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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

Cult Ritual Killings in Ancient Rome.

 The Romans believed that in order to maintain the favored status of the gods, they needed to perform ritual killings. Sacrificial murder was a violation of established Roman law, but ritual killing offered a loophole, such as if it was prescribed by the gods or involved the killing of foreigners and slaves, who were not Roman citizens.

The Power Behind the Throne (REVISITED).


Many Western nations, Germany being one especially notable example, are in practical terms Jewish colonies. Canada, France, England, Italy, Holland, are not better. It doesn’t seem to be widely-known, but this is precisely the reason democracy was created as a form of government;[2] it is the only system of government that permits alien outsiders to take total control from behind the scenes.


Did Satanists Create Radical Islam to Overthrow Israel?

The Muslim Brotherhood which includes Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian mullahs are Freemasons. 
They are a tool of the British-based Globalists who created them to confront Israel in a third world war, as per Albert Pike. John Coleman...
Did Satanists Create Radical Islam to Overthrow Israel?... 

The Great Destroyers: The Myth of Jewish Superiority.

 Frankfurt School

One of the main objectives of the Jewish Frankfurt School was to exploit Sigmund Freud’s Jewish doctrine of pansexualism,[35] according to which every act could be explained by an unconscious sexual motivation.

This Frankfurt School invasion laid the seeds to the sex, drugs, and rock and roll revolution of the sixties which destroyed the traditional way of life of all Western countries. Right up until now, it had a considerable impact not only on the youth, but also on the general populations of all these countries. We only have to look around us to see the extent to which the Western White majority has been dispossessed and dragged through the mud.

Les grands destructeurs : le mythe de la supériorité juive.

École de Francfort

L'un des principaux objectifs de l'École juive de Francfort était d'exploiter la doctrine juive du pansexualisme de Sigmund Freud [35] , selon laquelle tout acte pouvait être expliqué par une motivation sexuelle inconsciente.

Cette invasion de l’école de Francfort a jeté les bases de la révolution du sexe, de la drogue et du rock and roll des années soixante qui a détruit le mode de vie traditionnel de tous les pays occidentaux. Jusqu’à présent, elle a eu un impact considérable non seulement sur la jeunesse, mais aussi sur la population générale de tous ces pays. Il suffit de regarder autour de nous pour constater à quel point la majorité blanche occidentale a été dépossédée et traînée dans la boue.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Les grands destructeurs : le mythe de la supériori...

Chris Hedges: Nero’s Guests.

 Sadism by the powerful is the curse of the human condition. It was as prevalent in ancient Rome as it is in Gaza.

Chris Hedges : les invités de Néron.

Le sadisme des puissants est la malédiction de la condition humaine. C’était aussi répandu dans la Rome antique qu’à Gaza. 
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Chris Hedges : les invités de Néron...

Jun 20 - A Cataclysm is the Goal

From the ashes of nuclear war, the satanic New World Order will rise like a phoenix. 

Délires mortels : quand les plans fonctionnent trop bien...

Cette présence juive de contrôle sur la scène internationale se reflète aux États-Unis dans tellement de domaines qu’il est plus facile de trouver les domaines que les Juifs ne dominent pas que d’énumérer ceux qu’ils dominent.

Mission Creep: How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves.

 By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead:

Like the proverbial boiling frogs, the government has been gradually acclimating us to the specter of a police state for years now: Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Surveillance cameras...

Israel vs. International Law: Who Will Win?...

 By Laurent Guyénot

Israel’s Law gives Israel a divine right, even a divine duty, to steal the land of another people or to commit genocide against Amalek, and ultimately to rule the world. 

Isaiah 2:3-4: “The Law will come from Zion” and “Yahweh will judge over Nations.”

Scholars Finally Confirm Ancient Carthage was Involved in Child Sacrifice.

By Russ Winter
This is Part II of our three-part series on human sacrifice and extreme debauchery in the ancient world. See Part I: “Rome’s Own Version of an ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ Cult: Bacchanalia Runs Amok“; and Part III: “Cult Ritual Killings in Ancient Rome.”

The State’s Best-Kept Secret.

 The switch from weights of gold to patriotic names drew monetary power away from owners of money. But since it was patriotic, few complained, and fewer still understood the implications.

Once such a label replaces the recognized world units of weight, it becomes much easier for governments to manipulate the money unit and give it an apparent life of its own. . .

With the name of the country’s currency now prominent in accounting instead of its actual weight, contracts began to pledge payment in certain amounts of “money.” Legal tender laws dictated what that “money” could be [e.g., dollars, francs] . . . .

Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well.

Both Neocons and Neolibs agree generally on two things: (1) Israel is to be protected at all costs, and (2) the proper role of the U.S. in world affairs is to support Israeli interests and to block hostile actions against it by other countries.

The First French Communists: The Conspiracy of the Equals.

 Babeuf (1764–1797), a journalist and commissioner of land deeds in Picardy, came to Paris in 1790, and imbibed the heady revolutionary atmosphere. By 1793, Babeuf was committed to economic equality and communism. Two years later, he founded the secret Conspiracy of the Equals, organizing around his new journal, The Tribune of the People. The Tribune, like Lenin’s Iskra a century later, was used to set a coherent line for his cadre as well as for his public followers. As James Billington writes, Babeuf’s Tribune “was the first journal in history to be the legal arm of an extralegal revolutionary conspiracy.”

Rome’s Own Version of an ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ Cult: Bacchanalia Runs Amok.

 Modern scholarship, under the control of the usual suspects, takes a skeptical approach to what is pejoratively called “moral panic.” Despite historical evidence that mysterious “Eyes Wide Shut”-type cults, Sabbatean Frankist and Hellfire Club-like activities have gone on in various forms for millennia, pajama people are fed a B.S. line that threats such as Pedogate and human sacrifices are largely a product of religious fanatics, conspiracy theorists and overly paranoid conservatives.

Jews Are Rewarding Black Criminality.

These are certain outcomes, along with the death of justice and the bankrupting of the public purse at the behest of stunning and brave “racial allies” like Levine, Friedman, Weiner, Goldstein, Chemerinsky, Rose and so many others working behind the scenes on initiatives like the RJA in California and beyond.

"Geo-Engineering Is the Most Dangerous Diabolical Thing That Has Ever Happened to Us."

 “Climate engineering is the crown jewel of the Military-Industrial Complex. It has been used to topple nations all over the globe, facilitating the takeover of hostile countries. We know some of these countries have had their precipitation cut off, like Iran, which stated so on the floor of the U.N.” – Dane Wigington

The TRUTH about chemtrails from pilots.

 Pilots Speak! Gates-Soros Behind Chemtrails which are designed to poison and depopulate the planet. These real-life villains put anything in fiction to shame.

The Abstract episode 34 “CHEMTRAILS: A Bush Family Business?”

 By Peter A. Kirby

Besides their bosses the Rockefellers (whom we will cover next week), there is no other family with more known connections to today’s chemtrail spraying operations than the Bush family. Due to their well-established involvement with the CIA, the CFR, the Nazis, Enron, the New World Order, secret societies, assassinations, weapons trafficking, financial fraud, drug trafficking, bioweapons, and more, I don’t figure that you are too surprised. Yup, spraying tens of thousands of megatons of toxic waste over unsuspecting Americans would not be a stretch for the house that Bush built.

‘Mad Dog’ Mattis: White Phosphorus, the Siege of Fallujah and Endless War Crimes.

 United States Secretary of Defense “Mad Dog” James Mattis tendered his resignation in December, 2018. It’s hard to even imagine what the interpersonal dynamics were between the psychopaths that resulted in this, but does it even matter?

 Good riddance.

America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 Year Olds.

 Greetings to Young Americans: You are Automatically Registered for the Draft Conscription without Representation? Where and WHY are we sending our Kids to War?...

Don’t be a Patriot.


If hatred for Congress hadn’t gripped you years earlier, then the most recent events should certainly seal the deal as when Congress authorized 95 billion in war aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. All this while massive numbers of Americans are homeless and poverty-stricken, unable to afford their mortgages or medical insurance, including an infrastructure that is largely neglected and dilapidated. Mind you, this was after the U.S. had already given $107 billion worth of aid to Ukraine!...

The Gog-Magog Situation.


The messianic or Mashiach theology was expressed in Baruch Levy’s letter to Karl Marx. This is also held by many so called Christian nutwings in the US, and is instrumental in Israel’s political sway in the US, and explains the unaccountable free pass end of times exercise now in operation.

Goyim Drafted for Third Masonic Jewish World War

All wars are contrived by the Cabalist central bankers for power, profit and to "kill the best of the goyim" in time of war.  
June 16 - Goyim Drafted for Third Masonic Jewish World War ...

Claire Séverac La guerre secrète contre les peuples.


Penser l'impensable. Comprendre les monstres

...En fait nous assistons là à la mise au jour de la vraie nature du POUVOIR, qui est une maladie, à la prise de conscience que le pouvoir est une maladie, et que ce dont souffre l’humanité est de la maladie du pouvoir, que c’est une maladie mortelle, si nous ne parvenons pas à nous libérer du pouvoir, à nous organiser en société sans pouvoir....
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Penser l'impensable. Comprendre les monstres...


 By Gordon Duff

“Not One Terrorist in a Hundred…a Thousand…is Real”.

How many Americans have heard of Operation Gladio? Many ask, how could simple Arabs or even Israel, put together an organization capable of 9/11?...

Triad Claw - Humanity is Victim of Ancient Satanic Plot

Are all these prominent people spanning five centuries Crypto-Jews? If true, it casts history in a new light. The Illuminati -- FDR, Hitler, Stalin & Churchill--are essentially crypto-Jews. So are Hillary, Obama & Trump. History could be rewritten based on an ...
Triad Claw - Humanity is Victim of Ancient Satanic Plot ...

Their Strategy in the War on Food.

Perhaps you remember Event 201, the pandemic simulation run in late 2019 that served as a dress rehearsal for the 2020 Covid response. Such simulations have been used in the War on Food as well. 

Take, for example, the Food Chain Reaction Game, a 2015 wargame that simulated the time period from 2020 to 2030. Cargill and the other participants have removed the Food Chain Reaction Game data from their websites, but Cargill’s version was archived by independent researchers, so you can still see it here.



Israel touts its “battle-tested” technology and the revolving door relationship of its military, tech, and education sectors. Roughly 80% of Israeli cyber tech firms were founded by graduates of Shin Bet’s (Israeli security agency) Unit 8200, an intelligence corps infamous for its clandestine spying operations against Palestinians.

Israeli universities work with the Ministry of Defense to conduct research activities and cater programs like the Academic Reserves (Atuda), Talpiot programs, and Havatzalot Program to the Israeli military. Tech giants like IBM also strategically set up cyber research centers near military bases as part of the Defense Ministry’s initiative to funnel veterans into the high-tech industry.

Why Do Brits Hate Russians?...

 The main purpose of the mainstream press seems to be quashing or memory-holing stories that might upset the behind-the-scenes deals between English and Russian oligarchs, many of whom happen to be (coincidentally) Jewish. The entire notion of a Jewish global financial system, although it is at the root of Nathan Rothschild’s historical banking network, has been declared an antisemitic trope by the managed press. The safety of Jews comes first, and the press will fervently misinform the public in pursuit of this goal.

Pourquoi les Britanniques détestent-ils les Russes ?

L’objectif principal de la presse grand public semble être d’étouffer ou d’effacer des histoires qui pourraient bouleverser les accords en coulisses entre les oligarques anglais et russes, dont beaucoup sont (par coïncidence) juifs. La notion même d'un système financier mondial juif, bien qu'elle soit à la base du réseau bancaire historique de Nathan Rothschild, a été déclarée antisémite par la presse spécialisée. La sécurité des Juifs passe avant tout, et la presse désinformera avec ferveur le public dans la poursuite de cet objectif.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Pourquoi les Britanniques détestent-ils les Russes ?... 

Sleepwalking to the Apocalypse

Mexico just SHOCKED the world and EXPOSED the WHO's bird flu lies | Redacted w Clayton Morris.


U.S. Dept Of Commerce To Digitize The Identities Of All Americans Receiving ‘Public Benefits’.

 Like your “public benefits?” You can keep your public benefits! At a price: your freedom. The Federal Government has adopted a “whole-of-government” campaign to enforce the adoption of a universal ID. When Universal Basic Income is adopted in the future, only the “tagged and bagged” will be on the list; all others can eat sawdust. This is the heartbeat of Technocracy that has been in play since 1932. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

David R. Meiswinkle, President, introduces the National American Renaissance Movement July 2023.

 The Great Reset vs. The Great Freeset. Which side of history will you stand on? Will you allow the ushering in of a one-world government to undermine the powers of sovereign nations and our individual rights, or will you defend your rights and choose freedom?...

Déclaration du Mouvement de Renaissance Américain -ARM-contre les organisations criminelles mondialistes ONU, OMS et FEM.

Alors que l’ONU, l’OMS et le FEM (Davos) sont des organisations globalistes fondées par une riche élite pour contrôler les ressources mondiales et la population...

Marine LePen Vows to Expel “Islamists”

Marine LePen promises to Make France Great Again!...
The present debate comes down to this: Does man have a soul that is connected to the Creator's Moral Design? 
The Satanists say we are "hackable animals" that can be programmed to serve them, not God.
This debate will determine what we are made of.  
June 12 - Marine LePen Vows to Expel “Islamists” ...

Après avoir joué le rôle d’épouvantail pendant des décennies, le FN-RN servira désormais de bouc-émissaire du chaos.

 Le piège tendu par Macron ne visait pas Bardella, acteur et produit du système, mais les électeurs français dégoûtés. Ils sont bien sûr tombés dedans à pieds joints. S’il accède au pouvoir comme prévu, le RN, normalisé mais pas complètement, portera le costume du boucher qui envoie la France à l’abattoir.

Le complexe militaro-industriel nous tue tous.


Il faut se libérer du monstre qui détruit notre planète et notre avenir.

L’essentiel de l’argent des contribuables est accaparé par un groupe relativement restreint d’entreprises qui profitent de la guerre, sous la houlette des cinq plus grandes sociétés qui tirent profit de l’industrie de la guerre : Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon (RTX), Boeing et General Dynamics. Au fur et à mesure que ces entreprises engrangent des bénéfices, le CMI sème une destruction incompréhensible à l’échelle mondiale, maintenant les États-Unis enfermés dans des guerres sans fin qui, depuis 2001, ont tué environ 4,5 millions de personnes, en ont blessé des dizaines de millions d’autres et...

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All.


Freeing Ourselves from the Monster Destroying Our Planet and Our Futures.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously warned Americans about it in his 1961 farewell address, calling it for the first time “the military-industrial complex,” or the MIC.

The bulk of our taxpayer dollars are seized by a relatively small group of corporate war profiteers led by the five biggest companies profiting off the war industry: Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon (RTX), Boeing, and General Dynamics. As those companies have profited, the MIC has... 

Manufacturing Simulacrum: Technocratic Tyranny Behind A Medical Mask

When Technocracy defined itself as the “Science of Social Engineering” in 1937, it assembled all the tools it would need to deceive mankind. Nobody took them at their word back then. Today, the evidence is clear that the world is unwittingly captive to a technocratic tyranny. Scoffers take note: if you WILL NOT read authoritative articles like this, you will be a captive forever. ⁃
Manufacturing Simulacrum: Technocratic Tyranny Behind A Medical Mask

Our Apocalyptic ‘New Normal’: Global Conflict, Billion-Dollar Disasters,& Most Hungry People.

By Michael Snyder
The traumatic events of the past several years have left deep scars, and there are many that prefer to ignore the apocalyptic things that are happening in the world because it is just too much for them to handle emotionally.

Jews and Revolutions.


Much of the so-called “history” we were taught in our schools has not been so accurate as we might have believed. In particular, the book publishers, with cunning aforethought, have managed to eliminate much of the most important information necessary to give us a real understanding of the world in which we live.

Les Juifs et les révolutions .

 Une grande partie de la prétendue » histoire » que l’on nous a enseignée à l’école n’est pas aussi exacte que nous aurions pu le croire. Les éditeurs de livres, en particulier, ont réussi à éliminer, avec une astuce bien pensée, une grande partie des informations les plus importantes nécessaires pour nous permettre de comprendre réellement le monde...

Slicing and Dicing Postmodern Intellectual Eggheadism with Alan Sokal.


In his book Fashionable Nonsense Sokal examines the allegedly incompetent and pretentious usage of scientific concepts by a small group of influential philosophers and intellectuals.

In reading the literature of eggheadism, one aspect stands out in their sparring: Criticism is deflected by claiming that their approach has been “misunderstood.”

The Curious Case of Our Consenting Clergy.

 The problem is obvious – thus a curiosity as to why it exists.

Simply stated, most of America’s Christian leadership profess an allegiance to Christ our King, but if they are committed to what He wants down here on earth, then why are these Christian leaders collectively silent in the Public Square regarding what is going on down here?

Chemtrails = DEATH.

Highly credible evidence shows that what is constantly sprayed from jumbo jet aircraft is devastating us and our environment. From the last two installments of The Abstract we have learned that we are being sprayed with coal fly ash. Now the question becomes: What does that do? The answer to that question is already well established: Chemtrails cause DEATH. For the full story of chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

Have you wondered why we’re getting so many grey, hazy skies?...


Have you wondered why we’re getting so many grey, hazy skies? Blame Solar Engineering – aka Solar Radiation Management.
These chemical clouds are designed to cool the earth, and the insane people behind it believe (or at least pretend to believe) the mad theory known as “climate change.” ...

We’re Trapped in a Masonic Jewish Solipsism

In a solipsism, reality is redefined to conform to the magalomaniacal Jewish narrative that Jews are "chosen" by God. This narrative which jeopardizes all Jews states for example, that Gaza is "self defence" and not genocide, "vaccines" are "safe and effective" and homosexuality is natural. 
June 9 - We’re Trapped in a Masonic Jewish Solipsism...

L’Église calomniée, 2e partie : la pédophilie à l’Hôpital général.


L’histoire enfouie de l’esclavage blanc aux États-Unis.

 Ainsi, les livres d’histoire américains restent totalement muets sur la question de ces esclaves blancs, pour la plupart de souche européenne avec un grand nombre d’Irlandais, mais aussi d’Anglais et d’Écossais, qui ont été kidnappés ou déportés de force vers les États-Unis comme esclaves. En fait, un examen de la documentation disponible indique que l’esclavage des blancs dans les Amériques était une opération beaucoup plus étendue que l’esclavage des noirs, et que les chiffres pourraient être gravement sous-estimés.

Veuillez, SVP, utiliser en haut de la page du lien qui suit - le traducteur Gogol...

America’s Buried History of White Slavery.

 By Larry Romanoff:

Thus, American history books are totally silent on the matter of these white slaves, mostly of European stock with a great number of Irish, but also English and Scottish, who were kidnapped or otherwise forcibly deported to the US as slave labor. In fact, an examination of available documentation indicates that white slavery in the Americas was a much more extensive operation than was black slavery, and the numbers may be severely under-estimated.

Evil Can Destroy the World.

 By Paul Craig Roberts

... So far 33 State Department officials have resigned, leaving their comfortable high-paying jobs because they cannot stomach the immorality of being a US State Department employee.

This is hopeful. It indicates that some Americans employed by Washington still have a moral conscience and will not serve Washington at the expense of their conscience...

Cognitive Warfare, Mental Manipulation, Tyranny of Digital Transformation.

Technocracy’s official definition starts with “Technocracy is the science of social engineering.” Because a digital prison is distasteful for most people, it is necessary to condition them to accept their enslavement; in other words, a little bit of cognitive warfare goes a long way. 
When a person is captured by this process, he  can be made to think – not just parrot– like the captor.
Cognitive Warfare, Mental Manipulation, Tyranny of Digital Transformation

Did psychopath Rockefeller create the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918?...

 It Started with the Rockefeller Institute's Crude Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Experiment on US Troops. The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed 50-100 million people. What if the story we have been told about this pandemic isn't true? What if, instead, the killer infection was neither the flu nor Spanish in origin?

Patrick O’Carroll - Toxic Ingredients in “Vaccine” BioWeapons.


When Rockefeller scientists "study" human reproduction, or viruses, or ANYTHING for that matter, they are not trying 
to HELP people but they are looking for ways to STERILIZE, DEBILITATE, and GENOCIDE them.

L’«Euthanazie»: l’Europe renoue avec le rituel du meurtre collectif planifié.

 Dans une note adressée à ses amis les puissants et gouvernants, Christine Lagarde, alors directrice générale du FMI, avait écrit : «Les personnes âgées vivent trop longtemps et il y a un risque pour l’économie mondiale, il faut faire quelque chose, rapidement!». À observer le rythme accéléré auquel viennent d’être votées les lois relatives à «la fin de vie» par plusieurs gouvernements européens, le message semble avoir été bien entendu. Et la recommandation amplement exécutée. À Preuve : la majorité des États européens a adopté la politique d’exécution des personnes âgées...

Liz Glass - A Jewish Reader Replies

By Henry Makow.

The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization

"The first task of Our World Revolution is Destruction," Nahum Goldman, founder of the World Jewish Congress.

Liz Glass became an activist when she had to pull her children 
out of school to prevent them from being vaccinated. She is probably the only American Jewish Woman who could agree with this article which states that
Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is a satanic cult.

La réunion de Bilderberg s’achève à Madrid : 7 Français...

70 ans d’existence ... et de secrets  

Que se sont-ils dit ? Les journalistes ne sont pas conviés à couvrir cet événement. Le but, explique-t-on, est “d’encourager le plus haut niveau d'ouverture et de dialogue”. Aucune communication ne vient donc couronner les discussions qui ont eu lieu pendant ces trois jours. 
Les participants sont tenus par la “règle de Chatham House”, un code de la diplomatie britannique qui interdit de rendre publics les identités et les propos des invités. C’est “une règle importante et qu'il ne faut pas changer si l'on veut maintenir la qualité des débats”, a affirmé Henri de Castries.   
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : La réunion de Bilderberg s’achève à Madrid : Sept ...

L’Exceptionnalisme américain - LARRY ROMANOFF

Les États-Unis ne sont les Meilleurs que pour être les Pires.

Aujourd’hui, les Etats-Unis ont le plus grand niveau d’inégalité de revenus de toutes les nations occidentales (1) (2) surpassant la Chine, et plus que quelques nations sous-développées, également. A présent, Ils ont la mobilité sociale la plus basse de la plupart des nations (3) ce qui signifie qu’améliorer un niveau de vie dans la vie devient presque complètement impossible. Si vos parents n’ont pas fait d’études et ne sont pas riches, vous ne le serez pas non plus, et le rêve Américain est mort. Actuellement les Etats-Unis a la classe moyenne la plus...

American Exceptionalism - LARRY ROMANOFF


The United States Is the Best Only at Being the Worst
The US today has the greatest income inequality of all Western nations (1) (2), surpassing China and more than a few undeveloped nations as well. From this, it has the lowest social mobility of most nations (3), meaning that improving one's station in life is becoming increasingly impossible. If your parents are not educated and wealthy, you will never be either, and the American Dream is dead. The US today has the smallest middle class and the largest lower class of all major nations, the middle class having been ...

America – The World’s Bully-LARRY ROMANOFF.

“Americans appear convinced that they have a God-given right, a destiny granted to them by their God, to simply take by threat or force whatever it is they desire.” 
This accurately describes US foreign policy since the days of the founding of the Republic, with no change for 200 years. 

Transhumanist Futures: Humanity in the Crosshairs (Part 2)

Part 2 of this academic series on Transhumanism shows the start of so-called Convergence Science, the merging of Nanoscience, Bioscience, Information Technology, and Cognitive Science (NBIC). NBIC was a pointed effort to create Transhumans, and it was conceived by NASA, The National Science Foundation, the National Science and Technology Council, and most notably, the Department of Defense (DOD) under the direction of the White House. You will see why the military was in charge of Operation Warp Speed to...
Transhumanist Futures: Humanity in the Crosshairs (Part 2)

USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America.


Most Americans have no idea that Israel attempted to sink the unarmed US spy ship USS Liberty and murder its crew of 293 sailors so the attack could be falsely blamed on Egypt. Nor do they realize that the Zionists succeeded in killing 34 sailors and wounding 171. Even less do they know that the sitting US president was complicit and yearned for the death of every one of those 293 American servicemen.

Food Collapse as Key Driver for New Underworld Order Revolution.


The goal of the discordian Satanists and Frankists is to reduce civilization in its entirety and allow the human race to sink to the level of the jungle, a jungle in which the only law is the strong over the weak, and the only incentive is struggle for material needs.

"This is America's DARKEST secret and no one can talk about it" | Redacted w Clayton Morris.


The Other Side of Deception.

 ...The Nes Ziyyona facility. It was an ABC warfare laboratory – ABC standing for atomic, bacteriological, and chemical. It was where our top epidemiological scientists were developing various doomsday machines...

Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society.


Dr. Jose M. R. Delgado shows how, by electrical stimulation of specific cerebral structures, movements can be induced by radio command, hostility may appear or disappear, social hierarchy can be modified, sexual behavior may be changed, and memory, emotions, and the thinking process may be influenced by remote control.

Tattoos Signal Satanic Possession in South Korea

One-third of Korea's adult population, or some 13 million people, have tattoos as of the end of 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.From a reader-Hi Henry, I am a longtime reader, 41 male. I have been traveling in South Korea and I've noticed many young women have grotesque...
Tattoos Signal Satanic Possession in South Korea,..

Why is it Open Season on Gaza civilians?...


The Babylonian Talmud has the answer.

Mike Stone - Conservatives! Secede from the Matrix!

"Nothing is Going to Change Until We Change."
Mike Stone - Conservatives! Secede from the Matrix!:

What effect will a worldwide 5G network with its thousands of satellites have on all life and on Earth itself?...

 Citizen scientist Shawn Loomis has written an essay explaining how 5G works; the ill effects it and its accompanying network of satellites will have on the electromagnetic shield of the Earth and how, by explaining the theory behind quantum biology and the fourth phase of water, a blanket of man-made electromagnetic frequencies will affect our bodies, minds and the world we live in.

Protocoles de Toronto et Aurore Rouge — L’agenda élitiste.

 Nous sommes près des événements de Mai 68 en France, de l’explosion du Nationalisme au Québec, du Festival Woodstock aux États-Unis… mais en même temps, cette fin juin de 1967 marque les derniers préparatifs de la mise au point du Plan de la « Chute des Nations » par les hautes instances de la Franc-Maçonnerie anglo-saxonne à Toronto (Canada).

Soljenitsyne : Les Protocoles de Sion se réalisent sous nos yeux.


Les protocoles de Sion sont nécessaires pour ceux qui souhaitent comprendre le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Ils présentent une haine pathologique pour les non-juifs (et en particulier les chrétiens et les musulmans) et un désir de les saper et de les exploiter. Les protocoles faisaient partie d'une «initiation» pour les juifs maçonniques de 33 degrés. La plupart des Juifs ignorent ce programme et sont donc facilement manipulés. «L'antisémitisme nous est indispensable dans la gestion de nos petits frères». 

Poutine félicite les Juifs !!

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a souhaité « tout le meilleur » aux Juifs russes alors qu’ils célèbrent le Jour du Salut et de la Libération – une fête dédiée à la défaite de l’Allemagne nazie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
LA CAUSE DU PEUPLE : Poutine félicite les Juifs !!...


 I suggest you watch this video - because they're doing this right now and have become even more advanced.

DK Ultra - Constructing The Mind Controlled State.

 By Philip Jones.

 "The Mass Mind Control of a population can be defined as the sophisticated exercise of control by utilising the ability to keep people oppressed yet contented". The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations 1954.

Paul Craig Roberts : “Dear American”

"How was it possible that entire populations could be so brainwashed that they were removed from the reality of their own destruction?"...
June 4 - Paul Craig Roberts : “Dear American” 

“You Must Inoculate Your Children,” Banker Decreed in 1999

As incredible and bizarre as this sounds, a satanic (cabalistic) occult society has taken control of the planet through the central banking system. It seeks to impose its tyranny through the ruse of...
“You Must Inoculate Your Children,” Banker Decreed in 1999...

June “Pride” -- Homosexuality is Depopulation & Destablilization

"We will destroy all collective forces except our own." Protocols of Zion (16-4). Collective forces include race, religion (God), nationhood and family (gender.)

The promotion of homosexuality is designed to depopulate and destabilize society by destroying the nuclear family. How can Lefties be so stupid?...   
June “Pride” -- Homosexuality is Depopulation & Destablilization...