émotions, et les actions de cibles potentielles, qu’il s’agisse d’individus ou de groupes plus larges. Les objectifs de MK Ultra étaient de créer une sorte de "technologie" de contrôle mental à utiliser pour des raisons politiques ou sociales. Ce programme a soulevé des questions éthiques majeures sur le rôle de l’État et les limites entre la sécurité nationale et le respect des droits humains.

Aujourd’hui, la recherche en neurosciences et biotechnologies, notamment les travaux de la DARPA sur les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur, rappelle certains aspects de MK Ultra. Ces innovations suscitent des inquiétudes sur la confidentialité des données mentales et le risque potentiel de manipulation de l'esprit humain.

MK Ultra reste un symbole de l’usage controversé de la science pour des intérêts stratégiques, soulevant des débats sur l'éthique et la protection des libertés individuelles.

Uncontrolled Thinking is a Bad Habit

Uncontrolled Thinking is a Bad Habit : (Change your thoughts; change your world)The mind is a prison where the soul is tortured by thoughts. (Our feelings correspond to our thoughts. If we don't manage our thoughts, they will.)If this planet weren't run by Satanists, we would be praising and thanking God, and discerning His Plan, instead...

L’Angleterre médiévale et les Juifs.

Le célèbre économiste Dr. William Cunningham, compare « l’activité des Juifs d’Angleterre à partir du XIe siècle à une éponge qui aspire toute la richesse de la terre et ainsi entrave tout développement économique. Intéressant aussi est la preuve que, même à cette période précoce, le gouvernement fit tout en son pouvoir pour que les Juifs acceptent des transactions décentes et du travail honnête et en même temps se fondre dans le reste de la population, mais en vain. »
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : L’Angleterre médiévale et les Juifs

Third Masonic Jewish World War

Organized Jewry (Rothschilds) is dragging humanity into another culling. Both sides of the conflict are controlled by Illuminati agents (Freemasons.) The war is designed to destroy the West and stamp out any remnants of Christian civilization.Israel Cannot Fight A Multi-Front War Without Support From...
Oct 3 - Third Masonic Jewish World War ...

Since invading Gaza, Israeli soldiers have routinely taken photos and videos of themselves blowing up homes and schools, and abusing captives.

Passover’ celebrates the destruction of Egypt…

Hannukuh’ (or, as the late, great, and greatly-missed Mike Piper used to disparagingly refer to it, ‘H’Nookah’) celebrates the destruction of the Greeks…

Purim’ celebrates the destruction of the Persians and is disturbingly marked every year by...

“Brotherhood of the Bell” Exposed Masonic Control

It's a conspiracy!
Hitler, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill were all Freemasons. 
 So are Trump, Obama,Harris and the Clintons. 
So are Starmer, Macron,Trudeau and Putin.
A 1970 made-for-TV movie is the only drama to properly describe how the Illuminati Jewish banksters have used Freemasonry to turn humanity over to Satan. They control information and discourse so we don't even...
Brotherhood of the Bell” Exposed Masonic Control...

The Dark Origins of the Davos’ Great Reset.

 The Davos Great reset is merely an updated blueprint for a global dystopian dictatorship under UN control that has been decades in development. The key actors were David Rockefeller and his protégé, Maurice Strong.

Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick PR agent for a global technocratic agenda, a corporatist unity of corporate power with government, including the UN, an agenda whose origins go back to the beginning of the 1970s, and even earlier.

Panique Satanique _ Laurent Guyénot.

Pourquoi les Juifs fondent-ils des églises sataniques dans les pays occidentaux ? Probablement parce que : 1. ils doivent infiltrer toutes les religions, même celles qui n'existent pas ; 2. ils veulent blasphémer et subvertir le christianisme par tous les moyens possibles ; 3. ils peuvent toujours utiliser le satanisme comme épouvantail.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Laurent Guyénot. Comment les pédophiles adorateurs...

Conscience du peuple: La prophétie selon le judaïsme

Conscience du peuple: La prophétie selon le judaïsme:   L'infatiguable Rav Ron Chaya (rabbin qui enseigne dans une Yeshiva en Israël) annonce les 2 options de la guerre selon la perspective du judaïsme.
Ce n'est pas "parole d'Évangile", mais ça reste intéressant à entendre.

La Caste prend les Peuples pour du Bétail.

 Disparition des Etats-nation, abolition de la propriété privée, destruction des entreprises... où en est l'agenda mondialiste ? L'Occident est frappé par une guerre hybride dont l'effet est une destruction méthodique de nos sociétés. Le socialisme technocratique et sa mainmise sur tous les aspects de notre vie collective a pour but d'endormir les masses. Qui en sont les organisateurs ? Quels en sont les objectifs ? De la subversion de notre droit continental, remplacé par un droit anglo-saxon où tout devient marchandise, à l'infiltration des structures de pouvoir en passant par toutes techniques de l'ingénierie sociale, les mondialistes ont multiplié les moyens de mener cette guerre hybride. La nocivité du système socio-économique se manifeste déjà par des modifications du corps humain et l'augmentation des troubles mentaux.

Face à projet d'établir un gouvernement mondial, 

une coalition internationale menée par la Russie et la Chine (et demain avec l'arrivée d'un Trump à la Maison Blanche ?) est entrée en dissidence pour défendre la souveraineté des Etats. La dédollarisation et la fin du pétrodollar ont-elles déjà mis fin au projet hégémonique d'un monde unipolaire dirigé par l'empire US ? Si le mondialisme venait réellement à tomber, quelle pourrait être la suite des événements ?
Stanislas Berton, spécialisé dans l'analyse économique et la gestion des risques, répond à toutes ces questions dans "Politique & Eco" avec la présentation du 4ème tome de son ouvrage "L'Homme et la Cité".

Technocracy: The Brave New World of 2030.

Technology, after all, has advanced dramatically in ways that neither Huxley nor Orwell anticipated.

You will need to do a little further investigation, however, to discover that a range of tools – including genocides and wars, famines in some locations and serious economic dislocation in others, the Covid-19 ‘death shot’, 5G, geoengineering, Artificial Intelligence and synthetic biology – is being used by Big Brother to kill off a substantial proportion of the human population.

World War Three: The Fix is In

Albert Pike's 1871 Letter to Giuseppe Mazzini
Sept 30 - World War Three: The Fix is In ...