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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Israelis Suspect Satanyahu’s Trap.

Feb 29 - Israelis Suspect Satanyahu’s Trap: Gradually Israelis, and humanity in general, will awaken to Satanyahu's role in instigating the third Masonic Jewish world war.Freemasons are on both sides of every world war. In a recent op-ed in Haaretz, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (2006-2009) accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...

Lara Logan - Soros’ Commie NGO’s Slander & Intimidate Journalists

"These nonprofits that I'm talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation hate speech...The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information battlefield to justify certain actions."
Lara Logan - Soros’ Commie NGO’s Slander & Intimidate Journalists  ...

Dissolving Illusions About Vaccine Safety.

 The vaccine industry intentionally deceives us about the risks and benefits of vaccines in order to make a profit, with complete disregard for human suffering and the destruction of public health over time. 

One of the reasons the polio vaccine doesn’t work is because polio isn’t caused by an infectious virus.

Mettre fin aux illusions sur l’innocuité des vaccins.

 L’industrie des vaccins nous trompe intentionnellement sur les risques et les avantages des vaccins pour faire du profit, au mépris total de la souffrance humaine et de la destruction de la santé publique au fil du temps.

Congo : le génocide qui enrichit l’Occident.

Plus de 7 millions de morts à l’Est de la RDC depuis 1996… Et tout continue comme avant, quel que soit le président « élu » ou la valse des élections semi-truquées au sein de ce géant d’Afrique australe. Frantz Fanon a écrit « l’Afrique a la forme d’un revolver dont la gâchette se trouve au le Congo ». Une gâchette qui, depuis bientôt 30 ans, fonctionne contre les Congolais sans jamais se retourner vers les commanditaires d’un pillage d’Etat aux conséquences génocidaire (I’A).

Le rapport accablant sur les dérives de l'éducation à la sexualité à l'école - Sophie Audugé


Rockefeller Foundation: Hardly a Gentile White to be Found.

The Rockefeller Foundation has been a major contributor to New Underworld Order power centers, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Brookings Institution and the World Bank, along with massive grants to the Ivy league yeshivas.

Le jansénisme, ce poison qui a détruit la France sacrée.


Knights Templar: A Classic Crime Syndicate and In-Group Model.

 The Knights Templar were one of the most successful Crime Syndicate operations in history. They really wrote the book. It was a dark organization, one of perverted faith, frightening methods and cunning strategies. It was well organized and well prepared, always scheming, always ready and dangerous, and-unlike anything seen before. The Knights Templar (KT) offer a classic study in secretive in-group behavior and egregore. The modern day Crime Syndicate no doubt has at least some roots with the KT and most certainly has adopted its model.

7 aliments de votre cuisine que vous devriez arrêter d'acheter.


Conscience du peuple: Alliance de coopération entre Poutine et Schwab.

Conscience du peuple: Alliance de coopération entre Poutine et Schwab:   Voici la vidéo d’une rencontre entre Vladimir Poutine et Klaus Schwab en 2019, lors du Forum économique de St-Petersbourg. Ils y ont signé...

Jews are Blamed for Gaza & WW3

Feb 27 - Jews are Blamed for Gaza & WW3 : The only way to avoid WW3 and ensure Israel's survival is for the Zionists to accept a two-state...

“Who Owns the World"?...A Small Group of Big Money

“Who Owns the World” is the title of an extraordinary documentary, describing how Big-Big Money controls not only every aspect of your life, but has a stranglehold on every government, the political UN body, as well as every UN agency, and all industries and services of this globe.

These largest investors are BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street.

These same investment groups also control over 90% of the world’s major media.

"À qui appartient le monde"?...Un petit groupe avec beaucoup d’argent.

Who Owns the World » [Qui sont les propriétaires du monde ? \ A qui appartient le monde ?] est le titre d’un documentaire extraordinaire, décrivant comment Big-Big Money contrôle non seulement tous les aspects de votre vie, mais a une emprise sur chaque gouvernement, l’organe politique de l’ONU, ainsi que sur chaque agence de l’ONU et toutes les industries et services de ce monde.

Ces plus grands investisseurs sont BlackRock, Vanguard et State Street.

Ces mêmes groupes d’investissement contrôlent également plus de 90 % des principaux médias du monde.

Un visiteur en Ukraine décrit la dévastation humaine

La réalité est plus sombre, plus désolante et sans équivoque désespérée.
La juiverie organisée (WEF) réussit à exterminer plus d’un million de goyim.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Un visiteur en Ukraine décrit la dévastation hu.maine...

Fabrication du consentement : Le fiasco de la frontière et le ''mur intelligent''.

 La réponse politique à la crise à la frontière sud continue de faire progresser le «mur intelligent» bipartisan, soutenu à la fois par Trump et Biden. Ce consensus bipartisan dépasse largement le cadre des États-Unis, puisqu’une grande partie du monde accélère également la mise en œuvre des «frontières numériques».

Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall”.

 The political response to the crisis at the southern border continues to advance the bipartisan “smart wall,” having been backed by Trump and Biden alike. This bipartisan consensus reaches far beyond the US, as much of the world is similarly speeding along in implementing “digital borders.”

Ukraine Visitor Describes Human Devastation

Ukraine Visitor Describes Human Devastation: The reality is darker, bleaker, and unequivocally hopeless. Organized Jewry (WEF) succeeds in exterminating over a million goyim.

DARPA's neural interfaces = total brainwashing.



2. INGESTED - Through Drink or Food - that ultimately Cross the Blood / Brain Barrier - and attached to the brain

3. INTRA-NASAL - Inhaled which is a quicker delivery system as it can cross the Blood/Brain barrier faster (think how many children were provided the 'flu' vaccine through the nostril - inhaled right into the brains of children - There is NOTHING supernatural about this what's been going on.)

Neuroweapons and the Worldwide “Battle” to Control of Human Brains. Must be Stopped Immediately.

 In the year 2000 the European Parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) published the study on Crowd Control Technologies, where it admitted that “In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals” and explained that ...

Escroqueries du réchauffement climatique anthropique et de l’industrie des « énergies vertes » : éolien et photovoltaïque chauffent la surface terrestre…

Ces arnaqueurs scientifiques, ils nous épongent de taxe carbone soit disant pour lutter contre le réchauffement du sol de la planète, alors qu’ils nous imposent de fausses énergies vertes qui rendent les zones arides autour d’elles en chauffant les surfaces du sol (les panneaux solaires en déviant la chaleur du soleil vers le sol, les éoliennes en attirant l’air chaud vers le sol avec ses turbines déshumidificatrices). 
Mettez cela dans des champs agricoles, et tout s’assèche, mais après ils vont prétendre que...

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News.


Bloody Zion.

Finally, a book that documents rebellious Israel and Judaism’s long battle against God and against all of humanity. Edward Hendrie, in his new book, Bloody Zion, does exactly that. 

I thank God that in Hendrie, He has raised up a distinguished scholar and dedicated Christian who will take up the mantle of truth and expose the Jewish fables that have long held many Christians and Christian churches in spiritual chains.

Mike Stone - Jewish COVIDscam Still Hasn’t Registered on Dumb Goyim

Mike Stone - Jewish COVIDscam Still Hasn’t Registered on Dumb Goyim : (The agenda of Organized Jewry, i.e. the WEF)
Now here we are four years later and people are so fundamentally stupid and asleep at the wheel that they still don't understand what really happened. Americans are set to re-elect vaccine murderer Donald Mike Stone('re nearing the four year anniversary of the great Virus Hoax. Yup,

Judaïsme : satanisme, sorcellerie et magie noire.

Rappelons les paroles du rabbin Waton :
« Le judaïsme est le communisme, l'internationalisme, la fraternité universelle de l'homme, l'émancipation de la classe ouvrière et de la société humaine. C'est avec ces armes spirituelles que les Juifs conquériront le monde et la race humaine. Les races et les nations se soumettront joyeusement à la puissance spirituelle du judaïsme, et tous deviendront juifs… »
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Judaïsme : satanisme, sorcellerie et magie noire...


 Over the past several decades, numerous scientific publications have demonstrated the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure from wireless sources – such as smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, cell towers, smart meters and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices – at levels well below maximum federal exposure limits. 

Despite this body of evidence, federal exposure guidelines have remained unchanged since first implemented in 1996 and an unprecedented proliferation of wireless sources has been imposed upon an uninformed public.

Zionists Installed Hitler to Establish Israel

Zionists Installed Hitler to Establish Israel:  Zionists and Nazis worked hand-in-hand, as The Transfer Agreement by Jewish author Edwin Black documents.  Zionists like Netanyahu are Jewish Nazis. Look at Ukraine, controlled by Jews, full of Nazis. They think Palestinians, indeed all non-satanists, are "subhuman".

Using Psychological Warfare Against The Population With Daniel Estulin.

 “Tavistock is behind every “spontaneous” social movement of the last century, including feminism, sexual “liberation”, the peace movement, the “New Age” movement, environmentalism, homosexuality, abortion, and lately, the transgender movement,” writes Daniel Estulin who penned the 2015 book Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses.

We are living through a SATANIC DEATH CULT TAKEOVER of Western civilization.


Edward Hendrie- Hamas is Controlled by Mossad.

Edward Hendrie- Hamas is Controlled by Mossad : Mossad Created Hamas to Act as Agent Provocateurs.The subterfuge of provocation by Hamas justifying a retaliatory response by Israel is exactly the strategy of Israel. Indeed, that is the purpose of Hamas.

The Zionist Licence to Kill.

Feb 21 - The Zionist Licence to Kill This child's only crime was that she descends from people whose land and homes were stolen by Israelis. They consider her an "animal." They feel the same way about all goyim. 
This is the fate they have planned for you and your children. 

Le «wahabo-takfirisme»: la grande arnaque pour abrutir et dominer ! Amar Djerrad

 Pour contourner l’Islam qui interdit d’entrer en guerre sainte contre d’autres musulmans ou de tuer sans un motif certifié valable et autorisé, les ‘wahabites’ ont trouvé avec les ‘takfiristes’ l’alliance idéale et le moyen approprié pour combattre tous les pays musulmans qui n’entrent pas dans leur giron.

Censoring information deemed to be “misinformation” originates with UNESCO.

 When the World Economic Forum called “misinformation” the single largest identified risk in early 2024, it was the latest call of many, with an express, not-so-carefully-hidden objective.

The idea of censorship in the name of “misinformation” began with the United Nations in 1945, specifically with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (“UNESCO”).

Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed.

While Elon Musk is distracting the world with the first alleged patient implanted with brain interface neurotech, billions of people around the globe have been injected with hydrogels and nanoparticle technologies. Dr. Robert Malone explained that "mRNA is the suite of technologies for making mechanical and biological changes to humans" or mRNA is the ethical entry point to transhumanism. The way to stop the inoculation of...

Catherine Austin Fitts- Banksters Think Your Money Belongs to Them

Catherine Austin Fitts- Banksters Think Your Money Belongs to Them: Banksters Plan Ruthless Talmudic. 

Triad Claw - Humanity is Victim of Ancient Satanic Plot

Triad Claw - Humanity is Victim of Ancient Satanic Plot : Are all these prominent people spanning five centuries  Crypto-Jews? 
If true, it casts history in a new light. 
The Illuminati -- FDR, Hitler, Stalin & Churchill--are essentially crypto-Jews. So are Hillary & Trump. History could be re-written based on an analysis...

Top Ten Reasons “Anti-Semite” Is a Compliment

I'm sure you can think of others -Kevin Barrett 

People who notice certain problematic aspects of Talmudic religion, and/or prefer a universal God to the ethnocentric tribal deity “Yahweh,” will be called anti-Semites. Ergo, the term anti-Semite refers to people whose views of religious matters are relatively sane.

Si on vous traite d'«antisémite », c'est un...

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Si on vous traite d'«antisémite », c'est un compli...: Voici 10  principales raisons pour lesquelles le terme «antisémite » est un compliment. Si vous êtes sain d’esprit, vous êtes antisémite.

Maintenant, c'est le combat du peuple contre les banques...

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Maintenant, c'est le combat du peuple contre les b...: Il ne fait aucun doute que notre ennemi commun est le cartel bancaire international dont le siège est à Londres et à Wall Street, ainsi que ...

Youssef Hindi : Les mensonges fondateurs d’Israël ...

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Youssef Hindi : Les mensonges fondateurs d’Israël ...:   Sommaire - La Palestine, une terre sans peuple et non cultivée - Les Arabes de Palestine sont anti-juifs - Les Palestiniens ont attaqué l...

Géopolitique du XXIème siècle pour les nuls.

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Géopolitique du XXIème siècle pour les nuls:   Une tentative d’expliquer le nouvel équilibre des puissances, tel qu’il se met en place sous nos yeux. Cet article constitue une synth...

Scamdemics are Genocidal Cabalist Attacks on Humanity

Vicomte Leon de Poncins (1897-1976) a traditional Catholic French intellectual, was the author of 30 books that exposed the Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) conspiracy which today holds mankind in its thrall.

The only solution to mankind's problems is to restore national control over credit creation.
Scamdemics are Genocidal Cabalist Attacks on Humanity...

Mike Stone - Gaslighting is the MSM’s Purpose

Mike Stone - Gaslighting is the MSM’s Purpose : Everything you see or hear coming from the mainstream media is a lie. Not some of it, not most of it, all of Mike Stone( substantiate what I've just said, let's look at some recent examples.In October of 2023, the mainstream media told us that Israel was hit with a

Scientists on Quest to Decode the Human Brain – And Read People’s Minds.

In the middle of 2023, a study conducted by the HuthLab at the University of Texas sent shockwaves through the realms of neuroscience and technology. For the first time, the thoughts and impressions of people unable to communicate with the outside world were translated into continuous natural language, using a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and brain imaging technology.

Bella Dodd - A Communist Cancer is Killing Us

Bella Dodd - A Communist Cancer is Killing Us: Communism is a fait accompli in the West yet we seldom use this disease to understand our malaise.   In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controls the USA.

Democracy, The Most Dangerous Religion — LARRY ROMANOFF

 Chapter 2 The Jewish Origin

We often credit ancient Greece for the conceptual creation of what today we term “democracy“, but that ancient form is not what manifests itself today and, as you have read earlier, the Greeks themselves – pointedly including Plato and Socrates – despised it. The transition from the European monarchies to a multi-party electoral selection process was not a spontaneous development, did not occur from natural evolution, nor because it was the epitome of the development of government. Rather than being a natural evolution, this system of dividing a nation on the basis of inflammatory emotional ideologies was deliberately created by a group of European Jews as a method to pacify populations with the belief that they were in charge of their destinies while being controlled by puppet-masters in the political parties, an enormous fraud perpetrated on unsuspecting population.

DNA and Developmental Damage from Cell Towers on the Greek Island of Samos: Effects on Insects, Flowers and Vegetables.

 A recent paper, ‘Human‑made electromagnetic fields: Ion forced‑oscillation and voltage‑gated ion channel dysfunction, oxidative stress and DNA damage (Review) published in the International Journal of Oncology by biophysicist Dimitris J. Panagopoulos et. al. states unequivocally that electromagnetic radiation from wireless technology damages DNA. This leads to infertility, sterility, mutations and extinctions, and it explains the loss of biodiversity that we are currently experiencing on this planet.

Preventative Medicine Needed: Israel’s Roles in Genocides, Dictatorships, and Repression Around the World.

 My first encounter with Israel’s role in genocide happened while caring for patients, not in Palestine but in California.

What is the REAL Jewish World Population?

What is the REAL Jewish World Population? : Most sources put Jewish world population at around 13 million but researcher Edgar Portisch, who is  part-Jewish, puts the number at closer to 120 million. from Dec 22, 2011by Edgar Portisch (

The world is facing a high financial cabal which controls Hollywood, the media, corporations, most of what is called Politics and certainly

Satanism in Theory and Practice.

 Magica Sexualis in the Shadow of the Sin City Super Bowl.

With the Jeffrey Epstein saga and, if we are well-informed, the Sir Jimmy Savile network around England’s (then) Prince Charles, and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher—the fine-tuning of outer perception commenced, and Satanists as...

Nobody Gets Out Alive from Climate Engineering Disaster – Dane Wigington

 Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says huge lies are being told daily to cover up the speed in which the climate is imploding on a global scale. Sure, there have been all sorts of ways harm has been done to the environment, but Wigington contends the biggest single cause of damage being done to the planet right now is man-made climate engineering being sprayed from the skies. Wigington explains, “The bottom line is we are fighting for our lives right here and right now.

The FBI’s ‘Dancing Israelis’ Investigation Reveals Israeli Foreknowledge of 9/11.

 You’ve probably heard the 9/11 story of the “dancing Israelis.” You may even recall that most mainstream media at that time treated the story — if they covered it at all — as though it was a distasteful rumor or “canard”. Trump even made a dishonest implant reference to “dancing Arabs” in New Jersey that day.

Stephen Volk - How the Commies Castrated Western Males

Stephen Volk - How the Commies Castrated Western Males : Social engineering pioneered by the Frankfurt School is the reason the West suffers from a dearth of male Stephen Volk ( after the Marxist Moscow Institute, the Frankfurt School was dedicated to destroying...

Foreign Intel Agents Launch Covert Propaganda War Against Americans on US Soil.

 What is ( in the U.S.) is a mobile app that serves as a platform for uniting, organizing, training and deploying international Hasbara.

Through the app, 12,000 pro-Israeli “volunteers” worldwide (but mostly in the U.S.) receive marching orders — or “missions” — from Israeli agents and operatives located at its headquarters in Herzliya, Israel. The app users’ missions are covert, vary widely in scope and include both online and offline tactics.

The Kalergi Plan Is Well Underway - Chris Langan


Dane Wigington and Mike Adams: Awareness is key to fighting off climate terrorism aimed at destroying our natural habitat

 Geoengineering expert and renowned author Dane Wigington urged people to remain aware, spread the word and be prepared as climate terrorism movements are already in the works to cause massive damage on Earth in every way possible.

The Gospel According to Laurent Guyénot.

 In the past year or so, the number of furious denigrators of the Old Testament I have encountered sputtering with anger toward Yahweh, has increased. These angry ones often invoke the writing of French author Laurent Guyénot as motivation/inspiration for their disconcert.

The Biblical Lens and the Nietzschean Light.

 Christians worship two gods, Christ and Yahweh, but claim they are one. Certainly, the God of the Old Testament plays a secondary role in Christian consciousness. He remains behind the scenes. But he nevertheless pulls a number of strings. It was he who inspired the Christians to promise Palestine to the Jews in 1917 (by the British Balfour Declaration, preceded five months earlier by the French Cambon Declaration), and to give it to them in 1948.

L. Guyénot. La lentille biblique et la lumière Nietzschéenne..

...C'est en vertu de la Bible hébraïque qu'Israël considère que massacrer ses ennemis est un droit divin, voire un devoir divin. Ce droit divin se justifie par la supériorité ontologique des Juifs, qui constituent une surhumanité, en comparaison de laquelle les non-Juifs sont une infra-humanité. Pour Israël, ce droit divin prévaut sur le droit international. Et ce droit divin ne s’applique qu’à Israël. Israël est, par définition, au-dessus des lois, l’a toujours été et le sera toujours...
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : L. Guyénot. La lentille biblique et la lumière nie...

Trump & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Tag Team

A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe. There is an intensifying conflict between "Left" (globalism) and "Right," (nationalism)
which are each backed by a Masonic Jewish faction, Communism, and Zionism. In fact, these two are one. 
Trump & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Tag Team

David Livingstone- MI-6 Created Hamas and Radical Islam.

"The Globalists have had a hand in shaping and financing all the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century, including the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, the Hamas of Palestine, and the Afghan Mujahideen. But the history of their duplicity dates farther back still, to the eighteenth century, when British Freemasons created the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia itself, to further their imperialistic objectives by dividing and conquering its targets."
David Livingstone- MI-6 Created Hamas and Radical Islam