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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

How Big Ag/Big Pharma Keep America 🤢.

 We are told that Hippocrates, a Greek physician who lived from around 460–377 B.C., was the father of Western medicine. Doctors reportedly take The Hippocratic Oath. Hippocrates said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine your food”. However, since the Rockefellers’ takeover of Westen medicine in the early 20th century, doctors learn almost nothing about nutrition. Instead, they have a pill for every ill.

August 26 - Why is Freemasonry Getting a Pass?

Voltaire said our true masters are the people we cannot criticize
There is practically a blackout on the mention of Freemasonry. Freemasons are flunkies for Organized Jewry. There is plenty of blame attributed to "the Jews." 
Why nothing about Freemasonry when almost all politicians and celebrities are members of this satanic cult? ...
August 26 - Why is Freemasonry Getting a Pass?...

Russia is Still Communist

Like World War Two, WW3 is a charade fought between two branches of Freemasonry, Communism (Russia, Iran, China) and Fascism (Zionism & its backers) for the depopulation and enslavement of humanity.