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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

The Battlefield of Digital Addiction.

 By Sean Alexander Carney of Safe Tech International

A dangerous shift

In our current context industry figures, non governmental organisations (NGOs), intelligence agencies, politicians, the military, celebrities and other poles of influence are shaping society into a tool of technology.

This “steering group” of stakeholders in our future of “subjectification” mediates our technological attitudes and addictions for the purpose of achieving influence and mastery over human beings across the spectrum of society. They sell “digital transformation”, but it is more a metamorphosis of the psyche towards a state of surrender, and possession, as if some virulent contagion or parasite is at work upon us...

HAARP: Weather Control.

HAARP: Weather Control: HAARP: Weather Control. Is the HAARP Project a secret weapon used to achieve weather control and more? History Channel and CBC documentaries show the grave dangers of HAARP weather control and other electromagnetic warfare weapons.

Is the HAARP Project a Weather Control Weapon?

One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans.

Who gives Bill Gates and a bunch of lunatic bio-scientists the right to inject life-altering substances into all the cattle (and other livestock critical for food) of the world? No one! How about all of the humans on Earth? No one! One Health thinking is off the rails: first, climate change (the ecosystem) is causing diseases in animals (the pivot), which are jumping to humans (the targets). This phony scheme is fraudulent from end to end, and if it is not stopped, it threatens all life on earth.
One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans

Weather Modification History Newspaper & Journal Vault.

 These articles illustrate the lengthy history of atmospheric experimentation as reported by journalists in local and national newspapers, magazines, and scientific and military journals. As you move through this volume you will notice fewer and fewer entries, which leads us to believe either their is less interest in the topic of weather modification or an intentional lack of coverage.

Microplastics and geoengineering: A danger to all life on Earth.

 Don’t panic? Our planet is being poisoned to death. Modify lifestyle? What are people and animals going to stop breathing the poisoned air?

People need to revolt against the covert military operations of destroying our earth for the sake of climate change and military operations.

Featured image taken from ‘Scientists have discovered tiny bits of plastic linked to cancer in raindrops: ‘It’s a part of our environment now’’, The Cool Down, 6 January 2024.

United Nations and World Invocation Day: A day to invoke satan and the antichrist.

 The psychopathic religion of the Globalists shapes their decisions and actions. Their religious motivations play a significant role in their engagement in the real war they are waging on the minds of populations. It’s irrelevant if we think it’s fanciful; what’s relevant is that they believe it.

Trauma-Based Mind Control and Organized Ritual Abuse.

 For decades satanic abuse of children has been carried out by networks. Many of these networks include person’s holding high offices in governments, religions, and other institutions. The satanic techniques of ritual abuse and mind control revealed in these extreme situations, are now being used in subtler forms against children and adults of all ages.