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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

DARK Pill: How Satan-Worshipping Pedophiles Have Taken Over Conspiracyland.

Why do Jews found Satanic churches in Western countries? Probably because: 1. they must infiltrate every religion, even non-existing ones; 2. they want to blaspheme and subvert Christianity in every possible way; 3. they can always use Satanism as a bogeyman.

The Greatest Coverup in History.

 The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex (which now includes the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex) does not count the cost of its adventures, but moves from one to the next without any accounting or disclosure to the American people whom claims it is protecting from the big bad world. Most of the citizenry has no idea what kind of terrible things the Complex does “to keep us safe”—that is, to advance the interests of the powerful people it works for.

The Rise of the Police State.


Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president of the United States. A former actor and president of the Screen Actors Guild, he was elected governor of California in 1966 and US president in 1981. He is standing in front of a sign reading ‘Let’s Make America Great Again’, during his electoral 

Reagan opened the doors to deregulation and privatisation, and effectively turned the keys of the country over to the elites and their large corporations and banks. It was this that paved the way for the parade of human, economic, political and military atrocities that continue to this day.

Deagel’s Grim Prediction for the US

The original 2014 version of the Deagel 2025 Forecast was taken down like the Georgia Guide Stones. What does Deagel know that we don't know? Lots of things! 

This is what they do for the world military, the U.S. President, CIA, NSA, NATO, OECD, OSCE, Russian Defense Agency, World Bank, UN, Stratfor, and others. 

They are the Deep State. These are very intelligent, very serious people. Next year (2025) this planet is going to collapse with unimaginable suffering. This was written in collaboration with the CIA, DoD, and Rockefeller Foundation. They cover 183 countries in this report. 
Deagel’s Grim Prediction for the US...

John Coleman - Our Tavistock “Truman Show”

Funded by the royal family, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, Tavistock pioneered the techniques of propaganda used to justify war. Outright lies about German atrocities in WWI resonate down through the decades to lies about Saddam Hussein's gassing Kurds and killing babies in Kuwait. Of course, the biggest lie of all is that Muslims had anything to do with Sept. 11.

John Coleman - Our Tavistock “Truman Show” 

Does Israeli Expansion Have Any Limit?

Mark Glenn- "What the Jews are doing now in Gaza and Lebanon is what they intend to see done to the entire world, not just to the Middle East, and this is the reason why the hellfire involving Russia & Ukraine is being fed with money, weapons, political support, etc, etc, etc. As much as it is painted as a 'NATO' war, the fact is that it is the Jews who got this thing started in the same manner as they did with WWI and WWII.
Sept 29 - Does Israeli Expansion Have Any Limit?...

More Unanswered Red Lines.

 The rhetoric emitting from the Axis of Resistance has moved from the sublime to the ridiculous. All red lines have been crossed for over a year. Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands massacred. Gaza heads toward another winter with population exposed. Rough night for Lebanon as six apartment buildings scorched.

Islamists Dither While Israel Destroys.

Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis are supposed to be "Iranian proxies."Why then don't they have anti aircraft missiles? 
This war is a charade. 
It looks like we are getting Albert Pike's long planned war of civilizations between Zionism and Radical Islam, both Freemason- sponsored and controlled by MI-6 (i.e. Rothschilds.) 
Sept 28 - Islamists Dither While Israel Destroys ...

Makow - How to Tell If You’re an Antisemite.

If you find the murder of civilians, including children, reprehensible, you may be an antisemite.
If you have ordinary human compassion, you may be antisemitic.
If you hate to see bad things happen to good people. you may be antisemitic.
If you object to the Israeli Lobby bribing or blackmailing your politicians...
Makow - How to Tell If You’re an Antisemite 

Should the Palestinians Continue to Engage in Armed Resistance to Save the Lives of their Women and Children?...

 One reason Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam has survived and flourished in the US, despite every dirty trick in the book being employed against it, is because the Nation did not take that bait. They are unarmed. They will box you or wrestle you or use judo to stop you from assaulting their families or the Minister, but their greatest weapon is moral suasion.

Heap scorn on it as you like, they are still here, in community, anchored by thousands of families, with attorneys and doctor and judges in their ranks (and a lawsuit underway against the ADL)—and enormous respect in the American black community at large.

Proof Trump Will Win.

Trump has been selected to lead the dupes into WW3. The notion that Iran was behind the staged assassination attempts is laughable, and proof Trump is a buffoon, a demagogue and a reality show actor.

Satanist Bankers Seek to Enslave Humanity

The "State" is a front for the Masonic Jewish central bankers who own its "debt."  

In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. THIS IS THE KEY QUOTE...
Satanist Bankers Seek to Enslave Humanity 

L'avènement de l'Antéchrist .

 Le mondialisme, souvent perçu comme une solution à l’instabilité mondiale, va bien au-delà de l’unification politique. Stanislas Berton souligne les aspects cachés de ce mouvement, en particulier son lien avec des courants occultes, tels que le satanisme. Cette idéologie dissimule un projet plus vaste, visant à détruire les identités nationales et religieuses pour imposer une société uniformisée, dépouillée de toute spiritualité.

Ce phénomène s'inscrit dans une guerre spirituelle profonde, où le mondialisme s'oppose au catholicisme. Les partisans du mondialisme cherchent à remplacer la foi et la morale par l'argent, la technologie et le contrôle.

Histoire de la subversion de la médecine moderne.

 La médecine moderne depuis l’origine par Rockefeller avant la guerre de 14 jusqu’aux projets transhumanistes de Google ou Musk en passant par les liaisons curieuses entre les services secrets dès avant la création de la CIA et l’assassinat de Kennedy.

PS: SVP allez jusqu'au bout de ce très long article. Âme sensible s'abstenir !...

l'Empire Loubavitch - Pierre HILLARD

 Les Loubavitch, une communauté née au XVIIIe siècle en Russie, ont construit au fil des siècles un véritable empire d’influence. Dès leurs débuts, leur vision messianique a bouleversé le monde judaïque et posé les bases d'une idéologie globalisante. Avec des centres Chabad présents dans des capitales clés, les Loubavitch agissent comme des plaques tournantes, jouant un rôle crucial dans les sphères géopolitiques et spirituelles.

L’influence des Loubavitch ne se limite pas à une seule nation, mais s'étend aux États-Unis, à la Russie, au Royaume-Uni, et à Israël. Leur capacité à infiltrer les plus hautes instances du pouvoir mondial les place en position de force, déterminant ainsi la marche du monde. Ces centres Chabad sont soupçonnés de fonctionner comme des bases de renseignement, permettant à l'Empire Loubavitch de tisser un réseau global d'influence politique et financière.

L'Union européenne, souvent perçue comme un projet politique ambitieux, cache des intérêts plus profonds et plus anciens. La question à se poser est la suivante : qui a réellement intérêt à l'émergence des États-Unis d'Europe ? Derrière cette construction supranationale, certains observateurs voient la main invisible de puissantes communautés, dont les Loubavitch.

Leur influence sur les institutions européennes, bien que peu connue du grand public, n'en est pas moins réelle. À travers des réseaux discrets mais puissants, ils jouent un rôle dans les décisions prises aux plus hauts niveaux. Les liens entre la vision loubavitchienne d'un ordre mondial et l’unification européenne sont visibles dans certaines politiques centralisatrices qui favorisent une perte de souveraineté nationale au profit d’une gouvernance plus uniforme. Un projet en phase avec leur idéal d’un monde unifié sous un contrôle centralisé.

Au-delà de la géopolitique, l’influence des Loubavitch s'étend également aux sphères financière et industrielle. Des géants tels que Coca-Cola, Meta, UPS, FOX, Walmart, et Goldman Sachs sont des exemples d'entreprises où leur empreinte est marquée. 

Ces multinationales, parmi les plus puissantes du monde, sont souvent soupçonnées d’être sous l’influence directe ou indirecte de cette élite loubavitchienne.

Comment un tel réseau peut-il avoir une telle emprise sur des secteurs aussi stratégiques ? Leur pouvoir de financement,d’investissements massifs dans ces entreprises, ainsi que des connexions personnelles au sein des conseils d’administration, permettent à l'Empire Loubavitch d’exercer une influence inégalée. 

Ils sont littéralement partout, façonnant l'avenir économique et industriel des plus grandes puissances mondiales, sans que le grand public ne se doute de l’étendue de leur pouvoir.

Cette émission avec Pierre Hillard est d'une importance capitale pour comprendre l'influence invisible mais réelle de cet empire loubavitchien dans le monde. 

Qui sont ces hommes qui, derrière le masque de l’élite, servent un objectif précis : la reconstruction du troisième Temple à Jérusalem ?

Khazarie 2.0 ? La migration juive planifiée d’Israel vers l'Ukraine.

Des recherches génétiques montrant que les Juifs d’Europe de l’Est sont bel et bien originaires de la région historique de Khazarie en Asie et non de Palestine.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Khazarie 2.0 ? La migration juive planifiée d’Isra...

Mike Stone - Americans are Brain-Dead but Emotions Still Work

Mike Stone - Americans are Brain-Dead but Emotions Still Work: The average American has no interest in nor any ability to understand the details of [the Masonic Jewish conspiracy] but they do care about their pets. We need to reach them at their Mike Stone(

Genocide’s A Crime, Not A War Crime: Israel’s Waging Genocide, Not War.

 Genocide is a crime, ‘the crime of all crimes.’ It stands alone; no mitigation or extenuation attaches to genocide.

Joseph Goebbels’ Diaries Reveal Inconvenient Truths That Challenge Conventional Narratives.

 Joseph Goebbels was the ultimate Third Reich insider and had a strong personal relationship with Adolf Hitler. As such, he would have a good idea what was transpiring. He was also one of the leading anti-Jews in the regime.

Trump Is Israel’s Savior.

Zionists and Nazis worked hand-in-hand, as The Transfer Agreement by Jewish author Edwin Black documents.  
Zionists like Netanyahu are Jewish Nazis. Look at Ukraine, controlled by Jews, full of Nazis. They think Palestinians, indeed all non-satanists, are "subhuman."
Trump Is Israel’s Savior 

Are directed energy weapons being used on civilian populations to manipulate people’s thoughts and behaviour?

 After an inquiry in 1999, the European Parliament called for a global ban on weapons that could manipulate human brains. Corporate media ignored this call and the competition between the USA, Russia and lately China for the mass manipulation of the activity of human brains using directed energy or radio frequency weapons continued.

“We are living in a world where democratic states base their ideology on the policy of human rights defence, but at the same time, they keep in secret the weapons which can be used to eliminate human rights and abolish even the right to freedom of thought and consequently the democracy itself,” Mojmir Babacek writes.

Pourquoi certains membres importants de l’OTAN ont-ils fait un revirement important et soudain ?.

Ce revirement apparent était le résultat d'un briefing secret de l'OTAN qui a mis en garde contre l'armement de guerre spatiale secrète de très haute technologie que la Fédération de Russie (FR) possède et qu'elle déploierait instantanément contre les nations de l'OTAN qui iraient de l'avant et demanderaient et encourageraient l'Ukraine à déployer des missiles à longue portée fournis par les membres de l'OTAN contre la FR à l'intérieur de la FR, et qu’ensuite l'Ukraine le ferait.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Pourquoi certains membres importants de l’OTAN ont...

Un transfuge du Chabad - Le racisme juif derrière ...

Le racisme juif est une croyance selon laquelle les Juifs ont une âme supérieure à celle des non-Juifs et que les non-Juifs ont des âmes sataniques. 
Cela signifie que tous les Juifs religieux, quelle que soit leur couleur et leur pays d'origine, considèrent les non-Juifs comme « inférieurs » simplement parce qu'ils ont une âme satanique.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Un transfuge du Chabad - Le racisme juif derrière ...

Summit of the Future: A push to get nations to submit to a global government with the UN at the helm.

 The ‘Pact for the Future’ dilutes the paramount importance of human rights. The ‘Declaration on Future Generations’ raises questions about who can legitimately represent the interests of hypothetical future generations. And the ‘Global Digital Compact’ is an attempt by the UN to place itself in the driver’s seat to manage and control the digital revolution for all nations.

Chemtrails are crimes against humanity and nature, researchers say.

Covert military geoengineering operations have been ongoing for the better part of three decades. Civilian airlines based in NATO countries are part of this planetary operation.

Its aim appears to be to warm the planet to gain access to the immense stores of hydrocarbons and strategically important minerals beneath polar ice. To keep the public from understanding what is going on, the governments involved, led by the U.S., have resorted to disinformation on a broad, no-holds-barred scale.

Satanists Advance World War .

As the world teeters on the brink of world war, remember that all world wars are orchestrated by globalists (Freemasons on both sides) to kill the goyim and assimilated Jews.
Satanism is the worship of death and disease. Satanism destroys its own adherents, which now...
Sept 15 - Satanists Advance World War ...

La logique du sac à fric.

Alors, que faites-vous lorsque, le jour des élections, vous entrez fièrement dans l’isoloir et tirez sur un levier ou touchez l’écran tactile d’une machine à voter ? Vous ne prenez certainement pas de décision, cela a déjà été prouvé. Mais vous faites tout de même quelque chose : vous votez pour soutenir vos propriétaires, ceux qui prennent les décisions de politique publique en votre nom. Si vous votez, c’est que vous approuvez ce qu’ils font.

Et que font-ils ? Pour eux, la première chose à faire semble être de s’assurer que les riches continuent à s’enrichir tandis que les pauvres s’appauvrissent et que la classe moyenne soit

LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : La logique du sac à fric...

Chabad Defector- Jewish Racism Behind White Genocide & WW3

Ex Chabadnik: "Chabad is a racist organization - a Jewish supremacist missionary cult whose main goal is Jewish total superiority over the "Goyim" and their enslavement."

"I hope that White Europeans and those who are against White genocide understand that the reason why the White race is being attacked today is that of the one ultimate racist ideology on the planet: Judaism."
Chabad Defector- Jewish Racism Behind White Genocide & WW3...

Wyatt Peterson on "Israel Did 9/11" (With Call-in from Laurent Guyénot).

 ...And one thing I’ve been pretty successful with in dealing with people who are totally oblivious to any sort of wrongdoing when it comes to 9/11 is sending them to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. And once they get an understanding of all the anomalies, physical anomalies, then you show them who owned the towers, how the towers were purchased.

American Pravda: October 7th and September 11th •


From almost the first hours after the huge October raid by Gaza militants, Israeli officials and their media allies had declared that the attack was Israel’s own 9/11, and I believe that in many respects that analogy is a very apt one.

Douglas Read - Judaism’s Destructive Mission

The hardship we experience today is the culmination of a centuries-old satanist Jewish conspiracy to overturn Christian civilization and re-engineer humanity as their slaves. They installed a class of Gentile traitors, our leaders, Freemasons, to be their proxies. In 1954, Douglas Reed wrote...
Douglas Read - Judaism’s Destructive Mission:

The Protocols of Zion are Genuine

Sept 9 - The Protocols of Zion are Genuine : Brother Nathaniel, born a Jew, confirms Protocols of Zion are genuineNathaniel says Protocol 8 contains the key:

Universities are Freemason Brainwashing Machines

Universities are Freemason Brainwashing Machines : The mortarboard and black gown signify that, unwittingly, graduates have received a Masonic (satanic) indoctrination. A new school year has just started. As with politics and medicine, education has been unmasked. Humanity has been enslaved by Cabalism, a satanic cult.This colonization of the mind is now explicit, as seen in the limitationson free speech...

Stereotyping Arab - A Timeless Hollywood Tradition.

 Documentary takes a devastating tour of the American cinematic landscape, moving from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters to reveal an astonishing and persistent pattern of slanderous Arab stereotyping, including Palestinians that paved the way for Zionism and its propaganda.

David Livingstone- MI-6 Created Hamas and Radical Islam

"The Globalists have had a hand in shaping and financing all the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century, including the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, the Hamas of Palestine, and the Afghan Mujahideen. But the history of their duplicity dates farther back still, to the eighteenth century, when British Freemasons created the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia itself, to further their imperialistic objectives by dividing and conquering its targets."
David Livingstone- MI-6 Created Hamas and Radical Islam

Masonic-Jewish Grift is Unravelling.

Israeli Rapists and the Depravity of the Zionist Mind.

By Kevin Barrett

Anyone who doubts that “Israel” is an asylum for the criminally insane, and that the lunatics are in charge, must not be following news about the Sde Taiman torture facility. That is where a scandal erupted in...

Meurtre par injection (Eustace Mullins) + comment l’arnaque Crise19 fut-elle rendue possible?

 Comment une idéologie initiée par Rockefeller a corrompu l’amérique et le monde entier par la main mise sur la médecine américaine d’abord (AMA) et le monde entier ou presque ensuite par les organisations internationales type ONU ou OMS, après la guerre.

There are about one million “targeted individuals” worldwide.

 Two whistle-blowers discuss how people are being targeted to test the “Internet of Living Things” on our brains, which they plan to eventually roll out on a mass scale to control us.

Is War a Charade to Kill Goyim?

1957 Prediction of a Third World War between Israel, backed by the US, and Islam, backed by Russia. Mankind is held hostage by religious fanatics intent on fulfilling...

“The Jewish Utopia” is Gentile Enslavement

According to Rabbi Higger, in Jewish tradition
Jews are destined to govern mankind.  
The "non-righteous," i.e. everyone who resists
satanic Jewish domination, including assimilated Jews, shall perish. 
This is the New World Order.
The Jewish Utopia” is Gentile Enslavement ...

Globalist Pope Francis - Longtime Zionist Tool

Globalist Pope Francis - Longtime Zionist Tool : In a groundbreaking 10-page article in the May 2016  issue of Culture Wars, Thomas Brennan explained why Argentina is so important to the Jews, and how it was inevitable that the Catholic Archbishop, now installed in Rome, should become their chore goy. The great Kahal of New York relentlessly develops its strategy and executes its...

Bella Dodd - Communist Cancer is Killing Us

Bella Dodd - Communist Cancer is Killing Us: Communism is a fait accompli in the West yet we seldom use this disease to understand our malaise.   In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high-ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controlled the USA. We have a ...

Projets MK-Ultra, Monarch : Les Dessous du contrôle mental (1)

Le contrôle mental est depuis fort longtemps expérimenté, peaufiné et utilisé. En étudiant les racines de ce projet et ses applications actuelles supposées, la science-fiction est plus que jamais d’actualité. Deux concepts de contrôle mental sont exposés : le conditionnement des masses, quotidien, par le biais de l’« éducation », des religions et de la télévision, et le contrôle mental particulier, longuement abordé. 
Les technologies de contrôle de l’esprit ont été mises en place depuis longtemps. Ce n’est pas un hasard que la bande de fréquence choisie pour l’utilisation du téléphone cellulaire soit celle de Wilhelm Reich, qui à découvert dans les années 1940 comment pour manipuler un esprit sans que la victime ne s’en aperçoive. Reich a travaillé sur ce projet secret de la CIA pendant plus de 5 ans, à partir de 1947-1952, jusqu’à ce que la CIA utilise le contrôle de l’esprit sur le peuple américain.

How Muslims Transformed Western Civilization.


After the fall of Rome in 500 AD, Europe sank into the Dark Ages. The Moors brought Europe out of the Dark Ages by re-introducing the wisdom of ancient Egypt the Greeks had not maintained. Europe was illiterate except the clergy. The Moors introduced libraries and established 17 universities to which Western Europe flocked. They replaced the awkward Roman numerals with the Arabic numbering system we use today. The Moors created gardens that enhanced the nutrition and health of Spain and surrounding countries.

The Middle East's Roots Lie in the Fall of the Ottomans w/ Eugene Rogan.

 On the question of Palestine, Rogan notes, “Protestants in Britain, Catholics in France, Orthodox in Russia, all wanted a claim to the holy cities and the holy places of Palestine, and so Palestine was painted a kind of brown and internationalized.”

World War I, in particular, marked a pivotal moment in the formation of modern nation-states. Britain, Russia, and France emerged as key beneficiaries of the early 20th-century battles that reshaped global power dynamics.