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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Pierre Hillard-"La Russie fait partie intégrante du mondialisme".


Makow- The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization

Makow- The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization : (Left, Quote from World Jewish Congress Founder Nahum Goldman 1895-1982- Forgive me for posting this again but people these days have short attention spans and even shorter memories.)We can't defend ourselves if we can't even name the enemy.We face an occult force. Organized Jewry and its minion Freemasonry, are dedicated...

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns And Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease To Be Human

If you live in a state of indifference, ignoring the evil around you, accepting it in order to avoid conflict and responsibility, you become the evil you have chosen to ignore. The dark abyss in this circumstance, is created by your own inaction against it.
When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns And Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease To Be Human

Now They Are Actually Working On A Plan To Block Out The Sun.

 What are they thinking? Without enough sunlight, life on this planet would not be able to survive for long. So when global leaders start talking about blocking out the sun or “re-engineering the atmosphere”, we should all get really, really nervous. Plants need sunlight in order go grow. So less sunlight would mean less food for all of us. And considering the fact that we are already in the early stages of a horrifying global food crisis, growing enough food should be a very high priority. Unfortunately, the globalists see things very differently. They are...

Bill Gates’ Growing Global Tyranny.

 Global Coup By WHO and Bill Gates? documents many of the ways in which the unelected, unappointed Bill Gates has managed to use his vast and growing wealth to control an increasing aspect of the lives of everyone on Earth – in each case, with disastrous results. Since his organizations are ...

What Drove Truman’s Presidential Policy on Israel? Threats by Jews.

 Among all of the past presidents, there’s good transparency about the inner workings and thoughts of No. 33 (1945-1953), Harry S. Truman (1884-1972). One source of insight was his daughter, Margaret Truman Daniel (1924-2008), who wrote his biography published shortly before his death.

Gonzalo Lira Proves Ukraine Supports Tyranny, says Tucker

June 28 - Gonzalo Lira Proves Ukraine Supports Tyranny, says Tucker: Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comIn his latest Twitter Video,  Tucker Carlson cites the detention of American citizen Gonzalo Lira as proof the Biden Admin hates free speech which is the basis of freedom itself. He says Twitter is the only bastion of free speech left. The legacy media...

Canadian Soldiers Suing Gov’t Over “Vaccine” Mandates.

June 27 - Canadian Soldiers Suing Gov’t Over “Vaccine” Mandates : Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comOver 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates

Veronica Swift - Illuminati Satanism Unveiled

Veronica Swift - Illuminati Satanism Unveiled: Veronica Swift's book, An Illuminati Primer: Understanding the System through the Eyes of Its Whistleblowers, published in April, reveals disturbing details about the politicians and celebrities we worship. They all belong to the Illuminati which really is a satanic cult. Below are some excerptswhich explain why Western society is in a tailspin. An Illuminati Primer: Understanding The System...

The Names & Faces of 150 Bilderbergers who controlled COVID-19 Pandemic response

 It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.”[1] Of the 1861 living Bilderbergers, over 140, listed below, have played significant roles in managing the COVID-19 event: Many of those listed below are also on the list of COVID-19 WEF perpetrators.

Is The Next Wuhan Biolab At Colorado State University In Fort Collins?

In December 2022, Larimer County Planning Commission approved a new “bat lab” or bat vivarium at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado after giving one day notice to the public for opposition. In October 2021, NIH recently granted $6.7 million in funding for this facility, but this is negligible compared to the $288 million in NIH funding to CSU since 2014. This article will address the prior NIH bioweapons projects at CSU, the zealousness for profitable pandemic projects in Fort Collins, the grassroots opposition to...
Is The Next Wuhan Biolab At Colorado State University In Fort Collins?

Dark History: How the US Experimented on Its Own People.

 For years, government-related institutes have experimented on their own citizens, mainly minorities, to serve their own interests. Infamous and not entirely disclosed, here are some of the most unethical operations done by the US on its own people and soil....

Understanding and Countering Sentient World Simulation.

 The Pentagon is running an artificial intelligence (A.I.) program to test how people react to propaganda and strategy of tension. The program is called Sentient World Simulation (SWS). Defense, intelligence and homeland security officials are constructing a parallel world on a computer that agencies will use to test propaganda messages and military strategies....

Coming Soon: The Apocalyptic Phase of Technocracy And Transhumanism.

 ...The USA, Canada, the EU countries, Russia and China, along with the other BRICS countries, have proven to be led by some puppet governments, controlled by a single power center that we can call without no exaggeration World Government acting through UN affiliated agencies like WHO...

The Transhumans' Billion-Dollar Quest For Immortality.

The fact that thousands of genetic and medical scientists around the world are working feverishly to cure the “disease” of death should tell us that this isn’t just a fad. Public money funds universities. Billionaires like Elon Musk, Peter Theil and Jeff Bezos are investing heavily. Transhumanism is here to stay and it is gaining power and influence over traditional science.⁃ TN Editor
The Transhumans' Billion-Dollar Quest For Immortality

Prophetic Anticipation Builds: Unblemished Red Heifers for Temple Ceremony Soon Come of Age.

 Last September, five red heifers arrived in Israel amid great fanfare, because some Jews and Gentiles believe red heifers are a key element leading to the building of the Third Jewish Temple.






Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller - Churchill Betrayed Anti-Nazi Resistance

Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller - Churchill Betrayed Anti-Nazi Resistance: Mueller's 200-page Journal edited by Gregory Douglas covering the period March 1949 to Sept 1951 is for sale on Amazon . So is his three-volume CIA Interrogation. According to the Journal, Mueller was soon on a first-name basis with President Harry S. Truman. Wearing his Nazi medals, Mueller entertained Truman at home, played...

La purge des crimes haineux des « antisémites » est en cours en Occident !...

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : La purge des crimes haineux des « antisémites » es...: Dans ces pays qui se targuent de liberté et de démocratie, dire quoi que ce soit sur la mauvaise conduite d'Israël peut vous envoyer en prison...

The Hate Crime Purging of “Antisemites” Is Underway!

 Saying anything about Israel’s misbehavior can send you to jail!..

There have recently been a number of incidents that would be of interest if one has concerns about the sorry state of free speech in Europe and the United States, the so-called “democracies” who tend to boast about their freedoms and the rights of their citizens. The chosen weapon in the US and elsewhere in the Anglo-sphere has been the designation “hate speech” which also covers “hate writing,” “possessing hate literature or films,” and even “hate thinking.” In Europe, where...

There Is One Major Problem with Robert F. Kennedy Jr…

 There’s only one conclusion when it comes to Israel, in fact it’s almost like a tradition, it’s definitely a meal ticket to political power for all US presidents, senators, congresspeople, governors, mayors from the past to the present who pledge their unconditional support for Israel.

Feminine Dystopia: From Mystique to Monster.

 “It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.” —George Orwell, 1984.

Over the past century – and especially since the late 1960s – there seems to be an almost perfect correlation between the increasing independence and political involvement of women in all Western countries with the unraveling of the core nuclear family and the disintegration of Western institutions and culture. Correlation is not causation, but if the correlation is strong enough it approximates causation. What ...

Mike Stone- Fudge-Packing Parents are Going to Hell

The school you're sending your kids to 
isn't a school at all. It's an indoctrination center. 

It's a funnel to hell, where human filth 
calling themselves teachers are grooming and brainwashing children into accepting homosexuality, trannyism, and sexual mutilation.
M0ike Stone- Fudge-Packing Parents are Going to Hell ... 

Shalom Bollywood: How Four Jewish Actresses Influenced the Indian Cinema Industry.

 The Indian film industry was heavily influenced by the acting of four Jews.

All of them were women....

How Jews took over China and created Chinese Communism.

How Jews took over China and converted the country to communism, resulting in a government controlled by a crypto-Jewish and Masonic elite.

“The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

The Ministry of Truth – Revisited.

 The United Nations Policy Brief Information Integrity on Digital Platforms (a part of the Secretary-General’s vision for the future of global cooperation – Our Common Agenda) was released on June 12th. The report prescribes an Orwellian future with tight control of information to tackle the “existential threats” they label as Hate Speech and Disinformation.

CIA Memo 1967: CIA Coined and Weaponized the Label “Conspiracy Theory”.

 In 1967 The CIA released a dispatch that coined the label “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorists” to attack anyone who challenged the official narrative from the Warren Commission. It’s interesting to note that the document is labelled “psych”, for psychological operations or disinformation. It’s also marked “CS copy” at the bottom, meaning “Clandestine Services” Unit.

Exocortex (Your brain on internet)

 An exocortex is a theoretical artificial external information processing system that would augment a brain’s biological high-level cognitive processes.


Competing With God? Harari Suggests AI Could Write Bible, Creating 'Religions That Are Actually Correct'

A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized “new Bible.”
Competing With God? Harari Suggests AI Could Write Bible, Creating 'Religions That Are Actually Correct'

Synthetic Human Embryos: No Need For Eggs Or Sperm

At the same time when synthetic wombs are being created, genetic scientists are perfecting synthetic embryos, where traditional eggs and sperm are not required. This scenario is reminiscent of Aldous Huxley’s book, Brave New World, where all babies were created in a test tube and incubated to term in an artificial womb. ⁃ TN Editor
Synthetic Human Embryos: No Need For Eggs Or Sperm

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future.

 DARPA Neurologist and Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program at Georgetown University, Washington DC, Dr. James Giordano, who is also a weapons expert, started his presentation at West Point NY Military Academy by saying, “The brain is and will be the 21st Century battlefield. End of story.”

6/14/2023 -- Earthquake activity + Canada Fires , WEATHER MODIFICATION using Radio waves.




What Anne Frank and Leo Frank Teach Us About Jewish Mendacity, and Where Both Germans and White Americans Failed with the Jewish Question.

 Much of what people understand as History has less to do with facts than the factor of who controls the discourse. So, even if it’s proven beyond a doubt that the six million figure for the Holocaust is false, the myth continues so long as the Power insists it must. The Power controls...

Mike Stone - Students Rebel Against Tranny Indoctrination

Mike Stone - Students Rebel Against Tranny Indoctrination:       The students walked through the hallways of MSMS chanting “U.S.A. are my pronouns,” while wearing red, white and blue clothing and face paint and "destroyed rainbow decorations at the school." The students "reportedly tore down Pride banners" and "glared down students" dressed in rainbow colors ...

Léo Taxil : L'antisémitisme est-il pire que la pornographie et le blasphème talmudique ?

En 1931, Georges Bernanos publie un pamphlet intitulé La Grande Peur des Bien-pensants qui retrace la vie, l'œuvre et l'époque d'Édouard Drumont (voir ici la liste des articles TOO traitant de Drumont) .

Il y brosse un tableau apocalyptique de la conquête de la France par les juifs et de l'éviction concomitante des chrétiens, avec, d'une part, le décret Crémieux [1] qui, en 1870, accorde automatiquement la nationalité française aux « Israélites indigènes » d'Algérie. (Adolphe Crémieux était lui-même juif), l'affaire Dreyfus, qui débuta en 1894, puis la création en 1898 de la LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme), ces droits de l'homme s'opposant aux droits des Français — et même à Dieu, et avec, d'autre part, l'anti-catholique...
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Léo Taxil : L'antisémitisme est-il pire que la por...

Mike Stone - The Environmental Movement is a PsyOp

Mike Stone - The Environmental Movement is a PsyOp :     "The blowing up of the Kakhovka dam, the blowing up of the Russian pipeline, or the Ohio train wreck and chemical spill, taken on its own would qualify as the worst environmental disaster in decades.    Yet we've had all three of them occur back-to-back in a ...

Gordon Chang - The CCP is World’s Largest Criminal Organization

Gordon Chang - The CCP is World’s Largest Criminal Organization:       Beijing’s primary goal is rule — not domination — of Planet Earth and the near parts of the solar system.      Makow- Communism. whether Biden, WEF or China is essentially Organized Crime        What’s The Difference Between The Chinese Government And The Mob?..

Wildfires that are Not Natural – Product of the Geoengineering Agenda.


The evidence is mounting that the wildfires in Canada are not natural, but part of the geoengineering agenda...

How The Islamic Golden Age Revolutionized The West.

How Arabs Revolutionized Western Culture explains that The House of Wisdom in Baghdad provided the information that allowed Europe to come out of the Dark Ages and laid the foundation for the European Renaissance...

A Christian Response To 'Jesus The Jew' By White Nationalist Thomas Dalton

... However, the reason that Jews have infiltrated and subverted Christianity is that it was a serious threat to Jewish power rather than an instrument of Jewish domination. And Jews began infiltrating the Catholic Church very early on as “conversos” who worked feverishly to “judaize” the faith — and corrupt the European bloodline.
A Christian Response To 'Jesus The Jew' By White Nationalist Thomas Dalton

Léo Taxil: Is Anti-Semitism Worse Than Pornography and Talmudic Blasphemy?

 In 1931, Georges Bernanos published a pamphlet entitled La Grande Peur des Bien-Pensants (The Great Fear of the Righteous), which retraced the life, work and times of Édouard Drumont (see here for a list of TOO articles that deal with Drumont). In it, he painted an apocalyptic picture of the conquest of France by the Jews and the concomitant eviction of the Christians, with, on the one hand, the Crémieux decree, which in 1870 automatically granted French citizenship to the “indigenous Israelites” of Algeria (Adolphe Crémieux was himself Jewish), the Dreyfus affair, which began in 1894, and the subsequent creation in 1898 of the LDH (Ligue des Droits de l’Homme — Human Rights League), these human rights being opposed to the rights –of the French — and even to God, and with, on the other hand, the anti-Catholic Expulsion of the Congregations in 1880, the law of 7 July 1904, relating to the suppression of congregational teaching, known as ...

In 2009, Jane Burgermeister Predicted COVID Hoax to a Tee

In 2009, Jane Burgermeister Predicted COVID Hoax to a Tee: Journalist Jane Bürgermeister warned in 2009 about the plans of a coming centralized world government using a coronavirus pandemic for a final power grab.#JaneBurgermeister #coronavirus #powergrab #worldgovernment — NewsVoice (@newsvoicemag) June 10, 2023           In 1995, Canadian doctor Ghilslaine Lanctot warned that the "elite"

P.Koenig - Le plan diabolique pour réorganiser l'humanité

Le présumé « culte de la mort » ne peut réussir, ni survivre, sans nous avertir tout le temps.
C'est une condition de leur "existence souterraine". Et nous avons reçu beaucoup d'avertissements au cours des cent dernières années, environ. Nous avons ignoré la plupart d'entre eux.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Peter Koenig - Le plan diabolique pour réorganiser...

The U.S. Military’s History of Using Forest Fires as a Weapon.

 A formerly classified US military document titled “Forest Fire As A Military Weapon” is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction.

Jewish Entitlement & Rite-of-Passage as Mini-Prophets Lording Over Goyim as Sheeple.

 The Problem of Holo-Cause Denial among Jews — Stupidity of Swedes in Relation to Jews — Jewish, Black, and Homo Cult as the Perfect Peoples Eternally Blameless No Matter What They Do...

Revilo Oliver--Homosexuals & Communists are Natural Allies

Revilo Oliver--Homosexuals & Communists are Natural Allies:     Please watch this video of WHO Director Tedros Adhanom seeking companionship at a gay bar.   DR. REVILO Pendleton Oliver, Professor of the Classics at the University of Illinois for 32 years and one of the leading philologists of his time, read eleven languages, including Sanskrit, and for...

The International Jew -

 @Jerry_Howe Henry Ford - The International Jew - Audiobook read by Alex Linder - Vol. 3, Ch. 49: Jewish Hot-Beds of Bolshevism in the U.S. + Vol. 3, Ch. 50: Jew Trades Link With World Revolutionaries.

Transhumanism: Dancing With The Digital Devil

Transhumanism is a materialist inversion of spiritual aspirations, which promises to create a heaven on earth in exchange for merging our souls with machines.
Transhumanism: Dancing With The Digital Devil

L'hystérie de Covid permet aux Juifs de maintenir leur contrôle sur les goyim.

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : L'hystérie de Covid permet aux Juifs de maintenir ...: Le Phénomène Covidien était une sorte de guerre religieuse dans laquelle les suprémacistes juifs ont endossé le manteau de la prêtrise médicale pour débarrasser le monde des forces démoniaques, pas tant le Covid-19 lui-même, mais toute figure ou force pouvant être sapée et détruite sous le prétexte de "de sauvegarder du monde du Covid".
Quoi que disent les juifs, nous devons obéir. Quand les Juifs décrètent, nous plions le genou.

Rectenwald On Transhumanism: Hacking Humanity.

There are hundreds of top scholars warning about the dangerous cult of Transhumanism, that posits evolution is theirs to control via genetic manipulation. This is warmed over eugenics from Nazi Germany and, further back, to the California State government.⁃ TN Editor
Rectenwald On Transhumanism: Hacking Humanity

Skeletal Remains Of 150 English Children Starved And Worked To Death In Factories Show No Evidence Of 'White Privilege'.

(The Surrey Comet UK) Scientists have uncovered the first direct, grisly evidence of the harrowing lives of children known as “pauper apprentices” who were forced into labour during industrialization in England:
Skeletal Remains Of 150 English Children Starved And Worked To Death In Factories Show No Evidence Of 'White Privilege'

Peter Koenig - The Diabolical Plan to Re--Engineer Humanity.

Peter Koenig - The Diabolical Plan to Re--Engineer Humanity:     What better proof of “dancing with the devil” than true life examples.   “Hell is Empty, The Devils are All Here”, William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 1, Scene 2   The Gothard Base Tunnel    Watch this 6-min video clip of the satanic ritual at the Gotthard...

Is Genocide Too Powerful a Word.

 Genocide is a potent word. It refers to the decimation of an entire group. It results in destruction on a massive scale. It defies the imagination even though we have often witnessed it in the 20th century...

Often begun as a bid for the welfare of humanity, these decisions must be regarded as the "alibis of tyrants" with resultant deadly consequences...

Covid Hysteria Was About Jews as the Master Race Maintaining Control Over the Goy Helots.

 The Covidian Phenom was a religious war of sorts wherein Jewish Supremacists took on the mantle of medical priesthood to rid the world of demonic forces, not so much Covid-19 itself but whatever figure or force could be undermined and destroyed in the name of saving the world from Covid.

Whatever Jews say, we must obey.

“Anti-Jewish” Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat.

Anti-Jewish” Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat : (Left, Adolf Stoecker (1835 -1909) was the court chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm II, a politician,  and a German Lutheran theologian who founded the Christian Social Party and attempted to  roll back Jewish control. He helped organize the 1882 "Anti Jewish Conference.")  Is this why Dresden was so maliciously destroyed ?...

Hugh Hefner & the (Homo) Sexual Revolution

Hugh Hefner & the (Homo) Sexual Revolution : PLAYBOY founder, Hugh Hefner,  died September 27, 2017.  No man has done more  to destroy family values  by making sex an end in itself.   While the PLAYBOY philosophy was touted as the height of masculinity,  it was really homosexual in essence.

Rockefeller: Controlling the Game.

 A must have book about the origins and aims of the Climate Hysteria.

The book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, analyses the Rockefeller Family’s surprisingly important role in building up the climate issue internationally.

Unless Smart Choices are Made About Human Direction, an Idiocracy is Inevitable.

 One of the reasons we are nationalists is that the nation, under proper leadership, is in the best position to understand, measure and improve its people’s potential and human capital. The cosmopolitan system of “we are one world” will produce the opposite, dumbing down and diluting large swaths of the population.

Sustainable Slavery: The UN + Digital ID With Whitney Webb.

 Iain Davis and Whitney Webb explore how the UN's "sustainable development" policies, the SDGs, do not promote "sustainability" as most conceive of it, and instead utilise the same debt imperialism long used by the Anglo-American Empire to entrap nations in a new, equally predatory system of global financial governance. Today on ‘Good Morning CHD’ Whitney and Iain focus on SDG 16 and its implications for Digital ID.

Arme de l'antisémitisme : de victime à tortionnaire.

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Arme de l'antisémitisme : de victime à tortionnaire: Le Dr Alan Sabrosky de VT expose l'ADL et les sionistes qui militarisent le racisme et le sectarisme pour faire taire les opposants...

"VACCINATION A Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty" - The Theocrat (1914).

 Tuberculosis, cancer, scrofula, leprosy, syphilis, eczema, and a score of other loathsome and fatal diseases have been forcibly imparted to healthy people.

"Vaccination is an assault upon the body, health, and life and should be resisted even unto death".

Jews Beheaded King Charles in 1649

Jews Beheaded King Charles in 1649 : King Charles 1625-1649         Most people think that the murder of King Nicholas of Russia in 1918 was the first Jewish excursion into regicide but, in fact, England's long descent to satanist shithole began almost 400 years ago when Organized Jewry had King Charles I, left, beheaded.   

How The Church Of Scotland Capitulated To Jewish Demands To Deny Christ And Become Judaized

(The Jewish Chronicle) So-called “Chrstian-Jewish” dialogue has always been a one-way street where Christians compromise their faith “for fear of the Jews” and walk in lock-step with the anti-Christs who find Christianity “offensive” to their Jewish occult “beliefs”:

“The Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has hailed a new document on Jewish-Christian relations produced jointly with the Church of Scotland as an “important step forward”.
How The Church Of Scotland Capitulated To Jewish Demands To Deny Christ And Become Judaized

Weaponizing Anti-Semitism: From Victim to Predator.

 Today, as before, the prevailing strains of Jewish political radicalism and societal perversion run strong and deep. Simply review the very long list of activities in which Jews have the lead and/or are principal financiers. Radical feminism; critical theory and its offshoot, “critical race theory” (CRT); the racist, destructive “Black Lives Matter” extortion scam; Antifa; and the promotion of gender dysphoria and pedophilia, are just a few of the entries on an appalling list of shame. Nor does the old affinity for communism give any evidence of waning. One wonders what a Hollywood dominated by (e.g.) Ukrainian expatriates from the 1930s on would say about “Uncle Joe” and his minions.

“Vaccines” Aimed at the “Extinction of Humanity”

Final Days" is the sequel to "Died Suddenly." To its credit, it does not continue with a litany of vaccine damage but instead focuses on the BIG PICTURE: Why is this happening?
The answer is transhumanism: the Illuminati is re-engineering the human race as automatons to serve them.
 The plan is to end the human species and create, as Elon Musk calls them - humanoids. "To merge technology into the human body..."
The vaccine makers disclose that their product contains graphene oxide and self-assembling nanoparticles which are completely programmable. ALL the vaccines, including Sputnik, contain graphene. 
The documentary shows how the vaccinated, including the dead in cemetaries, emit Blue Tooth signals.

The Transgender Endgame is Transhumanism

The Transgender Endgame is Transhumanism: The 'Gay' Agenda is Not Finished    The goal of transhumanism is to  use technology to release mankind  from the "confines" of nature. It sounds good but, really, it is re-engineering humanity to be slaves.  Scott Lively relates the history of  the homosexual agenda and explains that  the goal...