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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Did fallen angels help Jews write the Protocols of Zion?...

The credibility of the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an intricate and ingenious hundred-year-old blueprint for global domination, has stood the test of time against dismissive and deceitful charges.

Because of its implication of the Jewish money power, naturally, it has incurred the wrath of the Jewish-controlled press, academia, pseudo historians, heretics, and political pundits. It has been called everything from an anti-Semitic forgery written by the Russian secret police to a Vatican-shadow-written libel against Jewry. While these charges have little to no evidence, little has been said about its highly elaborate scheming and cunning word play.
It’s comparable to almost any classic work in its imagination and mastery of plot. Works of such reputation are typically considered divinely inspired or of the vaporous odours from the bowels of hell.


Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans.

    Digital identity, digital twins, programmable central bank digital currency, a social credit system, human augmentation and the Internet of Bodies (IoB). These are all part of the dystopian future being rolled out by the globalist cabal as the "solutions" to the world's problems According to transhumanist propaganda, everyone will benefit from human augmentation. In reality, transhumanism is a eugenics program, differing in name only The post-human society envisioned by transhumanists will have no use for billions of people. Since a vast number of jobs will be eliminated and replaced by robots and artificial intelligence, the transhumanist plan requires depopulation A global totalitarian regime will not accept the responsibility to feed, house and provide universal basic income and health care to billions of people who aren't useful. The logical solution is to exterminate the nonproductive and transform the rest into obedient cyborgs imprisoned within the IoB 5G ecosystem The depopulation requirement of the transhumanist utopia may be why nations refuse to address the extraordinary lethality of the COVID jabs

Gates, Epstein, la CIA, les vaccins et l’agenda de contrôle global. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. et Whitney Webb révèlent comment tout est lié

par Children’s Health Defense Team

Les passeports vaccinaux font partie d’un plan mondial visant à relier le statut vaccinal, l’activité économique et l’identité biométrique déclare la journaliste d’investigation Whitney Webb au président de Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Dans ce  podcast, elle plonge dans les relations troubles entre le pédophile Jeffrey Epstein, aujourd’hui décédé, le milliardaire Bill Gates et d’autres élites de la Silicon Valley. Il y a une « dissimulation délibérée », selon Mme Webb, des véritables liens entre Gates et Epstein. De nombreuses élites de la Silicon Valley « font partie de quelque chose qui s’appelle la Fondation Edge », ce qui explique comment « Epstein a pu établir des liens si étroits avec un grand nombre de personnes qui deviendraient plus tard l’élite de la Silicon Valley », a déclaré Webb à Kennedy. Beaucoup des grandes entreprises de la Silicon Valley d’aujourd’hui ont des origines liées à la communauté du renseignement, déclare Webb. La branche de capital-risque de la Central Intelligence Agency, In-Q-Tel, investissait dans des technologies jugées utiles aux forces de renseignement, et lorsque c’était le cas, elle avait la main sur le développement des produits de l’entreprise, a expliqué Webb

Gates, Epstein, la CIA, les vaccins et l’agenda de contrôle global. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. et Whitney Webb révèlent comment tout est lié

Andrew Anglin -- Notes for an “Open Conversation” With Jews

what-race-is-overrepresented.jpeg(The structural racism is all Jewish)

White people have much less money per capita than the Jews. They have much less influence on society. Whites rarely make decisions that affect any public policy. Jews are the ones with the power, they are the ones making the decisions, but they are telling us that unlike whites, they are not a group, so they can't ever be talked about. This is unacceptable.

Jews destroyed my life. They destroyed Ye's life. We have a lot at stake here. We want to understand what is going on, and we need these Jews who control everything to explain it to us.

Makow - Organized Jewry is waging a race war against Whites (Christian Civilization) but pretending it's the other-way-around.



Thus, the sacred number of 6 million Jews dying in the holocaust is not so sacred to at least point out that that number has been repeatedly challenged with some corroborating evidence indicating the Jewish death toll was intentionally exploited and inflated by Zionists in order to establish the necessary grounds and justification for their State of Israel in Palestine claim to carry out their nefarious agenda. To me that’s what needs to be further explored and, if true, fully exposed. So with that purpose in mind, to illuminate the truth behind the story of the Jewish State, part 2 of “What to Do about ‘The Jew’ Taboo” is presented....