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Il faut prévenir les hommes qu'ils sont en danger de mort - la science devient criminelle !...
Albert Einstein

Entre cet 'avertissement' et la 'constatation' suivante - se trouve le fond du problème.

L' ENFER c'est les AUTRES !...

Jean Paul Sartre

Quand aux trop nombreux 'sceptiques' qui paralysent toute démarche 'libératrice' - sachez que le peu que je sais_ c'est à mon ignorance que je le dois !..

What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 2).

By Aaron and Melissa Dykes 
The redtape and regulations, blocking of resources and rescues, and misappropriation of funds going on there is really just too egregious to believe… but now we have the agency that’s supposed to deal with emergencies mission creeping into areas that have nothing all to do with its existence.


EMF Radiation Illness, Rapid Population Decline, and the Rise of 5G Robots.

 Exit humans, enter robots?

Drones and humanoid robotic machines equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) are on the rise. At the same time a significant population crisis is on the horizon. This investigation recognises how the penetration of “intelligent” technologies, role of population planning, and post-pandemic policy implementations – serving the rapid development of data-driven “smart” societies based on sustainability politics – are all contributing to an unfolding population crisis and health impacts that favours the rise of robots.

A Holocaust of Christians By Jews: 614 A.D.–An Untold Chapter of History

 By Israel Shamir _ Things move really fast nowadays. Just yesterday we hardly dared to call the Israeli policy of official discrimination against Palestinians by the harsh word ‘Apartheid’.

In 614 local Palestinian Jews allied with their Babylonian co-religionists and assisted the Persians in their conquest of the Holy Land. 26,000 Jews participated in the onslaught.

In the aftermath of the Persian victory, the Jews perpetrated a massive holocaust of the Gentiles of Palestine. They burned the churches and the monasteries, killed monks and priests, burned books.


Yossi Gurwitz - Toxic Talmud Condemns Humanity to Destruction.

The West is trapped in a sophisticated Satanic snare. It has tied its future to Jewish religious fanatics who control Israel.

In order to avoid Kamala Kommunism, Americans must elect Trump who is fully bought and blackmailed by Israel. 

WW3, like WW2, is between the Zionist (Fascist) and Communist wings of Judeo Masonry. 
Yossi Gurwitz - Toxic Talmud Condemns Humanity to Destruction...

The US is a Jewish Vassal State.

Israel and the West are inviting the same treatment as Israel metes out in Gaza and Lebanon.
Israel Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich again calls for Israel's borders to 'extend to Damascus' Smotrich claimed that Israel would expand 'little by little' and eventually encompass all Palestinian territories as well as Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. 
This is what the US has signed on to.
Oct 14 - The US is a Jewish Vassal State...

Mike Stone - Are American Men Brainwashed Pussies?

Mike Stone - Are American Men Brainwashed Pussies? : Have you ever considered the possibility that cowardice is a habit? 
Look at what we recently went through with the phony pandemic. 
An entire nation surrendered without a shot being fired to a non-existent enemy (a phony virus that didn't even exist). 
How could such a thing be possible if cowardice were not...

Israel Holds Humanity Hostage.

Zionists believe they are God's Chosen People. Unless we accept their hegemony, they will blow us up. That is the essence of our predicament: nuclear blackmail. 
The Israeli government has been taken over by religious fanatics who believe civilization must be destroyed in order to ...
Oct 12 - Israel Holds Humanity Hostage...

Hoffman- Yom Kippur Tonight Gives Jews Permission to Deceive

The holiest day in the Jewish Calendar, Yom Kippur, begins this Evening. While less than a third of Jews attend services, even fewer understand the prayer which condones lying and confirms the true satanic nature of Judaism.
Hoffman- Yom Kippur Tonight Gives Jews Permission to Deceive...

You Can't Unsee What I Am About To Show You.


Bill Gates Owns Hurricane Controlling Weather Patents.

 Not only is Bill Gates invested heavily in Tampa's 15-minute-city waterfront project, but he's also the proud patent holder of Hurricane controlling patents. Truth is truly stranger than fiction..

Assimilated Jews Must Say “Include Me Out”.

Cabalist Jews (and Freemasons) are the enemies of the human race.
 Assimilated Jews do not understand that Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanism. 
They don't understand that Judaism is a conspiracy against God and Man. Gaza and Ukraine are both charades designed to start WW3

Freemasons and satanist Jews are on both sides. But assimilated Jews will be blamed unless we take a stand now. 
Oct 10 - Assimilated Jews Must Say “Include Me Out".…

Makow -- Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Theft.

They want to steal everything, especially your soul. We cannot understand our situation unless we understand that we are satanically possessed by Organized Jewry.

You are Servants of the “Jews”.

When Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, it sold the American people into slavery. 
Congress gave the national credit card to Masonic Jewish bankers whose goal is to extend their credit monopoly into a satanic monopoly over literally everything: wealth, power, thought, behavior. 
They intend to depopulate and dispossess the whole world. 
The Plandemic did not work so they are starting WW3. 

Le Grand Danger pour Notre Santé.

 Les dangers des médicaments et des substances chimiques présentes dans notre alimentation sont bien plus graves qu’on ne le pense. Certains traitements contiennent des perturbateurs endocriniens, capables de dérégler le système hormonal et de provoquer des pathologies lourdes. Un exemple marquant est le Distilbène, prescrit dès les années 1950 pour prévenir les fausses couches. Pourtant, ce médicament n’a jamais prouvé son efficacité et a causé des dommages irréversibles chez près de 10 millions de femmes, affectant leur fertilité et leur santé.

Mais le plus inquiétant, c’est que ses effets se sont transmis à leurs enfants et petits-enfants, entraînant des malformations, des cancers, et d’autres maladies qui continuent de se manifester 70 ans après. Un véritable scandale sanitaire, malheureusement encore méconnu.

Ce problème se retrouve dans l’élevage industriel. Les hormones de croissance utilisées chez les veaux et les poulets posent des questions sanitaires tout aussi graves. Depuis les années 1980, leur usage massif a créé un scandale, mais les autorités continuent de fermer les yeux. Aujourd’hui, des traités comme le CETA entre l’UE et le Canada permettent encore l’importation de viandes traitées aux hormones, malgré les risques pour les consommateurs.

Pire encore, de nouvelles pratiques apparaissent, telles que les vaccins hormonaux pour castrer les porcs, toujours sans cadre réglementaire clair. Les autorités sanitaires restent passives, laissant les intérêts économiques dominer. Combien de temps encore accepterons-nous de sacrifier la santé publique pour le profit ?...

Oct 6 - Edging Toward Apocalypse

The goal of this charade is to bring about an apocalypse as foretold in Satanic Jewish (Cabalist) prophecy. Israel will be destroyed because Organized Jewry does not need a "national homeland." They control every important nation through Freemasonry. The whole world is their national home.
Oct 6 - Edging Toward Apocalypse...