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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

The New Underworld Order Cult.

 In an assessment of the term “cult,” we need to be very careful here as the kakistocracy — as part of the post-truth world they’ve created — likes to invert ethics and morals to taint those who think outside the box...



Mike Stone - They’re Serious About Making You Eat Insects

Mike Stone - They’re Serious About Making You Eat Insects: "You don't think people who hid behind face diapers and face shields are going to say no to a dinner of grasshoppers and cockroaches?"  by Mike Stone (
Forbes recently ran a piece called "Eat Bugs! It's...

Cabalist Jews are Their Own God (“Egregore”)

Cabalist Jews are Their Own God (“Egregore”):         left, The Rothschild cartel is the sinister force behind modern dysfunction     Does the "egregore" explain the mysterious affinity shared by Illuminati (Satanist) Jews?   They are their own God or "Egregore."   They want us to live in their reality people are "hackable animals"

People’s Brains and Bodies Are Not Protected Against Attacks by Electromagnetic Waves and Neurotechnologies

 The human body is full of electrical and electromagnetic events and therefore can be controlled by electromagnetic radiation, which can have benign as well as harmful effects on its states. It may control even such events as is cell division or activity of neurons, as well as synchronized activity of masses of neurons in the brain and in this way produce “artificial“ activity of the human nervous system.

If you want to help to convince the governments to protect yourself and your children against deprivation of privacy and freedom, come demonstrate on June 10 to Brussels to the Place du Luxembourg (in front of the European Parliament) at 12:00 noon. This international demonstration against threats to human health and democracy posed by electromagnetic radiation will take place there.

Les cerveaux et les corps des gens ne sont pas protégés contre les attaques des ondes électromagnétiques et les neurotechnologies.

 Le corps humain est rempli d’événements électriques et électromagnétiques et peut donc être contrôlé par des rayonnements électromagnétiques, qui peuvent avoir des effets aussi bien bénins que nocifs sur ses états. Il peut même contrôler des événements tels que la division cellulaire ou l’activité des neurones , ainsi que l’activité synchronisée de masses de neurones dans le cerveau et produire ainsi une activité « artificielle » du système nerveux humain.

Si vous voulez aider à convaincre les gouvernements de vous protéger vous et vos enfants contre la privation de vie privée et de liberté, venez manifester le 10 juin à Bruxelles sur la Place du Luxembourg (devant le Parlement européen) à 12h00. Cette manifestation internationale contre les menaces à la santé humaine et à la démocratie posées par les rayonnements électromagnétiques s’y déroulera.

Big Food, Big Pharma, Big Media et Big People : comment fonctionne le complexe industriel de l’obésité.

 « La médecine moderne nous aide-t-elle à vivre plus longtemps et en meilleure santé ? » Ou s’agit-il d’un « programme plus sombre » qui crée « une vie plus longue mais plus malade » ?...

Fred B - Society is Standing on a Ledge

Fred B - Society is Standing on a Ledge:   We have been betrayed in the most egregious way. Every social institution has been subverted by Satanists (Communists.). People cling to an illusion of normality hoping to escape the consequences.   Fred B- "A willful ignorance coupled to a tolerance (i.e., a “compliance”) is destroying the very basis...

Usurious Jews and the Magna Carta.

 King John of England signed the Magna Carta Libertatum (“Great Charter of Freedoms”) in the early part of the thirteenth century. Usually just called the Magna Carta, the document was composed as a compromise between the king and a group of rebel barons. The granting of political or economic rights by royalty was uncommon at that time, so the landmark charter came to serve as source of...

Technocracy/Operation Talpiot.


How did Israel get access to US high technology and intellectual property? It all began in the 1970s, when the US and Israeli governments formed BIRD (Israel-United States Bi-national Industrial Research and Development) Foundation. BIRD funds joint partnerships between Israeli and American companies, with 50 percent of its funding coming from the US government. That’s right, our taxpayer money is funding Israeli industry, while our infrastructure is in shambles. This quote from a Bloomberg article is Talpiot in action, “The company [BIRD] promotes joint industrial R&D between American and Israeli companies. They provide a maximum of $1.2 million funding per project. BIRD-supported projects allow leading Israeli technology companies to access key world class-US companies and establish business ties.”...

Why It’s Easier to Talk to a Robot Than to a Jew

 How Artificial Intelligence destroyed the Holocaust

E. Michael Jones 

The world’s smartest Jew recently gave a talk on the dangers that artificial intelligence posed for the future of humanity. Yuval Noah Harari claims the fear films like Terminator and The Matrix inspired is misplaced.

What is Cybernetics and How does it Work?..

The study of purposeful systems, both animate and inanimate, and how they manage themselves is known as cybernetics. It focuses on the function of feedback mechanisms in the circular causality of closed signaling loops in complex systems. 

Eric Schmidt: AI Poses Existential Threat To People

Eric Schmidt, the creator of Google, surveillance capitalism and member of the Trilateral Commission that started modern globalization, aka Technocracy, says government needs to protect us from AI being “misused by evil people”. In other words, the Technocrats who created AI will be the ones in charge of regulating it. Evil handed over to evil. 
Eric Schmidt: AI Poses Existential Threat To People

Top 15 Reasons That Prove Global Warming Is A Hoax

Global warming is a hoax invented by Technocrats such as populate the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and the United Nations. The singular purpose is to drive the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. The pandemic hoax followed the same path, and only one solution is offered.⁃ TN Editor
Top 15 Reasons That Prove Global Warming Is A Hoax

Conspiracy Truthers: 20 Theories Now Widely Accepted as Fact

There are a remarkable number of conspiracy theories that are now widely recognized as fact. This list of 20 — some widely known, some lesser-known — merely scratches the surface. Nonetheless, we are providing it as a useful rebuttal to those who use the term “conspiracy theorist” as a disparaging label synonymous with “crazy.”

The subversion of science: how the drug industry became the world’s number one cause of death and disability

 According to Dr. Aseem Malhotra, most people — including doctors — don’t realize that researchers who do peer review of drug company-sponsored trials don’t get access to the raw data. All they get is the drug company’s analysis of that data, which leaves the door wide open for manipulation and obfuscation...

HoloCanular. Parmi les "6 millions" de morts juifs...

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : HoloCanular. Parmi les "6 millions" de morts juifs...: En 2009, lors de son procès devant un tribunal allemand, Kevin Käther a cité le chiffre total de 5 360 710 millions de survivants vivants ...

Patriotic Jew Sounded Commie Alarm 70 Years Ago

Patriotic Jew Sounded Commie Alarm 70 Years Ago : Why America is Going Down the Drain Myron Fagan (1887-1972) was a distinguished and successful Broadway producer, writer and director. Communism is synonymous with Cabalist Judaism and Satanism. But Myron Fagan, the most courageous and eloquent Crusader against Communism was a Jew. Fagan warned his fellow Americans of the...

Mike Stone - Does ‘Back to Normal’ Mean Amnesia?

Mike Stone - Does ‘Back to Normal’ Mean Amnesia?:   American men have lost their balls. They'd rather swig liquid estrogen and jerk off to pornography than stand up for their country or for themselves. Talk about pathetic.       Makow comment- As long as they can get away with this shit, it will continue.    

COVID and a 5G connection?...

 No blanket assertions here. No claims that 5G technology “activates the virus.” No across-the-board answers. Instead, several key questions, and a few possible clues...



La question juive en Europe : les causes, les effets, les remèdes . Par La Civilta Cattolica. Partie 2/3.

Ce document a été écrit il y a 133 ans. Il montre que, depuis la nuit des temps, le comportement de la secte juive n'a pas changé et ne changera pas. Au contraire : depuis 1890, les choses n'ont fait qu'empirer (et continueront d'empirer) pour les goyim, qu'ils soient aux États-Unis ou en Europe. H. Genséric
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : La question juive en Europe : les causes, les effe..

Money Hoax Begets COVID Hoax & all Others

Money Hoax Begets COVID Hoax & all Others :   The "key" to understanding the world today bears repetition. The medium of exchange (money, currency, credit) is created out of thin air as a "debt" to a cartel of Masonic ( Cabalist, Satanist) Jewish bankers. This is something government could do itself interest-and-debt-free. Your "money" is really government IOU's

Makow -- Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Parasitism

Makow -- Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Parasitism :     (Jewish predators. Yukos Board, 2003. Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanic. Cabalism is Communism.)       I repost this today so you will see the big picture. The business model of Organized Jewry is parasitism, feeding off and killing the host, the goyim. This...

Sabbatean Frankist Inversion.

 Russ Winter Joins Robert Phoenix to Discuss the Enormous Subject of Sabbatean Frankist Inversion.

Sabbatean Frankism is a roll-up-your-sleeves topic of critical importance. I deliberately went to Robert Phoenix with this discussion as he offers considerable add-on value.

The Foundation and Development of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power

In his classic work Imperialism, a Study, J.A. Hobson (1858-1940) argued that “men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them centuries of financial experience” formed “the central ganglion of international capitalism.”

Who Wants A Brain Machine Interface, Anyway?

Claims are being made that a new “Transhumanism Ethics” is needed to save us from the dangers of hackers or governments and corporations who may want to employ AI to read our thoughts and control our minds.
Who Wants A Brain Machine Interface, Anyway?

Technocrat Scientists Learn How To Read Minds Without Implants

No surgery. No implants. ChatGPT-like AI can read minds with 50% accuracy. It’s rudimentary. Embryonic. It’s the result of 15 years of continuous work. You can see where this is headed in the hands of Technocrats who are bent on knowing everything about the universe down to the synapses of your brain and the structure of your DNA. ⁃ TN Editor
Technocrat Scientists Learn How To Read Minds Without Implants

Big Tech Companies More Powerful Than Nation-States?

The article notes. “The world’s biggest tech companies are now richer and more powerful than most countries.’ Technocracy and democracy (or any other system of government) are like matter and anti-matter to each other. Technocracy will eventually remove all forms of political structures to simply run the world by fiat, ie, their algorithms.⁃ TN Editor
Big Tech Companies More Powerful Than Nation-States?

Dystopian Global Influence of The World Economic Forum.

 The WEF’s Young Global Leaders programme, founded in 2004, is designed to cultivate a network of exceptional individuals under the age of 40 from various fields, including business, politics, and academia (2). Schwab has openly admitted that these YGLs are infiltrating governments around the world (3).

One notable example is French President Emmanuel Macron, who was a member of the YGL Class of 2016 before being elected to office (4).

Joel Skousen - Commies Weaponize Migration to Alter US Demography

Joel Skousen - Commies Weaponize Migration to Alter US Demography: The Darien Gap camp is a transit point for migrants coming from all corners of the world. It is largely managed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) – a United Nations agency that promotes and facilitates migration from developing countries and China to the West.   A  UN-funded


There comes the so called " blue blood" ( those who call them royal) from, it have high copper in the blood but these fellows only get " blue eye."... When they drink adrenochrome.. Copper make the blood bluish in color...

Cabalist Bankers Extended WWI by Three Years

Cabalist Bankers Extended WWI by Three Years: (Edith Cavill, 1865-1915)    All wars are contrived by the Cabalist central bankers for power, profit and to "kill the best of the goyim in time of war." (The Talmud) Sir William Wiseman, head of British Intelligence and a partner in the bankers Kuhn Loeb, demanded the Germans execute

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Danger dans nos assiettes.


Hommage à Claire Séverac.


Hommage à Corinne Gouget.


Bella Dodd - The “New World Order” is Communism

Bella Dodd - The “New World Order” is Communism : We need constant reminders that Communism is a fait accompli in the West and that freedom and democracy are an empty charade.    In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult

CJ Evans - The US Government Belongs to the Devil

CJ Evans - The US Government Belongs to the Devil:     What better way to subdue a domestic population than by carrying out terror attacks and staged mass shootings against its own people? The true objectives of the US Government by CJ Evans ( In the bowels of the DoD Pentagram are where you find people who carry

Pauvreté et Crise à l’échelle planétaire: la population mondiale appauvrie.

 Au Royaume-Uni, la pauvreté augmente dans les deux tiers des communautés, alors que des millions de personnes se privent de chauffage et sautent des repas. En raison de la « crise du coût de la vie », 10,5 millions de personnes connaissent des difficultés financières. 13,7 millions de personnes de plus risqueraient de connaître des difficultés financières en cas de nouvelles augmentations des coûts.

Une petite leçon d’histoire sur les véritables Fondations des USA et ...

L’air de rien, l’auteur des lignes de la déclaration de 1776 « tous les hommes sont nés égaux ; ils sont dotés par le Créateur de certains droits inaliénables ; parmi ces droits se trouvent la vie, la liberté et la recherche du bonheur », 8 ans après les avoir écrits – non pas 8 jours ou semaines, mais 8 ans après – avait toujours en sa possession… 200 esclaves.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Une petite leçon d’histoire sur les véritables fon...