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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

la tyrannie de l’Organisation Mortelle de la Santé.

COVID / ARNm : L’ordre donné par le ministre de la défense Lloyd Austin d’injecter en masse les forces armés américaines n’est pas seulement illégal, c’est une trahison !

Karen Kingston

U.S. Supreme Court Protects Freemason Corporations and Big Pharma – Strikes Down Any Legal Opposition to COVID-19 “Vaccines” and Mandates

 The Supreme Court has, once again, overturned lower court rulings that challenged the U.S. Federal Government’s role in mandating COVID-19 bioweapon shots. The “Conservative” majority, once again, ruled to protect the interests of Big Pharma and their immunity from being prosecuted in the U.S. judicial system, as it has done consistently since 2011, even though the pharmaceutical companies were not the defendants in these cases, but obviously benefited from this ruling

Spotlight on scientific censorship: A virtual collection

 We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light -PLATO

Biological Warfare in Action _LARRY ROMANOFF

 Chapter 4 – US Foreign Deployment.

American solution to avoid oversight and monitoring was to outsource its chemical and bio-weapons experiments to Third World Countries under the guise of medical research, which labs are off-limits to even the local governments and the American staff granted full immunity from all domestic laws.